There's some new shill tactics going on. Theres an uptick in lazy screenshotted articles making big claims ... without sharing the article. Some of this is just laziness but another scheme ive noticed is that they will share the link in the article down in the comments only for it to 404 allowing them to pass off their nonsense and when asked claim censorship. Ive seen this exact method used more then once this week. Is someone rushing in to post a comment on these and trying to confirm the OPs claims again with only claiming to have seen the alleged article? Then you should be skeptical of the info pushed. They seem to be working in teams doing this to muddy the water, clog the feed, and hopefully boost the OPs claim legitimacy (whatever it supposedly was). It also seems to occur far more frequently with the "omg Kharzarian Jooos" crowd. Interpret that however youd like but it seems kind COININTELPROish

Lately we have a giant uptick in foreign posts which isnt necessarily a bad thing but requires even greater skepticism and caution because most western audeinces are unable to rank the legitimacy of the source due to it being unfamiliar. If you are upvoting something in russian without translating it or without even the ability to translate it (scanned documents are a good example) ...stop it. These posts usually come with some high claims attached in the title again with no way to verify aside from someone on the internet swearing its totally true. if you cant read it and are going off only what OP told you without a way to translate yourself you are essentially taking CNNs word for it.

People who bring forth legit claims are never shy about sauce and dont have to be asked for it usually. They dont make up excuses and they dont think you should just take their word for it and get offended when you dont.

Shills however are the exact opposite. Its an info war frens. Youve gotta be very dilligent and methodical with how you consume and analyze info of any kind.


Translated from German. Original link at bottom, orginal link may or may not need to be translated again (not sure if it will carry over from my browser).

"The Russian war of aggression is forcing the church to rethink its peace ethic. The Catholic bishops stressed that supplying arms to Ukraine was "in principle legitimate".

The evangelical church made a similar statement.At their spring meeting, the Catholic bishops condemned the Russian war of aggression and unreservedly supported the Ukrainians. They also consider arms deliveries to be justified. According to a statement by the German Bishops' Conference (DBK), "deliveries of arms to Ukraine, which serve to enable the attacked country to exercise its right to self-defense, which is guaranteed under international law and also affirmed by the church's peace ethic," are "basically legitimate". It was written at the end of their spring plenary assembly in the Franconian pilgrimage site of Vierzehnheiligen near Bad Staffelstein.

It goes on to say: "But it is up to those who have to make the decision to think carefully about what they are doing and possibly doing with it. This applies equally to those who support and oppose arms deliveries."The war in Ukraine also puts Christian peace ethics to the test. "In its teaching and in its actions, the church is committed to Jesus' non-violence. Even in the hour of distress, it must therefore resolutely resist the temptation to use unlimited violence," says the DBK statement. "Violence and counter-violence, even when legitimate, drive a spiral of violence that regularly spirals out of control."

====================================== Kurschus: Only prayers and compassion are not enoughThe chairwoman of the council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), Annette Kurschus, made a similar statement. She thinks it is difficult to turn down the demand for arms supplies when people cannot defend themselves on their own. "But arms deliveries do not guarantee the end of the violence that we want," said the Westphalian President to the Evangelical Press Service epd.Kurschus emphasized the dilemma of the Church's position. "However we position ourselves: We cannot keep a clean slate in this situation." She thinks it's cynical to say that prayer and compassion for the people of Ukraine should be enough. "I can understand that Ukraine is being supported in its self-defense. It's a real dilemma." But the churches should not evade this by remaining silent and absolving themselves of responsibility.

Kurschus also said that against the background of the Ukraine war, the Protestant peace ethic had to be subjected to "a critical examination" and discussed again."War is a defeat of humanity"In their statement, the Catholic bishops also objected to attempts by the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Cyril of Moscow to defend the Russian invasion. "All true religion rejects war. It is a defeat of humanity." Whoever triggers it willfully commits a crime before God and man. In its teaching and in its actions, the church is committed to Jesus' non-violence

The chairman of the bishops' conference, Georg Bätzing, emphasized at a press conference at the end of the spring plenary assembly of the bishops that there was great ecumenical agreement in rejecting the war. The bishops called for determination from western democracies and help for the victims. "Everyone feels that the invasion of Ukraine is also an attack on Europe and its values," says the four-page text. Europe would do well to prepare for a long and difficult debate. "An attitude of determination and clarity, beyond hysteria and tactical maneuvering, is required to meet this challenge."

Original: https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/bischoefe-waffenlieferungen-ukraine-krieg-103.html


Found something juicy in an old article? Instead of a screenshot ... share the article so we can all verify for ourselves and scrutinize the info being presented. Were in the middle of an info war. We have been fed all sorts of nonsense and one of our best defenses is asking for sauce.

Does your twitter screenshot have any sort of proof or sauce tied to it or is it just some random persons opinion on twitter? Again, share the LINK to the tweet and not just a screen screenshot unless its obviously just someones opinion. If thats the case then frame it as such instead of pretending its confirmed.

Great claims require great proof. The burden of proof rests on the parties making the claim.

Sauce is crucual. Ask for sauce. Just because you assume everyone here has the best of intentions and wouldn't betray your trust does not remotely mean thats the case. If we just start taking everyone's "word for it" or taking everything at face value were no different then the idiots that watch cnn and believe all the unverified nonsense they see on twitter.



#ukraines far-right svoboda party holds torch march https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-25571805

#the rise of Ukraines far-right nationalists https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-20824693

#ukraines far-right party jeopardizes Ukraine's path to democracy https://theconversation.com/far-right-party-jeopardises-ukraines-path-to-democracy-23999

#ukrainian ultranationalist party Svoboda, a history of violence https://news.yahoo.com/ukrainian-ultranationalist-party-svoboda-history-violence-211617262.html

#the dark side of the Ukraine revolt https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/dark-side-ukraine-revolt/

#7 decades of Nazi Collaboration: America's dirty little ukraine secret https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/seven-decades-nazi-collaboration-americas-dirty-little-ukraine-secret/tnamp/

#Ukrainian jews worry that rise of Svoboda party will bring anti-semitism back into vogue https://www.jta.org/2013/04/26/global/ukrainian-jews-worry-that-rise-of-svoboda-party-will-bring-anti-semitism-back-into-vogue

#Ukrainians veer toward right-wing nationalism https://www.dw.com/en/ukrainians-veer-toward-right-wing-nationalism/a-16446159

#Svobodda thugs attack head of Ukrainian national television https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/03/20/side-m20.html

#is the US backing neo-Nazis in Ukraine? https://www.salon.com/2014/02/25/is_the_us_backing_neo_nazis_in_ukraine_partner/

#In Ukraine, fascists, oligarchs, and western expansion are at the heart of the crisis https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/29/ukraine-fascists-oligarchs-eu-nato-expansion

#John McCain went to Ukraine and stood on stage with a man accused of being an anti-semitic neo-nazi https://www.businessinsider.com/john-mccain-meets-oleh-tyahnybok-in-ukraine-2013-12?op=1

#Ukrainian interior minister blames Tyahnbok, his Svoboda party for riots outside Rada https://interfax.com/newsroom/top-stories/35107/

#WaPo uses photo of John McCain next to Nazi to praise his "Human Rights" work https://fair.org/home/john-mccain-human-rights-ukrainian-nazi-photo-washington-post/

#A US-backed, far right led revolution in Ukraine helped bring us to the bring of War https://jacobinmag.com/2022/02/maidan-protests-neo-nazis-russia-nato-crimea

#Analysis: US cozies up to Kiev government including the far-right https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/ukraine-crisis/analysis-u-s-cozies-kiev-government-including-far-right-n66061

#Ukraine's ultra-nationalists present a need for US caution https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/eugene-robinson-ukraines-ultra-nationalists-present-a-need-for-us-caution/2014/03/10/2bdfd92a-a890-11e3-8d62-419db477a0e6_story.html

#French left furious at Ukrainian neo nazi politicians visit https://www.rfi.fr/en/20180612-france-ukraine

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