Nearly everything. Remember, Q said that the Dems will drop impeachment if Trump doesn’t declassify. But it was never acknowledged WHAT documents will be.

When Trump won the 2016 election, the deep state knew full well that the President can declassify any & everything.

The reason for the raid was to discover WHAT documents Trump declassified. They also confiscated them so that the documents don’t reach the public domain.

Either the FBI becomes transparent with what documents they confiscated to substantiate their fraudulent warrant (which they are avoiding) or Trump releases everything. If it goes to trial then those declassified documents could be introduced. Imagine if those very same FBI agents were also named in the very declassified documents that the FBI raid confiscated & end up as evidence in a trial?

If the FBI claims that Trump “stole” the nuke codes (or whatever lie they pedal) they’ll actually have to produce evidence of their accusation that is outlined in the warrant - which they will never do. Trump’s legal team can simply say “well these FBI agents were politically weaponized & here is all the evidence to prove it”. This exposes everything the FBI has been involved in with regards to Trump & reveal the enormity of how the FBI was utilized by foreign intel agencies, including the Clinton’s. The FBI is dammed if they do, and dammed if they don’t.

When Q said 40% will become public (60% remain private), I believe Q is talking about the declassification. He also said, not everything will become public due to much going back to heads off state. That we must be transparent but not at a cost that we cannot recover from.

Seriously, there is nothing that can stop this. Either way, the swamp is so fucked.


From what we know via Sperry, Herridge, etc. it seems to me that Trump “could” of had declassified documents of operation Crossfire Hurricane in his safe at Mar-a-Lago. Those very FBI officials who perpetuated the bogus operation (crossfire hurricane) realized that they came across evidence of their wrong doing with every one of their names (and senior names) unredacted.

If these FBI agents were also caught on security camera at Mar-a-Lago, which they were, there is now proof of who and what documents were confiscated which can now be substantially verified.

This means that if Trump gets “indicted” and goes to trial…. You can see where I’m going with this. BUT more likely is….

… We also know that the declassified Crossfire Hurricane operation documents have also been given to John Durham for his investigations into the FISA abuse. Is it a coincidence that Danshenko’s trial is right around the corner and Durham will be the LEAD prosecutor? Danchenko was connected to the Steele Dossier…. And the Steele Dossier was a product of Crossfire Hurricane of which Danchenko was a lead researcher. The FBI has their hands all over this. How is the stage set?

Fucking BOOM frens.


This is in response to another post. It was presumed that the reason why a red wave couldn’t happen until now is because of the RINOs. It’s actually much more than that….

Optics are very important. You have to consider the state of our country at the time of the 2020 election. Two fold:

One: You allow election fraud to happen on a mass scale. This gives prosecutors the ability to indict MOAR government officials and politicians. Rather than intercept the fraud and arrest 50 people, you allow the fraud to continue so that you can arrest 5,000 people.

Two: You give liberals (and the enemy) what they want and they see with their own eyes the consequences of their choices. It wasn’t to just get RINOs out, it’s to slowly reverse the brainwashing that has occurred for a generation and to get them to understand what it really means to “walk through the dark”.

By this time you have a political party in collapse and the republicans towing the same line (RINOs) will be voted out. This is why Q was so adamant about voting, especially when people knew that there was fraud in 2020.

The 2020 election was a massive sting operation to get DAs, judges, elected officials, government officials, poll workers indicted. To clean up various people who would otherwise be impossible to clean out one-by-one.

Additionally, the controlled demolition of the D party via Joe Biden is the greatest red pill for the normies. It’s so bad, that even if it weren’t by design, that media is also turning on Biden (including left wing outlets).

You’re de-brainwashing of a generation and the destruction of the old guard.


Opening up discovery is a BIG concern for the DS. Not only could it reveal that Twitter is filled with a bunch of bots but also that there are organizations who finance it as well as utilize Twitter to push agendas (ie Jewish World Conference). Additionally, celebrities are forced by their handlers to repeat messages and Ken Griffin (the douche at Citadel) has been subpoenaed in Musk’s counter suit.

Just read the above and see where this is going. It’s not just bots… it’s everything.

Wizards and Warlocks (media.greatawakening.win) N C S W I C
posted ago by JordyTheCat ago by JordyTheCat
Twitter is DONE (media.greatawakening.win) N C S W I C
posted ago by JordyTheCat ago by JordyTheCat

In Q post #3620:


Publicly known?

Think non_public.

Access granted.


The link in Q's post #3620, discusses a "serious" flaw found in secure email tech.

From the article: "Security expert Mikko Hypponen, at F-Secure, said his understanding was that the vulnerability could in theory be used to decrypt a cache of encrypted emails sent in the past, if an attacker had access to such data.

"This is bad because the people who use PGP use it for a reason. People don't use it for fun - people who use it have real secrets, like business secrets or confidential things."

So from the article and Q post, it is suggested that either this "flaw" was not "publicly" known which indicates that it was well known privately and some SOB's actually had the ability to access to decrypted messages and emails. Imagine that you can effectively unmask people completely through the private tech sector where there is hardly any government oversight?

Someone can help a smoothed brain Anon like me, but seems to me that nearly every email client has this email encryption protocol, and if SOBs were aware of the 'flaw' and were given access to decrypt messaging, then they can get all the info they need bypassing Congress, the FISA process, etc. To me, this seems like something the CIA would be involved in- which is why even the CIA had multi-million dollar contract to Amazon using their AWS servers. It's possible that the CIA, through Amazon, Facebook, Google, etc. were able to unmask people at any time and no one in Congress ever knew this was happening.

If Big Tech is involved in some very serious treasonous charges, how can you replace this corrupt social media system without disrupting the flow of communication and access to the public? You'll need to build a parallel social media system (I'll explain more below).

In Q post #2793, Q discusses social media, anti-narrative and misinformation:


Countermeasures in place.


Think Emergency Alert System.

Think WH controlled new RT 'news' website

Think WH controlled new video stream platform

Think Here.

Should this occur, immediate steps will be taken to classify each as 'Public Utility' (essential public services) to gain appropriate gov regulation (control).

Why do we make things public?


What's more interesting are the lines Q wrote:

Think WH controlled new RT 'news' website

Think WH controlled new video stream platform

Now many of us assumed "WH" = "White House" and you'd be correct. However, there are double meanings that do exist, according to Q. What if "WH" didn't mean "White House", but rather, 'White Hat'. Then think about TMTG and how a company like TruthSocial and various TMTG products could actually be classified as a 'Public Utility' to gain appropriate gov regulation (control)? So imagine that the company Trump is creating can be fully utilized by the government (white hat / military) in a state of crisis. Trump would 100% allow this to happen. Even in these two Q lines, Q mentions 'NEWS' website AND 'VIDEO STREAMING'. What other products is TMTG+ going to be doing? You guessed it, NEWS and VIDEO STREAMING.

Now all of that may bake your noodle, BUT think about how Starlink via SpaceX plays right into this. SpaceX, which has many government contracts, can be contracted during this time to provide internet access to the government. Remember, Q said NSA has the ability to overreach the host in the event of a 'net shutdown'. Meaning, that the White Hat government (military cont. gov) can bypass the current internet host and effectively connect it with StarLink to give people access if the 'net' is actually taken offline, or running continual communications for the White Hat operations. This is also why Rumble servers are being built away from Amazon, Microsoft, etc. for the exact same reason and purpose.

Literally the White Hats are creating a parallel social media system that will have the ability to use Starlink capabilities to communicate with everyone... no matter what Big Tech decides to do.

Part of me thinks THIS is the actual reason for TruthSocial, TMTG+, Rumble, etc. in the short term. Long term is to combat the fake news and 'woke' media.

If the big tech swamp companies take down the internet to prevent people from discovering the Truth, then so be it..

June ETA (media.greatawakening.win) N C S W I C
posted ago by JordyTheCat ago by JordyTheCat
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