I have watched many videos of horrible reactions to vaccines this week. With DJT/Q having insight to the future, how could DJT celebrate rushing dangerous, untested vaccines to the public? I mean, how can this be part of the plan to have people suffer these horrible reactions or worse? Is this part of the "they must be SHOWN" philosophy? I can't fathom that.
With rumors of DJT returning us from the fiat Federal Reserve Note to a gold-backed Treasury Note...
►Is anyone buying physical silver or gold to barter with?
►What might happen with the stock market?
►What if the power or internet goes out and banks and ATM's are not available?
If you are too young to remember hearing Paul Harvey's radio show, he was a national treasure that Americans looked forward to every weekday. Pure intellect, faith and wisdom. Recorded in 1965, and so very applicable today. He saw this coming.