Hovas 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is actually very Interesting. Sweden is the central of the worlds information. A company called Ericsson is the information weapon of the cabal. They own most of the worlds telecom infrastructure. Based in Stockholm.

This can't be a coinsidence. Trump is WELL aware of what is happening in Sweden DOJ pretty much got control over Ericsson in a lawsuit settle, December 2019.

Ericsson is controlled by Investor. Investor is Controlled by the Wallenberg Family. Wallenberg Familys own slogan "Esse non Verdi" - to be, not to seem. Ring any Bells?


Hovas 3 points ago +3 / -0

This one is awesome. "Rothchild's and the New World Order"

Hovas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Your forgot the most important one, her parents. Them and a couple of PR firms are the real players and has been since the start. A puppet for the DS.

Hovas 7 points ago +7 / -0

There are a couple if "scetchy" supporters: Open Society, Ford Foundation, Barbara Straissand, Swedish Postcode Lottery (Clinton and Wallenberg Connections)