GnosticAwakening 3 points ago +3 / -0

The goal is pre-emptive strike before they try to secede in order to prevent civil war.

Civil War benefits the Left only, as they seek an international invasion under guise of UN peacekeeping - WWIII on American soil.

Trump needs to arrest domestic enemy leadership in one covert strike, especially to secure the military - then we can turn our focus outwards to face the UN as a united force.

GnosticAwakening 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've heard that Trump cut a deal related to impeachment by putting Barr into play. His job is to sit on his ass and do nothing.

Trump seems to believe he is weak and compromised, but also decent, and may rise to the occasion in "a number of weeks"

GnosticAwakening 3 points ago +3 / -0

The media and Biden's team have been signalling two things strongly: "Dark Winter" and "BBB".

C21 as imagined could achieve financial collapse, and certainly doesn't rule out a grid down scenario as well.

Of course I don't know this is the case, but that is the picture which emerges when I put the pieces together. This would also be their most effective course of action, so far as I can envision.

Thanks for the link. There's quite a bit of good info on the Dark Winter signalling. If you want a link I can dig one up for you.

Edit: Good video, thanks. Seems you're already familiar with Dark Winter signalling. I could see a grid/cyber attack being opportune for a coup and global destabilization. Perhaps the coup de gras in conjunction with bio warfare escalation.

I wonder if mRNA will magically work on C21 as well, so long as you bend the knee. I also wonder who/what they would blame for a grid/cyber attack, as it would be appear far more nefarious than a "natural" pandemic.

GnosticAwakening 4 points ago +4 / -0

(Operation) "Dark Winter" has been signalled as the event, which is a bio attack on Americans, for which C19 would be laying the foundation.

Likely called mutation C21, it will be C19 but with high mortality, perhaps 50%, as per signalling, and released by January.

The goal being a Communistic purge of Trump supporters, now conditioned for infection, without firing a bullet and bypassing the 2A.

GnosticAwakening 10 points ago +10 / -0

Global communist revolution

GnosticAwakening 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sadly they are also playing 4D chess. They have conditioned patriots to be susceptible to their dark winter covid 21 attack.

We will reject lockdowns, masks and Vax. Normies will live and we will die.

This is the great communist cull of all western patriots.

This is how they win.

They no longer need our guns. They have our brains.

GnosticAwakening 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is excellent

thedonald.win is also compiling evidence to sent to legal on their front page

GnosticAwakening 3 points ago +3 / -0

I do believe the goal is to have COVID-21 kill off Patriots

If I were them I would want to force people to choose between a tainted but effective vaccine and death

This would be a more sophisticated communist culling than with bullets... which they lack the manpower for anyhow

The solution would be having a clean vaccine alternative, which I think Trump is working on... or, stopping C21 release, which seems impossible

GnosticAwakening 2 points ago +2 / -0

If nothing else, it was good optics for the duopoly

GnosticAwakening 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah that's a weird story. 2008 the horned beasts began multiplying. Calling Obama the Antichrist? Lol

It's so wacky that I'd think it coded comms and just playfully names the deep state as cover.

Metaphorically speaking it doesn't seem to say anything new.

GnosticAwakening 2 points ago +2 / -0

We take hints from Q, not orders. We dont need leadership to do our own research.

Trump is our President.

GnosticAwakening 4 points ago +4 / -0

COVID-19 was seemingly engineered as a dress rehearsal for COVID-21, which will be labeled a mutation, but be the real weapon.

I'm guessing the mutation will start in America, as we're the primary target.

GnosticAwakening 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its the potential for a COVID-21 "mutation" that scares me. That's the play, so far as I can see.

GnosticAwakening 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah, disappointing. Gematria, at least as I've seen it popularly used, is fundamentally illogical and is not a cypher but more like casting runes.

Of course saying ABC = 123 is valid, but once you begin manipulating 123 without any codex/rule, then 123 can become the limit of mental gymnastics and fundamentally invalid.

If casting off logic, then ABC/123 alone has 36 variations to pick & choose from using addition alone. Then if you treat the number 123 as a Gematria summation, you would have, on average, ~10 letters to form any thought from the entire alphabet.

If weighted for linguistic letter value vs Gematria value (a is used more than z) then this number would easily be closer to ~20.

Point being, I could easily scour Trump's tweets to find Hail Satan in abundance, if that's what I were looking for.

GnosticAwakening 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've never done a deep dive on Johnson, but he's well known for regularly "joking" about eating children... sometimes, not so jokingly.

He apparently whispered in a young girl's ear that he wanted to eat her, among known cases.

His charisma apparently comes from psychopathy, as is the case with many of them. Pubic & private opposites.

GnosticAwakening 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only just noticed the GOP pentagrams yesterday. Apparently they did it all the way back in 2000 as Bush took office. Weird how it's not better know and not criticized publicly.

GnosticAwakening 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine if she gives up her entire blackmail stash..... that would be the biggest political event of Western Civilization (not counting wars obv)

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