You are right. We are still in the window of grace before Jesus returns with a sword at judgement. It’s important to show people love so they may receive the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. We don’t want anybody to suffer for eternity in hell
This could be taken further down the rabbit hole…
- The “two-scoop” fiasco = two doses
- Biden biting his icecream into the shape of a corona ball a few months back
- the “ice-cream lickers” from a few years ago were planted by the deep state so the FDA could further infiltrate and control/monitor the packaging and production making sure the product stays sealed under plastic until delivery… -The current Ben&Jerry Israel fallout could have something to do with the back end of the vax delivery as well.
- Bidens creepy ice cream fetish is just a signal for the deep state
Great— I think you just created another rabbit hole lol
Controlled opp
Kids have good points though
Two more weeks.
Dumb theory. Most already have natural immunity. Omicron is just a cover up of the spring/summer vax side affects
Getting the citizenry for the mail-out self-administering quantum dot ratios coming soon.
Getting us prepared for the self-administering quantum dot mail-out tattoos coming
- Using genatria you Remove the zeros
1221221– a perfect palindrome
Musk or Obama. My votes
Trump is controlled opp. They got to him. Hey, he gave us 4 years. He stoppped the hildabeast. Thank him for that and move on.