Probably, you love that yum yum, degenerate freak!
I disagree, what they fear the most is open communication. Hey, they are doing their best while knowing they will lose, by a lot!
No doubt, WE ARE THE NEWS and the truth will always out. It may take time but we are on God's unknowable timeline. Patience and faith will see us succeed. Those Mongolian basket weaving majors should have learned to code bc all the internets are belong to us, or will in the foreseeable future.
I have not read through all the drops, making my way through them slowly, but man alive, that is a wild one! Those Khagosshi's seem to have their fingers in ever pie.
I'm 6' 17" tall, manlet lol
Which is why they've removed the comment section from amost alll msm sites. I noticed it first with imdb, which was a great message board, then yahoo and now yahoo questions(which was hilarious) is now closed. Then came the "fact checkers", paid for by the corps they are "ffact checking". Their goal is absolute control of information, but they will fail. It is an impossible venture that these idiotic "elites" fail to understand They are "elite" through corruption, not brainpower.
His "daughter"? Anyone with vision can see that is a man.
*I was looking at the tranny judge, not the prosecutor.
Thanks for the info. I know little about the Khagosshi family. I was very surprised by the Dodi Fayed/ Princess Diana connection. u/GetstheNogginJoggin said the Adnan Khagosshi files were declassed and released via FBIVault if that is something that would interest you.
Yes, the years of research were soul-crushing and demoralizing ( because it was "Satanic Panic", SRA is something only nuts believe), but I felt I had a calling to expose these atrocities that were covered up and said to not exist. The emergence of pizzagate may have saved my sanity. I was so glad to dump my years of research to thousands, possibly millions. I didn't care about a book that one person might read, I cared about the most amount of anons learning the truth of SRA and child trafficking and forming an army against this evil.
I have been, and still am, being targeted and harassed, but it was all worth it. My life would mean nothing if I did not do my part to expose this evil. Thank you for your support and say a little prayer for me as there are dark days ahead for me and every prayer is plastered on my armor of God. God bless you!
Yeah, I knew I was missing a dozen or so :)
I really do mean it and do hope you take me up on it whenever you need someone to listen and empathize, because I have, and still am, going through some dark times and having someone to listen means everything. I will send you a PM so you can easily respond if you need an ear and a friend. God bless and stay strong, especially when things seem unbearable. Love is the strongest force of all.
An article on the Q-clock translated from Persian. I don't know how accurate his explanations are, I just thought it was interesting that Persians are following the Q experience as well.
There are no coincidences. Yes, mundane ones innfaily life, but not on the world's stage.
Welcome, Greg.
*Welcome, fren. (The autocorrect was too funny to edit, unless your name is Greg, than Welcome, Greg.)
Too arrogant to think there will be retribution for thelir crimes upon humanity, but I won't lose any sleep over a weekend of death by doorknobs.
Lol, sure, but I believe "Suicide Weedend" means a mass event, not just a random suicide ( or murder made to look like suicide).
Thanks, the clock/map always conjured the heck out of me. Great explanation! Do you have a full sized image you could link? I used to have one but it's been misplaced.
Veterans of the 2016 Meme War, the best is yet to come!
(No disrespect to actual Veterans, just having a laugh. Thank you for your service and God Bless!)
A world without twatter? Oh no! Where will all the ShareBlue/Media matters bots go to spread their propaganda?
No, I just browsed through his wiki and that was a lot of skullduggary! Robert Maxwell's page, however, is exceedingly clean. I will check it out though.
The Finder's docs were also declassed fairly recently. I had a lot of the info already as I was working on a book about SRA and found the Finders, studied the Mcmartin tragedy, the pedo "False Memory Foundation" and more. This was years before pizzagate emerged and when it did I released several gigs of research on the chans and felt such amazing relief. I was not alone and there was a community who was with me after feeling so alone for so long.
They are not searchable, but pages 48 and 49 have maps of the Mcmartin tunnels (just as the children described) and the ritualistic objects within. Gunderson was correct, Gerald Hobbs (the miner) was correct and geologist Dr. Don Michael was correct. They knew this was fact since 1990, yet the top Goggle results still call it a hoax, "Satanic Panic". Disgusting..They no longer use the term much anymore because it exposes SRA as fact.
Sorry to go so off-topic, but thought you might be interested. You've provided me with much material to dig into, so thank you and God bless!
I have little doubt he was a main player in Event 201.
All countries, they are constantly showing us with their handshakes and other symbols. The Anti-Masonic Party was the first third-party in the US and I believe they did quite well while it existed. The story of how it was formed is also interesting (basically the disapperance of a Mason whistleblower). A modern version would be extremely popular.
John F. Kennedy Speec, April 27, 1961 (06:26) I refer first to the need for far greater public information, and second, to the need for far greater official secrecy. The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today there is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it’s in my control, and no official of my administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.
Random Fact- the Lady Ghislane was originally built for Emad Khassoghi, cousin of Dodi Fayed, uncle of Jamal and Adnan Khagosshi: very interesting bios on all.The yacht is now named the Dancing Hare and owned by Murdoch's ex-wife. It has been docked in Wellington, NZ, under 24 hour surveillance since the beginning of the plandemic (NZ being the favorite bug-out destination for the "elite").
Peepee poopoo panties, 5 year old are throwing sand, better shit and piss yourself in a tank Americans bought you. Do we buy your Pampers, too?