You misread my statement. I said he is going to pull this off and then step aside. Not that he is stepping aside and letting Biden win.
He doesn't need to continue another 4 years though. He said he would uncover the deep state. If he pulls this off and decides he wants to step aside, I don't think we should be upset with him for it. Now, if he WANTS to continue to be the President, then hell yeah I'm all for it!
So do I! But could you blame him? He lived a cushy lifestyle and was loved by everyone. Now, he is one of the most hated people on earth. All because he wanted to do the right thing!
It's where the director general of the world health organization is from... Not saying it is tied in together, but still.
We are always the bigger person. They will riot. We must tell them WHY everything is going down. But who gives a shit if we rub it in their face. These fucks committed TREASON and we aren't even allowed to talk shit to them for it? How about we stop being such pussies for once.
I've been telling everyone at my work what is going down and they think I'm crazy. I have some pretty big bets with some of the people here. If Trump pulls this off, you bet your ass I'm gonna run around this bitch screamin "I told you say!" and "PAY UP!!!"
I called them out for being doomers and then they doomed all over me lmao.
I would be more than happy to take that bet. But honestly, if you are broke, I'd feel bad about taking your money. I'll tell you what, if you are right, I'll send you the $20 anyways. If I'm right, which I think I am, then you can keep the $20 cause we both win anyways.
I don't care about making a post to talk shit about you. I like money. I bet you $1,000 this shit goes down. And by "this shit" I mean Biden and Harris will not be President. I don't buy into the whole worldwide mass arrests. I think that is crazy. But I've read and reread the EO's pertaining to this, I've looked at all the whitehouse statements, Trump is has studied Sun Tzu like no other. He was prepared for this. He saw it coming from a mile away.
Why does the badge look so much different?
I've talked about it a few times with people. I don't think people realize how big of a move that was. I'm surprised that it did not gain more traction with the media.
Hahaha that is the very sad truth. It has become relatively easily to see the fake info.
Remember the "not my president" march right after the election? There is a reason they brought in the National Guard. But antifa is throughout the nation so I'd speculate nationwide unrest.
That was a fake flyer from March.
Once it goes down, they will do like they have been doing, label us all domestic terrorists and say Trump is attempting a military coup to steal the election. This will incite the riots from the left...hense the reason all the NG troops are in DC.
Yeah no. If that is the plan, then there truly is no plan and we should in no way shape or form promote that shit. Sitting Presidents are immune from being arrested, remember? And then, Biden would officially be the commander and chief.
I fully intend to maintain peace and order while at the same time talking shit to all my friends that said there is no way this is going down.
The media has been painting Q has a crazy conspiracy theory and labeling anyone associated with it as a terrorist...
My personal speculation of the "most complex military operations" is the special
forces successful infiltration of whatever group they were trying to become a part
of. Remember, within Chris Millers first week, he made it where the special
forces answer directly to him. This is a HUGE movement....especially
considering he was appointed after the election and this move would make no
sense if he was planning on leaving.
I know how to decipher the information the media sends out and read in between the lines. That is how I know.
Exactly! If they are trying to prepare their masses for a military coup, then I honestly believe the military is getting involved. And with all the NG in place...they see it coming.
All they know is the military is involved. That's it. They don't know how or when it will happen.
The other thing they know though, is they are guilty as hell and committed treason. They also know that Trump really does have all the evidence. This is why they have done everything to suppress this information.
They are fucked.
They are aware of the plan. That is why there have been articles since February talking about how Trump is planning a "military coup."
President Trump did. He is the only one with the authorization to call in the National Guard for DC.
President Trump was the one that gave the authorization, he even said so himself.
There is definitely a reason for this. I'm very skeptical about it as well.
Yup! I agree completely!