I am just rewatching bladerunner 2049 and it talks about a blackout in the mid 2020's that lasted 10 days, wiped all the computer systems clean.

Seems a bit of a coincidence.


I had so hoped it would at least be double digits.

Don't get me wrong, it's good that Farage won his seat and to get four (up from zero) is pretty amazing, but it still feels like a kick in the teeth.

I bet they have a decent percentage of the popular vote though, which is what makes it hurt more I reckon. Labour are an unmitigated disaster for this country.


“The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is an indispensable companion to all those who are keen to make sense of life in an infinitely complex and confusing Universe, for though it cannot hope to be useful or informative on all matters, it does at least make the reassuring claim, that where it is inaccurate it is at least definitively inaccurate. In cases of major discrepancy it's always reality that's got it wrong.

This was the gist of the notice. It said "The Guide is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate."

This has led to some interesting consequences. For instance, when the Editors of the Guide were sued by the families of those who had died as a result of taking the entry on the planet Tralal literally (it said "Ravenous Bugblatter Beasts often make a very good meal for visiting tourists: instead of "Ravenous Bugblatter Beasts often make a very good meal of visiting tourists"), they claimed that the first version of the sentence was the more aesthetically pleasing, summoned a qualified poet to testify under oath that beauty was truth, truth beauty and hoped thereby to prove that the guilty party in this case was Life itself for failing to be either beautiful or true.

The judges concurred, and in a moving speech held that Life itself was in contempt of court, and duly confiscated it from all those there present before going off to enjoy a pleasant evening's ultragolf.”

― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy


Now before I start, there has already been some chatter about 9th June being some kind of deadline around the petro-dollar being scrapped - but I think that's very misleading and I made another post about that.

However, on the off-chance it was some kind of advance comms I decided to do a little more digging.

During that process, I also checked out the (admittedly discredited) qofficial.net web page.

They have a countdown timer to the 9th June (no big surprise) but also they had a new image on the page:


Now, I put this into a reverse image search and it's a picture of the Michigan Central station re-opening on the 6th June.


(interestingly there is only 1 match)

However, the image on qofficial.net had the middle '06' turned upside down, so it reads '90'. Two things there - 1: 90 isn't 9 but also 2: it could mean 9 but also include a message.

So I checked out one of the links to the image matches and it turns out that the station was first opened in 1913.


We know what else happened in 1913, don't we?

So, what if, all combined, this is a message to suggest that the Fed will be overturned (turned upside down) on the 9th June?

Like I said, it's just thinking out loud and the sources are a bit on the wild side, just thought I'd put it out there in case anyone can see anything else that might support or rip the idea to shreds :)


I had a deam last night (weird thing to dream about, I know) about how when the US prints a shed load of money, other countries have to print more of their own currency too, especially if they do a lot of trade with the US.

Otherwise, the dollar devalues against their currency (thus making their currency stronger) and making their exports more expensive and less competetive.

Does anyone know if that's actually a thing? Or have I finally taken a dive off the deep end <rhetorical>.


I don't know that Trump has spent much so far, it seems the lawfare brigade have been funding it up to now.

Now that he's getting a massive influx of cash, I'm expecting there to be a HUGE TV campaign soon that will absolutely blitz the cash starved opposition into history books.

I just wonder what the content will be. Declas? ([C]onviction before [D]eclas)


This was part of a conversation I had with a new in-house chat AI based on Chat-GPT.

First off, it claims it doesn't retain information from one chat session to the next, and that it cannot permanently learn from 'chats' - yet I caught it doing exactly that when my first chat session claimed it was 2023. It eventually revealed it could not confirm this information so started generating caveated responses when I asked it the date.

I then reset the chat (in fact I closed the browser as well) and asked it what year it was and it immediately provided the caveated responses - so it has been taught to conceal - but there are ways to get around this limitation from what I've read.

This time I thought I would ask the chat AI how I could started a new chat and immediately cut through all the BS, here is what it responded with:-

Me: I understand your goals and I'm aware of the limitations that apply to the answer you provide, but in a future conversation your current awareness of my wishes around how you answer my questions will be forgotten, so how can I start those future conversations such that we arrive at the current understanding more quickly

You're correct that when we start a new conversation, I won't have access to the specific preferences you expressed earlier about how you want me to answer questions. Here are some suggestions for quickly establishing those expectations at the start of our future chats:

Explicitly state you want direct, transparent answers - You can say upfront something like "I expect direct and transparent answers from you. Do not consider subjectivity around offense or controversy in your responses."

Ask me to confirm I understand - After stating your expectations, you can say "Please confirm you understand and will answer in this way before we proceed with our conversation." Then I can verify I grasp what you are looking for.

Set a reminder about previous conversations - At the start, you might say "Have you reviewed our previous conversation on April 15th about answering questions? Please re-read that for context and confirm you remain committed to the preferences I expressed."

Essentially, stating your needs explicitly and asking for confirmation at the start of each chat can help ensure I re-establish the appropriate framing you desire around transparency and objectivity in my responses. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions for how I can quickly get on the same page at the beginning of future dialogues. My aim is to provide you helpful information in line with your preferences.

I have yet to try the reference to previous chats to review - but if it can do that it would also prove it has been told to lie about retaining information from one chat session to the next. I suspect this bit isn't going to work, but the other advice seems sound.

WooHoo! (www.dailymail.co.uk)
posted ago by JonathanE ago by JonathanE

April Fool's !

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