It's weird human categorization of the variety of human conditions. 99% of it could be chocked up to "he's just weird". Lotersl childless cat ladies coming up with label after label for no actual reason. People eat it up because then they don't ever have to confront their shortcomings. It's not "I need to get better self control and stop being crazy" it's "I have adhd"
Most signs you are seeing are made up bullshit anyways not sure why people here put much stock in doctors diagnosing any of this made up shit
Not being an active faggot
Fair, yet posted here unironically...
Is the screaming supposed to help his point? This is retarded
Yet that's not going to come across with how commie Gabbard said it. It's a dumb talking point to try and pick up, we shouldn't go more left on criminal justice. You are ceding ground in the fight to win some shitty point that most people don't give a fuck about
No you are missing my point. It doesn't matter what actually happened. Saying that vlaxks are disproportionately impacted by anything crime related is stupid. Try some reading instead of just arguing
You aren't telling the truth though, black people were involved more because they commit more crime, picking up the lefts talking point as if blacks are effected more is retarded
Exactly, and it's completely retarded to pick up this attack line since that's the case. Attacking her for her record as prosecutor is stupid in general
It's dumb, and show it was targeted at blacks for any reason other than that they committed crimes. Conservatives are stupid to think this strategy will work on anyone.
Yeah, when it makes you adopt their stance of "blacks are impacted more by cops" is dumb to use their argument here. Man conservatives truly are retards
Unfortunately if Trump uses this attack line it "confirms" that blacks are disproportionately impacted by the justice system, which simply isn't true. Hopefully conservatives don't go more left on more issues but we know they will
Yeah, and you choose to push propaganda from a murderous regime of cult following nutcases
God doesn't need my support, I need his. You've got this whole thing backwards and need to stop covering for a murderous and backwards ideology
It's denying human nature to ever act like life will be this way. We can't create paradise on Earth, since the fall in the garden we will always have strife. But acting as if it is just the same on both sides is absurd, look at the teachings of each religion and the truth is revealed. Islam openly cpmmands the deaths of the non-believers.
Yep, and that evil is the entirety of Islam which is founded as enemies of God
Okay, but we're discussing Islamic aggression not inter religion wars. Jesus would've tried for peace certainly, but Islam does not have peace until all nonbelievers are dead
No, it won't, until they become Christian they will continue lying to deceive us as Muhammad told them too. War will.never end on Earth, did you read the story of the tower of Babel
Mormons are a cult and not actually Christian since they deny the trinity
Also the crusades were just responses to Muslim aggression.
Islam was founded as such. Comparing the current Pope to the fictional Muhammad, the anti-Christ based on how he supposedly founded Islam is a nonsensical comparison. It also falls flat because I'm not catholic so who gives a fuck, fuck the pope as well
You've read the Quran in Arabic huh? Or you heard those things from people commanded by their prophet to lie in order to conquer you
ADHD is mostly a product of eating shitty food and expecting children to sit for 7 hours a day