"Said to be" BY WHO?
I would much rather have the source of the claim than risk downloading.
Archbishop Vigano did a really deep interview on Banon about this just a few days ago:
This is REQUIRED reading. The deep state is deeper, older, and more evil than even we know.
Knight76 returning to DC and lots of hyperbole.
We still don't know if Trump was or is on that plane.
Knight76 returning to DC and lots of hyperbole.
We still don't know if Trump was or is on that plane.
Many recent things could be pointing at Battle between Good and Evil, or Heaven and Hell.
There's a long way you could go with a Message between the two sides.
Biblically, there are signs in heaven. But they are usually very, very obvious. Trying to discern secrets is what is forbade. There are no secrets. We will know it's a sign if something very obvious happens between the two sides on Sunday.
They literally backed 45. That is very interesting.
I guess it depends on how you define deception. The most deceptive would be the one that no one knows about, so deception was successful.
I'm just thinking this has got to be the largest number of people who know what actually happened is not at all what is being broadcast.
Saturn = Satan
Jupiter = Ruler/King
Mercury = Messenger
So NOT "Holy Trinity" in any way, shape or form.
Current opinion: Q drops really are connected to a group, that group really did have a plan, and I have pretty good idea of who that group is and some of it's members.
What we are seeing is, in all practicality, proof that there was something to it.
Current doubt: That the plan even worked. Plans rarely survive contact with the enemy. DS could have countered it and we would never know until it's way too late.
Current hope: There is way too much panic from the people who seem to have gained total control of everything.
Cheap, effective, well known, easy to setup. And to date, had not entered into the ring on censorship in any public way.
I would hope that changes immediately. There really should be an open source DDOS protection system for the hosts, or something built into the ISPs. It's such a major vulnerability and no one has made any real moves to counter it because the cloudflare solution has appeared to work.
Cloudflare is not a host. Cloudflare is like a bouncer that stands at the door and holds up the rope when a DDOS happens.
Now they are acting like the literal mafia, revoking their "protection" for anyone who doesn't capitulate to "the family."
They didn't lock their offices.
They didn't guard the entrance to the building.
They did not set up chock points in stairwells.
They made no active defense of the building except at the door to the chambers.
The only police they had simply allowed people into the building, and politely ushered them along toward the chambers.
Every layer of security was compromised and allowed a bunch of unarmed 60 year olds to waltz through like they were on a capitol tour.
We have thousands of hours of video footage, tens of thousands of witnesses (millions who watched the streams) who all know that the "official" narrative is a lie, and yet they are still getting away with it (for now).
This is the single most deceptive False Flag to ever happen on American shores.
All speech is Hate speech.
Everything is offensive to the other side.
Yes. Might not be being said enough, but this is accurate.
The only plane we do know about is Knight76, and we know that plane is supposed to be near the POTUS at all times.
So it means something. It could be a herring. It could be that AF1 is flying without a transponder, and Knight76 is taking alternate routes. It could be hanging out a base or two away, or potus could still be in the WH.
All we know is that plane is not following normal protocol.
Heh, been there done that.
I've been working on my own inspired-by for a while now, but have not made much progress in the last month. Seem to spend all my time watching the world burn.
*They expect it to be parler.
Everyone in the world expects it to be parler but me. I don't know what it WILL be, but I really don't think it will be parler. They are in too weak of a position, and were almost gaslighted into the position they are in.
Telling them who exactly is in charge if "the Chief Executive Officer has died, resigned, or otherwise become unable to perform the functions and duties of the office"
Or otherwise become unable....
Holy hell.
This is a big move if it's what I think it is, and I can't think of anything else it could be.
Account is still there https://twitter.com/POTUS
No sign of this tweet, not even a "this tweet has been deleted" residue. Gonna need more confirmation that this actually happened.
yeah not loading for me either. It just seems like every hour someone is trying to share one of the fake potus accounts, so I was skeptical, lol.
I was so ready to hit deport... This might actually be something.
I think you missed what I said.
CCP detonates a Nuke IN CHINA.
CCP Blames America
Dems Blame Trump
World Blames Trump
There is no retaliation for that.
Recent Vigano interview with lots of topics to research. Very illuminating.
Topics to research:
Jesuits. Banning of the Jesuits, unbanning of the Jesuits. The Black Pope.
Vatican Bank (very hard to find good info)
Vatican involvement in creating the Bank of International Settlements.
Vatican connection to the World Bank.
Vatican deals with China.
Look into the "secret" orders like exorcists, and the group that verifies "miracles" They operate like intelligence agencies with diplomatic immunities..
The Vatican is also deeply involved in various groups like the Organization of 70 Nations, it all part of the same group but goes by many names. They are intent on creating a World Religion that will essentially blacklist any beliefs or teachings that don't fit with the NWO agenda.
They've already established a "new set of commandments" from the "core fundamentals that are inherent to all religions."
It's only a matter of time before this is all announced in a more public venue and a big push to redefine "religious freedom" to only apply to this new religion.