Hrc is smarter then Bidenbama. they need puppets.
Q bashing on all time high now. While we were and are all more MAGA then on tdw where dooming was trending.
It's a photo ops glowie
Happy 1st 2021 Qday fren.
Nothing is what it seems.
Down in the Netherlands also.
TOPKEK, can i steal this ?
I do think that also fren. Keep calm ( in the storm ).
I partly agree, maybe let them be and stay at TDW. doomers gonna doom. I think this recent Q bashing was started bij Alex jones's recent attack on us.
I partly agree, maybe let them be and stay at TDW. doomers gonna doom. I think this recent Q bashing was started bij Alex jones's recent attack on us.
Very true fren, thanks. There are enough red pills to share tho (if they're willing to look further).
Nothing is what it seems.
Classical Latrunculi (Ludus latrunculorum or the Game of Little Soldiers) was an ancient strategy game played throughout the Roman Empire (27 BC - 1453 AD). Petteia in ancient Greek
Latrunculi XXI is a variation of the ancient Roman game, expanding on the classical rules and adding new tactics which allow a modern 'XXI' (a.k.a. 21st) century player to force a win on his/her opponent, while minimizing the number of draws or blocked positions.
Latrunculi XXI is played with light and dark pieces, checkers or stones to represent the soldiers, and a 2nd piece to identify the Dux (Leader or King). It can be played in various size boards: 8x8, 10x8 or 12x8.
The objective is to immobilize the opponent's Dux, to stalemate him, or to annihilate his army.
A lot of the Dutch are fed up with how government misuse their power, clearly not working for but against the people. Q has been a significant part of red pilling people and to get us to ask questions and dig up intell. Personally i think because of Bilderberg most Dutch also believe there's more going on then we are told.
L8 maybe, havent seen larger boards haha
Massive if true, hoping massiveness here.
Because i am Dutch 0o -
AF was a code used in WW2 to bait the Japanese fleet at Midway. It was a turning point in the war. US navy on purpose leaked info to see if the Japanese fell for it. watch from the start. Jeffrey always got good intell as former DIA agent. watch other (older) posts from him for more background info.
and shot down in Ukranian airspace, always found that weird.
thanks for the info, the link i shared is just because i follow and very much like the "we the people insider" channel on yt. i'm not part of that channel just a follower. is it because i put " say TD (the Donald) sent you? just wanted to get the site out there.
rolled in via Medic,Sather and more. early 2018 , following the commen sense, due to the Salty Cracker i came across TDW a 1,5 week or something before GAW was created. TDW is ok guys, don't get to hard on the Pedes. i think we should communicate our Q findings there without to much Q if you get my drift. -->Salty Army Dutch Division<--