The fact that this is finally being brought to light is making me happy. I talk about this all the time. People just tell me it was the time and in order to survive they just gave up their kids. I just don't buy it. We all know 100million people died over seas in the 1800s. Are these the kids taken and brought here to be developed into the working nation that we have today? How come someone from New York decided to send all the kids to the farmers in the west? So many questions and the elders don't believe it could be any different than the stories they were taught. Even when you compare it to all the children dumped at our border now. They don't understand why parents would give up their kids. But I can't find a way to show them it is the same thing.
I have peruvian torch and brigdsii are what I have. I have not tried them yet. My go to shrooms are the Tampanensis. All hobby for personal use only. My edibles get me in enough trouble with people not familiar with them.
I was the assistant of the irrigation tech when I was a horticulturalist I would like to install and repair sprinklers.
I do grow weed, cactuses, and make edibles and pain cream but I won't give my corrupt state money to have a license so I sell it underground to feed me and my pets. I also grow shrooms. I am a very smart just refuse to be part of the system anymore.
Have you looked for a job in the online world. It is all AI recruiters trying to fill positions for corporate America.
I do work for free for elderly. I hate getting paid to make peoples yards look good. I want to do it because I like my planet not because I need to live.
1666 Had a lot of interesting things about it.
GME shill. Buy and hold.
Exactly my thoughts. Who does this stuff and how does it make sense? Lets just draw a much of lines and arrows to words that are the same and say "look proof". Just like the date fags.
So we just gonna watch an empty stadium for the next year while they diddle around the law? This is getting to the point where people are about to start taking things into their own hands and telling the authorities where to stick it. The police can't do anything without some group saying they were in the wrong. I think we should just let everyone freak out kill each other and when the dust settles maybe people will realize how stupid they were. Just my opinion.
How many elections do we go back is my question? How do we know who is currently elected is legit from 2016 or 2018 or 2020.
They tried and people realized how dumb it is when many people don't use cash. This lasted like 2 months before no one even paid attention. The Covid scare still has everyone in a tizzy though.
If only I had a job to do this with. I have to get by the facemask nazi at the door first just to see if its a viable work place. Its been over a year and still no luck.
Still haven't bought one or wore one here in Michigan can't understand why everyone is so afraid.
He had a prototype stolen on a trip back from Europe a couple years ago. Airlines never located it. Still hasn't turned up to this day. Was testing it with some other riders from the company. Kinda crazy to think someone would steal a bike but now I guess they probably had some kind of racing advantage or something.
Just found out my brother in-law who works in the sales department at Trek bikes has 4 or 5 containers on that ship and he is waiting on information on when it will be released. Lots of stuff on that boat.
My father told me this after I presented him with a blank form. I told him there is not enough agents to get us all. They can try but they will fail.
I bet my house nothing big happens that wakes up the stupid people.
I was seeing a lot more people talking about getting vaccinated in the streaming community. Now I know why.
I talked about this 20 years ago and people still look at me like I am dumb. I have giving up trying to talk to people.
The worst one.....Michigan.
Its already no vac no job. I can't get work anywhere and unemployment is run dry. Might be time to burn the house down.
I wish she would of said there are only vaginas and penises not sure what else there would be.