JonesyO94 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am waiting. I am hoping that you are right. But if it isn't right and nothing happens, then we must not fall for another con. The swamp has rigged the system against us, and we will have to drain it ourselves.

JonesyO94 5 points ago +5 / -0

The swamp WILL fall. But I don't think it will fall by the hands of anyone else. WE THE PEOPLE will have to do it. We can no longer place our trust in the hands of others, because as many events show, we Patriots have been betrayed over and over. Harden yourself everyone, because the day is coming.

F by catsfive
JonesyO94 1 point ago +1 / -0

Our votes no longer matter, 2020 showed us that much. They will just print out more ballots when they need to, and when challenged they will call it all a conspiracy theory and throw it out. That is how deeply the swamp is entrenched.

F by catsfive
JonesyO94 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice one, shill. You really showed us!

F by catsfive
JonesyO94 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have been following Q since 2018. Never made an account here, but I had to share my thoughts.

We all know that they stole the election. It was so blatant, everyone knew it. All evidence was thrown out by the swamp-backed courts. Then on January 6, Patriots entered the Capitol. We showed them on that day.

And what did Trump do? He disavowed us. He threw us under the bus, labelled us terrorists just like the rest of the swamp. He let us be targeted and hunted down one by one by the FBI. And on his final day, he did not pardon the brave patriots who went into the Capitol for him. He pardoned a rapper who, in 2017, made a song showing a Trump supporter get choked out. That was his priority. And today, he left. The swamp remains as strong as ever.

Was there ever a plan?

Four of the brave Patriots fell for Trump. They fell to know the truth. But they were not honored by anyone. Not even the man for whom they fell. They were labelled the scum of earth, by the same people who cheered upon rabid BLM rioters last summer. And Trump did nothing to stop it.

We KNOW the swamp is real. But we can not rely upon others to drain it anymore. We just can't.