I am the original poster: Permit me to explain.
This post is not about JFK jr. , nothing about him.
I am suggesting that this twitter account named @John_F_Kennedy was created as an alternate means of posting a critical message once POTUS twitter account was removed per Q post 4414.
The twitter account depicted says @John_F_Kennedy, who like JFK jr, is dead.
Obviously someone created this account who is alive.
I can prove nothing, but it would seem to me that if Q post 4414 "RED1: POTUS twitter removal" is the beginning event of a series, then a Twitter account would be created that could serve as an alternate means of posting the critical message "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......." ref Q post 55 Nov2,2017 when the time is right.
And this @John_F_Kennedy twitter account was created 5 months after Q post 55 in March 2018.
Q post 55 only says:
"Look to Twitter:
Exactly this: "MY FELLOW AMERICANS, THE STORM is upon us......."
God bless." hence, not reliant on POTUS original twitter account.
With the present direction of the Washington DC establishment, the choices are subjugation and servitude or a struggle to re-establish our republic and re-assert the unlienable rights endowed to us by our Creator. It is every bit as serious a choice as Patrick Henry said: "Give me liberty or give me death."
Anonymous 01/04/21 (Mon) 16:02:16 4672ad (2) No.12316465 >>12316485 >>12316519 >>12316673
12316422 Can anyone make out what’s on potus’ phone? Yes: "It came down to two choices for America: launch a military coup to seize the government from whichever cabal puppet was in the White House at the time, or win legitimately, take control of the NSA, expose the criminals for what they are and arrest them all,"
He is risking his own life, and the lives of his family. But he has decided that this is a hill worth dying on. Thank you, Lin Wood. You are a man of courage and righteousness.
As Patton said "Our job is not to give our lives for our country. Our job is to make the other poor bastards [DS] give their lives..." The fight is still on!
Agree. It appears to me that the plan is sequenced, and dates planned, but driven by both moves and countermoves, which can accelerate or delay the following steps. Nevertheless, it seems apparent to me that a lot will be happening within the next 4 weeks, ie between now and 20 Jan 2021.
Bill Clinton's Secret Service code name: Eagle https://www.britannica.com/list/secret-service-code-names-of-10-us-presidents
She is indeed painted into a corner by her own doing. Trump can simply pocket veto the Omnibus bill, or any bill following it which fails to meet his appoval, and it will expire with the present Congress on January 3, 2021, so long as enough House Republicans deny her the 2/3rds super-majority needed to override.
I'm looking for that message too. Maybe I took a stretch too far. Blessings to you, TNBanoMan.