Pray for the woman that was shot in the chest for wanting her vote counted.
Pray for all the Patriots safety.
And pray that Pence gets owned.
I heard they will not be investigating the fraud in the contested states.
What happened to the plan?! I can't believe what is happening!
Insurrection Act used against us.
WOW now I know we lost.
I just hope they take him to GTMO!
Forget the senators, rep's and so called Justice's!
We the people need to be the ones to do it.
They all have FAILED us!
Hey. I'm not going against Jesus at all when I say they should not be allowed to vote if they have no clue on what's going on.
Normies Are Equivalent To: a highschool student after the program of indoctrination they receive for years!
And they absolutely need Jesus!
Everyone of us needs Jesus.
I'm ? of normies. They need their right to vote removed.
We already know all of this.
I'm beyond bugged. At 28:00 time mark
It's on my post.
Coming from a @photobuf I appreciate your effort ?
Thanks for posting!
Eyebrow bleaching, definitely a hair piece.
It's him. That's why I posted it to begin with ?
I prefer to call it MASSIVE PURGING ?
How the heck does the one man dubbed to decide the presidential election end up The Traitor???
Something, isn't adding up.
Had to be a picture.
Pray the women doesn't die and that none of our Patriots are harmed.
And yes, it is a very sad day when you realize the VP is a TRAITOR.