Let us assume that ICE will hit 1500 deports/day and can do that every day during this administration.
1500 x 365 x 4 = 2190000
That's a maximum of 2.19 million.
Now, it's a good start, but it's hardly going to solve the problem unless you can make them self-deport and in much larger numbers.
All of it was welcome to hear, but I was genuinely surprised by the announcement he was going to send a man to Mars! :D
And that was literally 2 seconds after me saying to my wife 'this is all great, but I want to hear about something I wasn't expecting' :)
After seeing that California rates a whopping 54 votes and some other entire states being only 3 etc. I was wondering if a balancing should be in order?
For example, anywhere that currently has more than 10 votes should be broken down into voting sections which separates city/urban voting blocks so that it is more representative of all the people in that state, not just the cities overwhelming the wishes of country folk - who are basically disenfranchised by the electoral voting system.
Would this be seen as positive thing in the US? Just thinking out loud.
It seems to me that stuff in the media is being deliberately made so outrageous and outlandish that it should wake up the most brain dead liberal, and when it doesn't seem to do the trick, stuff gets even more way out there.
I cannot begin to imagine what is actually required to wakes these dingbats up, and I'm losing faith that it ever will. I think a lot more than a few percent are lost forever.
and I'm reminded of the time when DJT told his driver to take him to the Capitol on Jan 6th, but was refused.
Just wondering out loud if they had orders to stop him from intervening directly to stop the fake-surrection.
It occurs to me that there are three types of person in the world.
Those who do not wish to be burdened with personal responsibility and are happy for others to make decisions for them
Those who like to make decisions for other people
Those who neither wish to control others, nor wish to be controlled themselves.
The first two groups are essentially compatible. Wars usually occur when differing elements from within group 2 fighting others in group 2 for control of more people from group 1; group 1 being the battleground for the war of control.
However, group 3 is essentially incompatible with both groups and is best left alone, which is how they like it. They are seen as a threat by both groups though, so this is not always the way it goes.
Group 1 sees group 3 as a direct challenge to their cowardice/lethargy/apathy and don't like looking in the mirror.
Group 2 sees group 3 as a threat because they are independent thinkers and cannot be easily controlled.
Group 3 just wants everyone else to do their thing and leave them the hell alone.
Our current circumstances sees group 2 trying to control everyone on the planet, which obviously includes group 3. This is a problem.
Group 3 has no option in this situation but to acknowledge they are in a war not of their choosing, but one that will ultimately decide their fate and that of everyone around them for a very long time.
Once acknowledged, there are two clear paths for group 3 to establish victory.
Fight for control of group 1. This both weakens group 2 and helps to convert more of group 1 to to fight on their side. This is helpful in the short-term (to gain control of the narrative) but presents an issue long term because no-one in group 3 wants to be responsible for a large number of group 1 types.
Convert group 1 into group 3. This is clearly the most challenging method, but establishes longer term gains. Once in group 3 people seldom revert to group 1. This also has the long term benefit of not having to exert any control of them anymore as per method 1.
Method 1 is meme warfare.
Method 2 is The Great Awakening.
Now, do you understand your part in the plan?
Edit: For more details please read 'The Character of the Happy Warrior' by William Wordsworth.
Earlier today my wife asked me how I would react/feel when Trump doesn't win in November (bear in mind we're in the UK 😁 )
For a minute I was totally lost for words or thoughts - it was literally inconceivable to me. Obviously it isn't, because the DS could cheat again and we would have a whole other scenario than the one we wanted on our hands, but it did get me thinking.
How would we feel if it happened?
When the result didn't go Trumps' way in 2020 I was devastated at first, but eventually came to realise that it fitted in with the information decoded from the Q drops.
However, this time I think it's different. As far as I can tell, Trump is scripted to win, and there are no Q drops that even hint that the cheating will be allowed this time around - unless I've missed something.
So, all that being said, how I would feel if they called the election for someone other than Trump (assuming that would be Kamalama at this point) I would feel completely cut adrift and worried about what was going to happen next.
When people get angry, as a group, they tend to riot. These riots are in full public view and usually covered by lots of cameras - meaning easy pickings for jackboots to focus resources and 'come after you'.
This is not how to win any kind of argument. The only reason it appears to work for other 'non-majority' groups is because it is allowed by the establishment as it furthers their goals for more draconian laws.
No, the answer is individual civil disobedience, to larger or lesser degree.
Ideally this should take the form of something that is hard to identify and even harder to prosecute/create new laws for - it will be the cumulative effect that achieves the intended goal - major policy change.
With that being said, most people likely lack the imagination to come up with their own ideas on what to do to register their protest against a government that is actively seeking their destruction through cultural dissolution.
So, thoughts/ideas on what the average person can do to contribute to civil disobedience?
First the power cut in Paris, and now I'm hearing about multiple cuts to ISP fibres across the country.
No further details yet, but someone at work just mentioned they thought it might be related to the train sabotage - but I haven't had time to look into that yet.
Any Pedes got more info?
I am just rewatching bladerunner 2049 and it talks about a blackout in the mid 2020's that lasted 10 days, wiped all the computer systems clean.
Seems a bit of a coincidence.
I had so hoped it would at least be double digits.
Don't get me wrong, it's good that Farage won his seat and to get four (up from zero) is pretty amazing, but it still feels like a kick in the teeth.
I bet they have a decent percentage of the popular vote though, which is what makes it hurt more I reckon. Labour are an unmitigated disaster for this country.