Goth_Mom 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting. Replica AF1 used to be with Evergreen International Airlines. Could not make this up!

Goth_Mom 0 points ago +1 / -1

If I was a batcrap crazy, tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist then I would say "Yes, exactly this!".

Goth_Mom 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was watching that site last night - GITMO0845 popped up, took off from Jacksonville, FL around 20:30 UK time, heading south but went off radar around 20:55. Interesting call sign for a number of reasons . . .

Goth_Mom 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hi from the UK. It's clear from all the other comments, that you are not alone in your feelings of 'isolation'. However that probably doesn't help you, to know that. It's much worse in the UK, as we are further behind in terms of waking up than you guys. Orange Man is still very, very bad, despite the evidence - the BBC has the monopoly of 'news' broadcasting here and it is considered blasphemous to say that the BBC is fake news. Countrywide lockdown is forcing everyone to stay at home - I'm stuck with my husband who is 100% sheep. So, all I can do is seek out like minded people around the world online, GAB is great, there's a few Brits still left on Twatter too. But, like other has advised, get out in nature, try to cut out drink, go for 1:1 strains if you need to smoke (Fresh Candy or Nebula is great), try to let go of the anger and PRAY. One day we will all be united, it will be glorious. Until then, just stay calm and do things to enrich your life. Take care x

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