I have read many posts on this subject, but I have yet to find a simple routine. I am on day three of horse paste. Currently taking 1 dose per day, about the length of a Lima bean (175 lbs). Current plan is 7 days on, skip a week, and repeat one more time to get rid of any stragglers.
What is YOUR recommendation? Did you feel healthier afterward?
Having trouble finding a link to above documentary about DJT. Can you help?
I have always wondered if I am alone over here. I'm in Oregon City, a short and seemingly safe distance from Portland which I consider a NOGO zone. We were a red state before dems pushed through Vote by Mail in 1998. Besides Portland and Eugene, the state is STILL red.
What part of Oregon are you from, and what do you see out there?
I hope this this is deep fake. Lefty friend sent me this tik tok video. Anybody know anything?
Heads up apes! I love a good sale. See you on the moon...
Sorry about YT link. It is the TESLA channel. You can watch on your YT TV app or phone etc. Easy way to watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G2idipbY2s
$9.99 for a brief moment today. I'm still diamond hands and HODL. If you've been waiting to buy the dip, now might be a good time. DRS!! I buy direct from Computershare for that reason..
Business partner finally opened his eyes to fake Biden tonight after watching "Who the Eff Are You" video montage (frame by frame with me) briefly showing many anomalies with Biden eye color, face, mask failures, fake AF1, troops not saluting, inauguration etc.
Now he is willing to watch more. PLEASE, need your suggestions and links for similar moderate length videos. Thanks :-)
With banks failing all over, why are silver coins still hovering under $22? All day I hear people saying BUY but silver rounds still sell for $25.
ALSO, any thoughts on GME (GameStop) being in the mid teens? Time to buy the dip?
I am sick and tired of how SLOW and STUPID the current verbal voting process is!
WHY cant reps simply push a button or use a phone app and have the vote done in minutes instead of hours??? Same for voting on all bills. So effing lame.
I'm still HODL, but have questions and would like your opinions :-)
Does DRS'ing shares with CS still matter post-split? I haven't DRS'd yet.
What happens if the fed implodes and we return to treasury notes? Could that affect apes and MOASS?
Do you think MOASS will happen before or after fed change? Please chimp in.
PS: I have two DOWNVOTES on this post!! WTH?
We just went from "two more weeks" to "two more years". I am trying so hard to hold on, and I really needed to see something tonight. My health is declining, and I wonder if I will ever see my country saved in my lifetime. Yes, disinfo required. Follow the plan. This really hurts.
Rush was like John the Baptist on AM radio. I discovered him in 1988 when he went nationwide. I believe he was in part a significant progenitor of Q.
I listened to him almost everyday while detailing cars on my own. I took my Dad to "Dan's Bake Sale" in Fort Collins, CO. Anyone remember that? Such a good time.
For now, we have neither Rush nor Q. However, we have this precious forum to maintain hope for the future, and keep our sanity while things play out.
To everyone on GAW, I love you all.
STATE FARM was recently caught providing LGBQT+ "GenderCool" grooming books to schools and libraries nationwide. Also promoting pride/trans events all over.
My based State Farm agent is horrified and has lost half his clients. Told him to get me a written apology from corporate + a one year refund for spending my premiums on that vile BS. Not holding my breath. Nice guy in a horrible situation.
Tonight, I called AAA for a quote. I have roadside coverage with. Turns out they are even worse. I looked al over internet and don't see ANY clean options.
Are there ANY MAGA insurance providers for home-renters-auto. Anyone??
My dad now 80 has declining memory since taking the J&J shot a year ago. For example, he is having trouble recalling common street names near his house. I have searched thoroughly GAW but find no results, which surprises me.
Can Ivermectin or HCQ help? MTC oil? Anything? Your input please!
Learned my STATE FARM premiums were being spent to indoctrinate kindergartners into the LGBQ+ community. Emailed my agent. I said we are DONE.
He called next day and sincerely explained he 100% disagrees with all the trans BS, and lost significant clientele. Retirement now delayed. (Unlike a broker, he is a "captive agent" so he can't take his clients elsewhere.) Nice guy in a tight spot.
(BTW: Michael L. Tipsord, President of State Farm makes 20M per year.)
Follow up email to my agent tonight:
Hi [my agent],
Thank you for your sincere call. I see we are on the same page, however State Farm does not get a pass on this. After much thought, I will keep coverage with you if I can get a genuine heart-felt, hand-written (pen on paper) apology from Tipsord or a national level executive. Not a fake "We're sorry if you were offended” email apology from Groomer Relations.
Alternatively, I might consider a credit or refund for six month’s coverage (now that I know where my hard-earned money has been going). Let me know what you can do.
Sincerely, [my name]