Sorry if I am slow to this one friends, but does anyone have a comprehensive source on this? Are they real? I have some family that could really use this - but I'm not 100% sure what this is.
Without any evidence right now that the Dominion / Smartmatic voting machines are going away, I'm having a really hard time in a debate with an old friend who is planning to sit out elections in protest. He continues to say that there is no point until 2020 is fixed.
I brought up the Youngkin win in VA, and he basically said, if Youngkin won in VA, that's who Dominion wanted to win.
How do we convince like minded people to turn out and vote when nothing has changed from 2020?
My wife (maga but not Q) essentially woke up laughing at me over the leaked audit results showing Biden winning. I said it was fake, but apparently the cyber ninjas spokesperson confirmed the results. The indication is no mass fraud. I know this is not true (watched lindells cyber symposium w/packet captures), but today has taken the wind out of me.
At this point, should I waste more energy defending this or do we move on to Texas? I'm pretty sure there was a lot of fraud in those 4 counties.
I was watching video on Frank Speech today, and a thought crossed my mind - why would the cabal leave Mike Lindell alive? They have clearly shown themselves to be ruthless - they killed Seth Rich, as well as many truth-telling radio hosts (it was not COVID).
Lindell is the de facto leader of our movement right now, in my opinion. His money and energy are keeping us going. He is paying for symposiums and events out of his own pocket, and working overtime.
Why is he being allowed to do this? Aside from a few bans on dead social media platforms and one or two half assed hack attempts, the cabal has done nothing to silence Mike Lindell. There's not even any trumped up sexual assault charge.
Any thoughts?
After months of me successfully fending it off (literally begging him not to), my only son finally got the jab. I've shown him all the literature, the links, the videos of people shaking uncontrollably - he always watched and agreed. There was literally nothing more I could have done.
My son and I are very close, but he didn't even give me any notice. He just texted me and said he got it a few days ago and "feels fine." The reason? He works at a giant corporation and said they told him it was critical to keep his job.
I feel crushed - not only that I may never have a grandchild, but that I could lose my only son. Also, that he didn't tell me the day of. He knew I'd "flip out," which I feel like is a personal failure on me.
All I responded was, "I still love you and let me know the moment something feels off." He said I was overreacting, and that was the end of it.
Is it possible he got a placebo? He's had no side effects so far, but I'm a terrified parent right now. He might not even be telling me for fear it will flip me out.
Looking for some comfort.