Looking for work in SE Michigan. I won't wear a mask or have any of my rights violated. If you are looking for someone please let me know I am desperate. I have 10 years of Landscaping and was a horticulturalist for 5 years. My last option before I take drastic measures.


Looking for work in SE Michigan. I won't wear a mask or have any of my rights violated. If you are looking for someone please let me know I am desperate. I have 10 years of Landscaping and was a horticulturalist for 5 years. My last option before I take drastic measures.

What if we only have to work a couple days a week in the future? What if we already made enough money for the world to just be able to use and share what is already been produced? What would you do with all the extra time you would have if you didn't have to worry about making money? Just thinking about how I would like to see the future.