He most certainly ended his political career. Sometimes doing the right thing comes with a great sacrifice, and it takes a very strong man to do so.
Not saying that Pence necessarily did the right thing, and not claiming to know anything more than my own speculation - but we will know soon enough.
This is very fair. I have found myself in confession several times in the past months, for placing politics over God.
It is a dangerous slope to tread on. We must remember that no matter how confident we are in this plan, God's plan is perfect and infallible. God is greater than anything on this earth. We must place our trust and faith in God first, and earthly leaders second.
It is not a sin to have faith in Q's plan, and it is not a sin to fight for the truth and for what is right. However we must remember that God is in charge, and he deserves our praise and thanks before anything else.
I would start with one of the gospels - the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These tell the story of Jesus and his time on earth.
They are much easier to understand than if you were to start in Genesis and read sequentially. Reading the bible cover to cover would sort of be like watching the star wars movies out of order.
This seems like it may be a good resource for you: https://saltandlight.sg/newchristian/faith-101-where-should-i-start-reading-the-bible/