Doesn't sound like we have the same Christianity. Peace be with you friend
I am already a follower of Christ. But I still believe in some medical treatments for my loved ones.
It's not an opinion, it's a fact. How is it winning for Jack Dorsey to be replaced with a more liberal version of himself?
But what use is that when the ballots are entered into machines? I think the volunteers at the polls probably don't have a clue what's going on. The issue is Dominion and Smartmatic, not poll workers, imo.
What is the point of putting my ballot into a machine that changes the vote? I'll be staying home.
HIPPA only applies to doctors and medical professionals. That defense doesn't work here.
Yes. It is approved by the FDA. Not that the FDA is some magical place immune to the cabal. I'm not sure why people care if the vaccine is FDA approved.
"also." Meaning they use EUA for populations the FDA didn't approve, like teens.
Pfizer vaccine is fully FDA approved.
Not sure why that's so important to people. The FDA is not some magical place immune to the cabal.
This reason is probably as simple as it being bad press. It would make Biden look bad to the public to fire the one investigating his old boss.
Yes, he can. Biden can't remove Durham but Garland can.
Purely curious - did you witness any foul play? If so, did you report it?
It says he has no symptoms right now.
I 100% agree with you. Part of being a patriot, and being a liberty-minded free thinker, is to end hero worship. I love Donald Trump but he is NOT perfect and has made many mistakes. For example, he has admitted to not being the best husband at times and he also is talking about 2022 and telling us to get vaccinated etc.
That's ok. We can admire him and support him while recognizing he is flawed. The cause should always be bigger than any one man. If Trump went against the plan, or was revealed to not be helping, I'd dump my support in a second.
Great is a strong word for how the audit turned out. People barely talk about it here anymore, much less the media. We did uncover some interesting facts, but there was absolutely no clear claim of Trump's victory. In fact, it was the opposite.
Any normie, or even any non-Q maga person, saw it as a crushing loss for Trump. I'm glad we've been able to put a positive spin on it here but the reality is, it didn't go well.
I'm looking ahead to Texas's audit.
A lot. Certainly not throwing tantrums at people and screaming insults. You need anger management counseling.
Last I checked, Arizona is still certified.
In addition to any legal advice you receive here, I highly recommend preparing a resume now and sending applications. Legal support is nice, but it doesn't pay the bills once you've been let go. Some jobs allow full time remote, or will allow testing instead of the vaccine. If you're financially stable, you can probably stomach a period of no work, but if not, I really recommend getting a new job ASAP.
What a joke - if 2020 isn't fixed, 2022 won't be anything but another cabal-led fake elections
It wasn't their film and TV studio, it was an HQ for white collar jobs.
Sorry friend - what's happening this Friday? I wasn't aware
No, as I stated above I believe he is evil. But he doesn't sound like this. This is obviously fake. You can't just look at words on a picture and assume they're true. It makes us look bad, because when we actually post something real, the people we are trying to convince can use stuff like this as examples that we fall for fake stuff online.
So, just believe whatever feels good, even if there's 0 evidence it's real? This doesn't even sound like him.
Did he actually say this? I can't find it anywhere. Sort of makes it look like we're the ones who are easy to manipulate when we repost this stuff.
Soros has said plenty of evil things without needing to invent new ones.
I'm a veteran and I've been injured by shrapnel. I had to have a doctor remove that shrapnel from my leg. That's not sorcery, it's just called living in the 21st century.