How to fix an erection (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 SHITPOST 💩
posted ago by Heldiggrisen ago by Heldiggrisen
BullSchiff (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Heldiggrisen ago by Heldiggrisen
Equal justice? Part 2 (media.greatawakening.win) 🧠 These people are stupid!
posted ago by Heldiggrisen ago by Heldiggrisen

I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

Trumps announcement of this weeks travel itinerary, it’s made for some DS wacko to off him outside of the courthouse.

But what if it’s a white hat ff? Trump “killed”, 10 days “darnkess”, ends Friday 14th with the resurrection and suicide weekend.

Wouldn’t that be biblical?

Sorry about the datefagging, but I need some hopium, even if I must create it myself.

TN shooter identified (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 SHITPOST 💩
posted ago by Heldiggrisen ago by Heldiggrisen

The Diamond Princess is a British-registered luxury and cruise ship that is operated by Princess Cruises, a holiday company based in the United States and Bermuda. In February 2020, during a cruise of the Western Pacific, cases of COVID-19 were detected on board. The vessel was quarantined off Japan for two weeks, after which all remaining passengers and crew were evacuated

1045 Crew and 2666 passengers, 712 infected, 14 died (all 60+ y.o), told me this pandemic wasn’t a big deal for young people (the crew escaped unharmed”).


University of Umeå here in Sweden published an article stating that the The basic reproduction rate was initially 4 times higher on-board compared to the Epicentre of Wuhan.


So 14/712(died/infected), 712/3711(infected/total) and 14/3711(died/total) with a 4x reproduction rate, and an average age of dead people at 70+ years, told me that this was no more dangerous than the flu.

The Diamond Princess is a hugely important story, preserving the true nature and statistics regarding C19. Well documented before they were able to rewrite history with “fake” C19 deaths and false PCR-tests.

Interesting thread about the $1 Trillion Coin (twitter.com) 🤡 LITERAL SHITCOIN 🤡
posted ago by Heldiggrisen ago by Heldiggrisen

The remedy the Brunson case is asking for is not constitutional.

The Legislative Branch (Congress) is the only one with the power to remove sitting members of the other two branches—or sitting members of Congress itself.

Imagine if SCOTUS could remove members of the other two branches?

Trump wouldn’t have last a second as POTUS.

Nailed it (media.greatawakening.win) 🔍 Notable
posted ago by Heldiggrisen ago by Heldiggrisen

According to Bob Good (R/VA), there will be 10-15 members blocking McCarthy tomorrow. He says they have an America First candidate that will be on the second ballot for Speaker. He says if they would’ve put forth the new name, that person would’ve suffered attacks and retaliation over the last few weeks.

Trump would certainly blow the libs minds, but I really doubt he’s the one they’re talking about.

Source: Bob Good on Fox News. Video here on Telegram: https://t.me/MistyG17/28321


Is this the biblical event Q is talking about? Russia using the Poseidon torpedo somewhere to create a flood wave?

From EWillHelpYou on Telegram.


Over the weekend a note was leaked out of Italy, where-in NATO intelligence is warning members that Russia's Belgorod has been deployed.

The K-329 Belgorod is also affectionately called the Doomsday Submarine and was born out of the top secret Russian weapons program called Project Losharik.

Russia's Belgorod nuclear submarine is capable of using specialized drones called Poseidons that travel up to 6,000 miles underwater to their intended target, and detonate a force of 2+ megatons, equivalent to 130 times the amount of energy of the hiroshima incident. This can create a "toxic wave", thousands of feet high, and flood coastal cities with highly irradiated water. Effectively turning them into nuclear wasteland.

Previous successful tests have been carried out by Russian forces with much smaller payloads, in order to create waves like this, but the Poseidon drone program itself has never been openly tested and US/NATO intelligence is unclear on their full capacity.


One of our main missions as digital soldiers are to consolidate and comfort our fellow people when the storm hits.

In needs to be done gently, so starting talking about lizard people in Antarctica is probably not the best of ideas?

Anybody has an idea on what to be shown to our fellow men to ease the awakening?

In my book, a short 101 of devolution for dummies is a must, also a short history of Q.

Any ideas to make my job easier?

The product should be short, shar and to the point.

Mike Pence first arrest? (media.greatawakening.win) 🗣️ DISCUSSION 💬
posted ago by Heldiggrisen ago by Heldiggrisen
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