Ya, your right. A soldier coming back from war or a battle doesn't know what to do with themselves. I dont want the r&r. I want these 2.5 months to fly by so we can get right back in it.
Ya that's how I feel. Ita a relief, but it's not the goal. I'm not satisfied like everyone else cheering like we just won a war.
That made me feel better why I'm not feeling celebratory
Great explanation. Your completely right. Today was a landing. The victory is inauguration day. That just sparked me. Thank you. The win is inauguration day for me I think. That's the celebration. Even though we still have work after that.
Your right. We've seen alot. We actually are in a war. It's different than battlefield killing. That's wayyyyyy worse. But we are experiencing some of the same mental reactions on a lower level.
If that gets fixed for next president, we could be total red.
Feels like a dream. I keep thinking I'm gonna wake up and have to go to work and the election hasn't happened yet. I've never experienced these emotions in my entire 43 year life.
Yep, what you just said is exactly how I feel. So odd. I'm like the biggest trump supporter in my whole circle. Everyone is confused with my attitude. I need to learn how to fake it better for the normies. They need support.
I think we are all strong people on here.
Ya maybe it's a little of that too. No more anticipation. The big event is over. It went so smooth without drama, it kind of shocked some of us maybe. Also we have maybe lived, thought and dreamt all these feelings already and when it happened it was just ok.... blah. On to the next chapter. Hahaha
Ya your right. Thank you. I'm usually so strong. I still am. But today surprised me. I guess just being semi emotionless isn't the worst reaction I could have. I've handled the last 15 years pretty well. I'm just not used to being without emotion. I'm usually very emotional. I gamble a bit for fun. Sometimes I go to bed before a game is done. I wake up the same as I did today and check my phone for the bet. Sometimes it says +$200 win. I jump up and yell and celebrate 1st thing in the morning. I Send my wife and buds the win. Today's win was a million times bigger than a gambling win and I didn't jump up or do anything. No celebration. Hahaha. So weird.
Thank you all. This is actually helping me. I have no one that understands what I'm feeling. I feel like i have the whole world on my shoulders for my family and friends.
I was on vacation from work and today was my 1st day back. Maybe that had something to do with it too hahaha.
Yes, i feel ya. It does feel too good to be true. It happened though. Yes there has to be some big disruptances soon. No way is the ds laying down yet.
Thank you. Maybe this is a stress reaction. Like a I can't believe this big event just happened feeling. It has felt like a dream all day. I usually never get like this. I do know it's not over. My parents are super pumped. They think this is the win of wins and it's over and we are all SAVED!!!! I dont think that at all. This is just the beginning of a new era. We just crossed over a new phase to begin.
Ya that's what I thought a little bit. I've already felt the emotions before he even got elected. Even though I've doomed on here, I've always known deep down this was the path. He wins somehow. All the normie Republicans around me are celebrating. I know what's coming. I think at least. Maybe I should just fake a little bit of excitement for them. I'm just so hardened over the last 15 years of this.
These are great
Ya people need to see the real numbers. People need to go to jail.
Very good. Just finished.
Rumble link anyone? I can't find it.
Yep, this.
How long does it have to turn in my warrants for the stock? Is there an expiration date? I use to know. I forgot what it is.
Ya your right. That's kind of how I feel. Thanks.