HereForToday 8 points ago +9 / -1

Hi UnderCover. I’m a lurker who only set up this account to answer your question here so forgive the handshake.

First of all, your question brings me so much joy. Jesus is the only true answer to all the problems of this world. His grace, mercy, truth, and justice are the opposite of what this world provides. And He proved His Love for us by choosing to die for our sins.

I would recommend starting in the book known as the Gospel of John. It is written to gentiles rather than to people born and raised in Israel with that background.

Books that could follow would be the book of acts then Romans. In Acts you’ll see the conversion of Saul a man who hated Jesus and Christians become a Christian and have his name changed to Paul, and he spent the rest of his life sharing Jesus all over the world at great personal cost. He even did it as a full time missionary while working to provide his own living by making and selling tents.

Amazing stories there. Then if you want a full soup to nuts walk through of God’s plan and gospel Paul explains the gospel beautifully in the book of Romans.

But here’s the most simple thing: If you realize you aren’t perfect - like you’ve ever done anything wrong or selfish, then you need to be forgiven. And because of Jesus’ death and resurrection you can be forgiven and given new and eternal life. Now. All you must do is believe. And then you can follow Him.

Next I would get involved in a Christian church that teaches the Bible. If you give me your general area (not too specific is okay) I can make some recommendations for you and send you links to help you figure it out.

But I pray you’d just stop what you’re doing and realize God is drawing you in with His kindness and love and is using your own realizations about this corrupt world to show you there must be something better. And there is!

“O taste and see that the LORD [our God] is good; How blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God] is the man who takes refuge in Him. O [reverently] fear the LORD, you His saints (believers, holy ones); For to those who fear Him there is no want.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34:8-9‬ ‭AMP‬‬ https://www.bible.com/1588/psa.34.8-9.amp