Power to the People = Trump

Power to the Players = Ryan Cohen

Power to the People = Power to the Players

Reference Graphic: https://ibb.co/DKZfcxw

Reference Pic w/ Icahn and Trump: https://ibb.co/QDgZXsN

A limited number of people in both communities have discovered this connection. That Q and the GMERICA/Teddy/GME/BBBY communities are doing DD that appears to be converging.

One prominent figure on X, Bill Pulte has also made a number of Q references (ie, Trust the Plan, Dark to Light). There are more but I don’t have time to grab them: https://ibb.co/bBVhDfy

It's all connected: Political and Market corruption.

From a prominent DD writer in the GME/BBBY space:


Here's a link to a cool VIDEO shows the connections as well:


Edit: Another connection with Mt. Rushmore:


Patrick Byrne is also a very important figure with respect to blockchain technology protecting the election as well as securing our future decentralized market.


It’s about to get interesting… That’s my Ted Talk


Sure, they will meet their maker. But the whole target of the plan is not really them. They are just the distraction and foot soldiers. It’s JP Morgan (Chase).

It’s been a while since I’ve combed through this board as I’ve been fully consumed by the “Meme” stock short squeeze battle. It seems that Q references have now made their way onto various Reddit subs regarding this Main Street vs Wall Street saga: GME, BBBY and AMC. Additionally some billionaires have been making “cryptic” tweets about some of this stuff as well. Understanding the current situation with the banks and stock market, there is no way these banks can escape this situation. It really is “nothing can stop what’s coming”. This banking cesspool is really going to get fucked very hard.

Piecing all the information together, I believe it’s always been about JP Morgan.

In Q post #4904 there is a graphic with three movie posters titled:

  1. Guardian of the Pedophiles

  2. Panic in DC

  3. Fisagate

The rest of the post is as follows:

“All [3] movies playing simultaneously? Do you find it interesting that everything discussed in the past is somehow making news as of late?”


Guess what is currently happening right now?

  1. JP Morgan has been wrapped up with Epstein.

  2. Banking Crisis where meme stocks + apes are completely wrecking hedge funds and market makers, thus drying up the corrupt money used for special interest, the wealthy, wars and politicians. JP Morgan will have to eventually foot this massive bill (plus Federal Reserve situation).

  3. JP Morgan donated millions to the Clinton Campaign with custody accounts that was valued to $5-$25 million. The current SEC chair, Gary Gensler was Clinton Campaign CFO who authorized payments the Steele Dossier. What just dropped yesterday? Durham report.

JP Morgan (Chase) most likely has its hand (financially) in all the wars & high profile “conspiracy” theories. Let’s not forget that JP Morgan sank the Titanic & helped to create the Federal Reserve.

My prediction: JP Morgan (Chase) will be forced to take on all the smaller banks liabilities, thus making JP Morgan into a defacto central bank of its own. This may of been part of the 16 year plan to usher in CBDC via JP Morgan & the FED. All of that being said, although JP Morgan IS consuming these banks the end result will be completely the opposite of what they want. Instead of the CBDC route, these corrupt pieces of shit will ultimately have to pay up & they got caught/exposed by their own rules. This will be the biggest wealth transfer in human history. Literally the destruction of the old guard… and we are all privy to the media by now (who are owned by banks), they are indirectly admitting the banks will fail and the economy will tank by telling everyone “this is fine”

To quote a wise man: “It’s gonna be biblical”. Here you go: https://tinyurl.com/bdzbkv79

DJT: Power to the People

Bill Pulte: Power to the People

Ryan Cohen: Power to the Players

I’m sure Julian Assange knows what’s up.

Edit: “Biggest wealth transfer in human history” clarification. This will be done via the banks being forced to close their naked short positions via a squeeze. The hedge funds got greedy & realized they forced themselves into an unrecoverable position. As soon as hedge funds are margin called it will have a cascading effect. You are already witnessing the affects. Think Silvergate, First Republic, Silicon Bank just simply had a run? Why did Citadel take out two loans in the total amount of $1.6 billion if they were considered the best performing hedge fund of the year? These banks are paying the massive cost of holding these short positions & delaying closing them. Not only are these banks losing millions per week but now they are dipping into their collateral assets which are forcing these banks to close. This is the REAL reason for what is occurring in the banking industry. Once these short positions are closed the banking industry will be completely wiped out and all of that money will go somewhere.., and it won’t be the banks. WallStreet will be forced to pay out MainStreet…. And the biggest bag holder in all of this will be JPM.

Say good bye to all the deep state slush funds during their (defense) proceedings in criminal court.


It's been a while since I've posted but I think I found an incredible connection as to WHY we're going through this & the purpose of Q.

When I was younger, I was always fascinated in the afterlife and people's NDE (Near Death Experiences). Recently, however, I've noticed a sharp rise in NDE stories that all share incredibly similar experiences. The reason why there are so many more people who have had these experiences documented is due to two things: advances in medicine & technology. Not only do we have the technical ability to quickly bring someone back to life (necessitation) but we also have technology that is used to share & spread information quickly (internet/youtube, etc). As a result of these advancements, we have substantially far more documented NDE's than we ever had before.

I have always been a curious and inquisitive person, even when I was a young boy. I’ve always questioned 9/11, I believed that there is life elsewhere, I understood the problems with central banking (FED), etc. Name a “conspiracy” and chances are I’ve read about it. Due to my inquisitive nature and as a "Christian" who grew up "Catholic", I was even curious about death and the life thereafter. My quest for truth made me a bonafide 'conspiracy theorist' since I could remember. This is what eventually led me to Q in December 2017. As much as I went to the boards, read reddit posts on Q, gobbled up every Twitter account I could follow re: Q I still had this tremendous fascination with the afterlife, or NDEs. Both Q and NDEs are my favorite subjects that I love researching.

Before I go into how I may of discovered the REAL purpose of Q, let me bring you up to speed on my thoughts re: NDEs because I do believe this all ties in together. It wasn’t until yesterday that I came to these conclusions (these are my opinions and you are free to disagree):

  1. This world is not courtroom but a classroom.

  2. We choose our life (race, family, m/f, etc) as well as what we want to learn or experience here on Earth before we are born into this world. Once we're born, we have no recollection of what we chose, that is up for us to figure out during our time on Earth. This is why suicide is highly looked down upon because there is much to be said about learning through suffering. If you cut your life short, you effectively removed yourself from allowing others to learn from you and how many other lives you could of touched in positive ways (disrupting God's plan for you & others). Remember, "Rejoice in trials and tribulations/temptations". "My brothers and sisters, think of the various tests you encounter as occasions for joy." There is a purpose to suffering. It's not fun, believe me, but there is a reason for it.

  3. We have multiple life experiences (you can say reincarnation if you want).

  4. Our souls come here to have a 'human experience' because as souls, it is impossible for us to experience love/hate, pain/bliss, happiness/mourning, etc. The human experience allows us to learn what we cannot learn on the 'other side'.

  5. It doesn't matter what religion you believe as long as you are able to be closer to God and treat people with love, respect and kindness. God is God. God is light. God is love.

  6. Your life review is primarily about how you treat other people (intentionally & unintentionally). You relive your life experiencing it from the perspective of those you have mistreated or hurt during your time on Earth. This is physical or emotional pain. It comes down to understanding, not necessarily right vs wrong.

  7. There is evil in this world & it is a part of the paradigm. It's not necessarily the despicable acts that is the issue, the REAL issue is that this evil is preventing God's plan for humanity from taking place. Evil is literally interfering with God's plan for us as souls (and Humanity) because we have originally allowed it. Evil is interfering with our ability to choose and is creating an environment on Earth that is devoid of love. This evil also wants to suppress Humanity by altering human DNA, which is preventing human ‘ascension’. Furthermore, this evil abuse of children is preventing souls who just entered this world from having a full life experience. This is why Children must be protected. (I’ll get more into this later with Q posts). Just to summarize this point, evil is part of God's plan, however, we as Humans have allowed evil to flourish even though there are far more good people in the world. This is what needs to change.

  8. There is life on other planets and there are millions of 'Earths', all with souls who are going through a life experience to learn.

  9. According to the Q group and God, free will and CHOICE is the biggest gift ever given to us as souls and humans. Nothing is ever done for us, we must ALWAYS make the choice & take up this battle against evil ourselves. We have to unite and work together. This will also help us ascend.

  10. Whether it’s a result of aliens, other civilizations, good humans, etc.. apparently, Earth’s timeline changed at some point. The time-frame was somewhere in the 1990s. This information was provided by many who have had NDEs and were fortunate enough to be given a glimpse of the future by God. They used terms like ‘the Storm’ or “Storms’ but ultimately we will see a bright future ahead. They also commented that if the timeline didn’t change, Earth would have been destroyed (ie, Book of Revelation). Think of Q's post stating that if HRC won in 2016, it would be "Hell on Earth".

Before I go into the Q connections, I highly recommend you watch this video as it will explain much of what I write below:


This is a video of a 14-year NDE researcher (David Suich) who collectively summarized what many people have experienced during their NDEs. Again, he has no connection to Q or anything of that type. I highly suggest you play the entire video but pay special attention to the second half of the video. He makes a few references to what Q has communicated to us.

*** Here are a few ideas this researcher in the video has alluded to (below): ***

A “New World” or New Future: u/#q2450

Change in timeline around the 1980/1990s. What happened prior to & leading up to 1999? The "Start": u/#q1082

Are we alone in the Universe? Aliens & other Intelligent Life or other races: u/#q2222

Evil suppressing Humanity / God’s will via DNA. Q mentions "Ascension". This is a rise in consciousness:


Muslims Defending Christians from Islamic Extremists. Several examples of Humanity Uniting even with different religious beliefs (WW):



(There are several other examples of Q posting about Uniting and having faith in Humanity)

“Rough Patches. We will be facing some ‘Storms. Economic storms, riots, cultural wars. This is darkness coming to the surface” / Great Awakening (Hardships and hard truths progressing to a better future):


So, taking in what I wrote about NDEs, how does this relate to Q? Well, the commonly accepted purpose of Q is more of a superficial one but nevertheless it is massively important. This is what Q says is, ‘The Great Awakening’. Before we can ascend as a species we must first ‘wake up’ to the falsehoods, false prophets and lies surrounding us. We are waking up from the ‘control mechanism’ that is doing everything in their power to repress God’s will for us, which is: LOVE and CHOICE.

This is the first step in ascending in consciousness (in conjunction with God’s plan). We must be awake & understand the truth in order for us to progress (or ascend). This will allow us to unite and make better decisions for ourselves and those around us (friends, families and communities).

I firmly believe a bright new world lies ahead and “the Best is Yet to Come”. Like Q has said (including this 14-year NDE researcher), we must go through the darkness before we see the light:

“It had to be this way. Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light” Q (#4951)

Edit: Can't figure out why the last 4 Q posts aren't showing up / visualizing on this post.

Edit v2: Very much appreciate many of the comments below. I simply thought these were my own ideas and I'm very grateful to others who expressed their interest and appreciation. I'm also pleasantly surprised to read about others who share similar views.


Alright much of this isn't backed by much DD (well some) because most of this is purely speculation, however, it actually appears to be a seriously reasonable possibility. I'd like to provide everyone with a possible explanation of what we're currently "watching" right now.

So, kick of the bank collapse via, Silicon Valley Bank. What specific company did Silicon Valley Bank do business with that was dramatically affected by the collapse of SVB? A digital "coin" based company that was creating "a digital currency PEGGED TO THE U.S. DOLLAR"? Read the previous sentence one more time, but slower. Setting any alarms off in your head? Now, this company is named, Circle. It's effectively the protégé of the future US Government digital currency, USDC = United States DOLLAR Coin.

If anyone paid attention, they would have figured out or have heard that this collapse started as a US FED BONDS COLLAPSE. This is true. Remember, the US Dollar has to have the perception of being a 'stable' & 'trusted' currency which is why many of these banks (and notoriously SVB) perceived the US Dollar to be an incredibly safe asset.

The US Dollar has been used as the "World Reserve Currency" for decades (why do you think we actually invade supposed 'terrorist' countries? This question is important to remember later on). So, as long as the FED can Brrrrr the printing press of the US dollar, the crimes will only metastasize and benefit the 1%, every.... fucking.... time. And they want to "digitize" the US currency for further control & manipulation of the economy, effectively the One World Digital Currency.

Do you see where I’m going yet? If not, this will start to make sense.

Let's look at post #2619:


An anon asked Q, "Do we have the gold." Q responds with "Yes. Gold shall destroy FED."

I really only have one possible guess is to how this post fits into what's going on. Many of us on this board understand the underlining problem with the FED RESERVE and its historical maneuver to unpeg the US note from US Gold Reserves. Without Gold backing the US Dollar, the Federal Reserve can keep printing, printing and printing forever – which is [their] plan.

Remember when Trump went on diplomatic trips to various countries in his first year of office as POTUS? What do you think he was actually ‘making a deal’ for? Simple, GOLD. One may argue other things like evidence of corruption, etc… that is still possible, and maybe there was an agreement, BUT GOLD seems to be one very probable reason- and I’ll tell you why.

First, why did Trump go to countries who have been labeled ‘Hostile’ by NATO? Why were these countries labeled as enemies of NATO? Simple, currency. These countries who were ‘threats’ to NATO did NOT want to join a central banking fiat system. When the US invaded Iraq, Syria, Libya (to name a few), what are we actually trying to accomplish? Sure, you can say OIL because it is considered a resource, but what do you purchase oil with on the global market? You guessed it, the US Petro dollar! Under Clinton, Bush(2x), Obama, we invaded these countries, overthrew their elected government and installed a CIA backed US puppet to serve the financial interests of the US global economic hegemony. The US (w/ NATO allies) wanted to send a clear message to “problematic nations’ and effectively forced these countries to purchase US Dollars as a commodity, thus keeping this entire FED US Dollar Ponzi scheme going. This is literally the biggest financial crime in history, the largest financial Ponzi scheme ever to have been created in this world. The only reason why the US Dollar has any “value” only lies in the “perception” or CONFIDENCE of the US Dollar, that's it. We clearly are not going to pay off our $30+ trillion-dollar debt and it's obvious at this point. You must be brain dead not to see this and other countries see this as well. Remember, if the US Government says so, and you are a country leader who happens to disagree… then the US/NATO will simply invade your country by using “terrorism” as the justification to invade and take you out. Why do you think 9/11 actually happened? Fear & Control. Use “terrorism” to justify global intervention. NATO already approves so really there is no resistance if you’re a 3rd world country. Once the US or NATO has you, they take your economy with it.

So, let’s take one step back: Why was Trump visiting various countries in the first year of his presidency? I believe it was to discuss this very situation and restore the Gold Reserves. Now, why would I come to this conclusion? Well, first, what is the one thing that seems to always go missing or is confiscated right after we invade these countries? Their GOLD. Saddam, Gaddafi, were trying to get Assad for the same reason.

And would you look at that:

Syria: https://www.dailysabah.com/syrian-crisis/2019/02/26/us-army-transported-50-tons-of-gold-from-syria-report-says

Libya: https://lifeinsaudiarabia.net/what-happened-to-143-tons-of-colonel-gaddafi-gold/

Iraq: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/us-seizes-what-may-be-500-million-in-gold-in-iraq/F3FAD42RH7SPAGKNEO7QKGGGIQ/


Remember, in the previous Q post #2619, an Anon asked Q if WE have the Gold. Q responded, “Yes”.

So, how does this fit in with what’s going on today, you may ask?

Well, I believe what we’re currently witnessing is the Ultimate destruction of the Old Guard, ie the US FED Dollar. It is the currency of the NWO “illuminati” cult. How do I know? The “All Seeing Eye w/ Pyramid” is literally on the back of the fucking US Dollar. This is [THEIR] currency. Until this FED Dollar currency is wiped out, the problems will increasingly grow in size & will continually cause so much damage to human civilization.

Additionally, if we're going through a banking collapse at the moment, what other "banks" stand out to so many of us on this board? Ah yes, the Rothschilds Banks (and every other bank for that matter).

So, WHAT ELSE do you think Trump was talking to China, Russia, India, Bolsonaro of Brazil, etc. about as well? Maybe something called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). The currency that absolutely THREATENS the US FED Dollar Reserve status. This is why the media and corrupt members of the US Government are constantly attacking these countries. It's one reason why they are so obsessed with vilifying Russia. Side Note: China also has a deep state (CCP) and Xi was also a puppet. The liberal LOVE for China is really for the CCP, not the People's Republic of China.

So, the BIG question is, are we actually preparing for a lateral move of our entire economic system? Are we witnessing the literal ‘Destruction of the Old Guard’?

Now, there is two ways this can possibly go down and I believe we will experience some type of pain economically no matter how it is cut. Unfortunately, this pain is a necessary evil. This system has to END. Jerome Powell can either RAISE interest rates which will ultimately decimate the banking system and make many of them insolvent. This will cause depositors to most likely lose money as there is no way the FDIC can insure every depositor, even at the 250k limit. It’s mathematically impossible. However, if Jerome Powell decides to pause or even reduce the interest rates, inflation will come pretty hard. In either case, once the FED turns on the printing press, inflation will come.

So, we either witness the collapse of the banks and lose quite a bit of our deposits OR we go into hyperinflation thus making everything worthless along with a huge currency crisis. In either case, the FED system cannot survive either way. They either destroy the US Dollar (w/ inflation) or default (w/out inflation).

I am firmly convinced that the goal is to collapse the economy under Joe Biden and have his administration completely blamed for it. Trump even made a hint at it: https://twitter.com/ImMeme0/status/1634321007442812929?s=20

Again, Joe Biden being “President” is irrelevant to be honest. Once the economy begins to crumble people will begin to understand the value of money and the problems with central banking. Most likely not from a technical standpoint but many people will blame government and banks for this mess – as they should. This may also force the GOP majority house to start subpoenaing these bankers, FED chair, etc.. Unfortunately, we need an economic collapse to literally destroy this US FED Dollar one way or the other. I believe this has been done by design, by the good guys.

So, you might ask, well how and the hell will we survive this? I believe this is where the Gold and BRICS fits in. Now I’m not an economist by any means and am fairly smoothed brain on analysis and technical economic data, but I do love analyzing trends and probabilities. In order to quickly recover from an economic collapse, you'll either need to reissue a new currency (but that can take time) OR you utilize an existing parallel economy to peg your currency to, BRICS. We use our gold stockpiles to either back the US Dollar or BRICS currency (depending on how the situation unfolds). At that point we get rid of the US Dollar, prosecute financial crimes and dismantle the obviously corrupt SEC, FINRA, etc. Then a new financial regulatory agency with proper checks and balances to serve the people. I think thought of Q post #3383:

"Imagine what would happen, if, by law, every US Congressman/woman, US Senator, President etc. was by US law AUDITed every 1-2 years by an independent agency. Imagine what would happen if those AUDITs extended to all family members of such 'elected' official?"


Lastly, let’s also consider one element that people may have missed. What exactly was ‘Operation Warp Speed’? Many people understand it to be the development & deployment of the COVID vaccinations. Well, I believe not exactly. It's possible that Operation Warp Speed effectively put the Deep State’s plan into hyperdrive, ie Warp Speed. We were supposed to be under COVID for much longer, we were supposed to take vaccines over & over (money for Big Pharma and your DNA gets altered), we were supposed to go to war with Russia and usher in a NWO and One World Digital Currency. Warp Speed also has a Space connotation, Space Force.

I believe, what we’re currently witnessing is the literal destruction of the Old Guard (US Federal Reserve / Dollar).

Q post #3961:


"You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD."


EDIT: Thank you to the anon who helped me format Q posts.


Q has said a few times, "the choice to know will be yours" and "Freedom of information [Truth] = END"

As a number of us understand on this board, there's a reason why Starlink (Musk), Rumble and Truth have been created. Essentially creating a parallel economy/media industry up against the DS. This is reinforced by Trump a few times, "we've gone around [them] like no one has gone around them before.". (One could assume Musk takeover & exposure of Twitter is part of Trump's reference as well)

So why is Truth Social effectively account 'locked'? Well, imagine there is some pretty crazy info that starts being dropped on Twitter via the TwitterFiles. The more damning it gets the more absurd & blatant MSM/DS attacks become. At some point the most damning bits will most likely be blocked by MSM coverage and the remaining abilities of the social media censorship apparatus. Most likely, it may get to the point of a potential blackout event or a "pull of the plug" so to speak. Even Twitter is not immune from this level of censorship (blackout).

So if normies understand that a lot of this information is now widely available to view on Truth Social, all they have to do is sign-up and create an account. It's at this point that these 'red pilled' normies will make a 'red pilled' choice to view the Truth. It's either choose Truth (even skeptically) or choose believing the media lies that have not only become more compounded but evidently brazen.

"Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.



Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

Difficult truths."


I believe part of the "Plan" was to create a parallel society where it really just comes down to normies making the choice. The fact that Q/WH's is making this transition incredibly effective & quick makes it nearly impossible to avoid . That's the genius behind the plan.

In the end, everyone will have a choice.

Edit: TS will eventually open up to the world. I assume Truth Social will pull many people over (even those who initially hated Trump). Which is why the servers need to be separate from DS control and operate via Starlink. One of the reasons why Trump had to "step aside as President" (ie, let Biden "win"), was to jump start the parallel society from the private sector. Remember, if Trump "won" in 2020 he would not be allowed to invest in TMTG+ and it would not of been enough time to develop the infrastructure needed (TS/Rumble/Starlink).

"Timing is everything" Q


I’ve had this position for close to a year now. Some laughed, scoffed or banned at me (on Reddit, like the DWAC sub. Mods didn’t like the discussion of Elon Musk).

Elon knows that Twitter is a dumpster fire but it had to go private so Elon can have 100% control in releasing this information to the public. Second, Elon bought Twitter at its maximum user base. Imagine if the swamp built up Twitter and mass accumulated customers only for it to be taken right out from under them. Now the swamps tool has been dramatically turned against them and is destroying everything they worked so hard to build. “Oh you have millions of users? Well now they’re mine and I will show them all your lies.”

Why Twitter? It’s the largest narrative constructor for everyone, including the left. it retains a lot of DMs between Government officials, law enforcement, Politicians, celebrities, etc… it is rife with corruption and MSM heavily relies on it in order to spread their disinformation. Project Mockingbird in full force. Elon effectively neutered all of them from influencing public opinion and Twitter is now communicating directly to the people. “We’ve gone around them [MSM] like no one has ever gone around them before.” - DJT

Why release damning info on Twitter? Simple. Twitter is very good at dripping information out so that it’s easily digestible and will not be overwhelming to the general public. Imagine if Musk just had them dump everything at once? No one would pay attention and it would get buried instantly. But to piece meal it out is genius. Second, he also has two investigative journalists who aligned with the LEFT politically makes the information more digestible for those still asleep. If the same information were peddled by Fox for example, liberals and those asleep would not give it a second’s worth of time and write it off as simple Republican “talking points”.

So we have Twitter to provide damning and heavy information to the public in very small, easily digestible doses make it easier for the normie to understand the information. Again, info coming from sources many on the left typically trust will provide credibility to the material and information. Genius.

As the damage begins to grow the swamp will have no choice but to keep escalating their response to Elon (himself) and attack Twitter. Most likely to the point of doing something seriously bad. How else can they stop themselves and Twitter from being exposed? They can’t.

How extreme? That’s anyone’s guess but I can imagine it will be big.

That leads us to the future. Twitter will most likely be gutted as there is so much corruption. It could escalate the Republican house to take action and set up new regulation to protect free speech and get rid of the 203 protections. Boom.

So…. Why does Truth Social exist? Do you see how this fits right in? If Twitter falls then it’s a matter of time until Facebook, YouTube, etc start to unveil their crimes. Once/when Twitter gets nuked the others could follow.

We (patriots) are literally creating a parallel economy, tech and government. It’s a collapse and destruction of the old guard.

Again, whether Twitter survives is another point but Elon Musks primary goal is to expose Twitter and anything that touches it. This is his priority.

A battle of the billionaires. Whether Musk is a white or Grey hat, we have to recognize that there is a clear and obvious agenda at play.


I’ve had a few posts elsewhere that is older but here is one link:



I've been discussing Trump's run for President with a number of people for a while. I come from the belief that he will NOT run for President in 2024 BUT I believe something else very interesting may take place on November 15th.

First, let's provide context before I go into what I believe will happen. The more you continue to read, the more everything will fit in their proper place.

As of now, there is no possible way for the public to know if Trump is actually the President or not. Just for a brief minute, imagine that Trump is still currently serving as President of the United States while the military continues it's psychology operation on the American people (ie, Q). At this point, Biden is technically the FALL GUY and every corrupt person within his orbit will fall around him as well. Secondly, Trump has publicly stated that he considers himself to be a 'war time' President (which us anons know to be true). To sum this part up, if Trump is still technically the President, he cannot run for a 3rd term via the Constitution & the White Hats will not violate the constitution if their goal is to protect it - remember, Q has stated that this has to be done right and in accordance with the law. We also cannot forget that Trump has his private company TMTG, of which, he will have to divest from (publicly) if he chooses to run in 2024. If you think about it, Truth Social (ie TMTG) is probably more beneficial & valuable to the public than Trump running for another term, especially with what we know is coming down the line.

I believe the Trump has already accomplished what he needed to do as President and the US military is actually running the show since the 2020 election.

If you remember back during Trump's speech right after the 2020 elections when he was standing next to his family, outside in front of AirForce One, he said “we’ll be back in SOME FORM”. He never said “I’ll be back”. Keyword: "in some form." I think there is a reason why President Trump has been so allusive in regards to announcing a possible Presidential run.

Here's the 40,000 ft view:

At our current point in time, the congressional seats that “won” back in 2016, 2018 & 2020 midterms have either exhausted their term in full or still serving… the remaining seats up for election in Congress has been “voted” in during yesterday’s midterm election (2022). Therefore, every congressional member (senate + house), attorney general & judge who committed election fraud is now, at this very moment, has either completed their fraudulent term or is currently serving in an 'elected' position during a fraudulent election. My gut feeling is that the White Hats were waiting for the entire kit & caboodle so that they can prosecute everyone who retained an elected position illegally & unlawfully from 2016 to 2022. This includes senators and house members. Especially those politicians who kicked off the RussiaGate hoax back in 2016.

Imagine for a minute that the White Hats intervened and arrested those who were complicit in election fraud back in 2016? Imagine the 2020 election? Why arrest 50 people when you can ALLOW the election fraud to commence and wait until the very end in order to arrest EVERYONE. I believe that the White Hats planned to wait until each & every current position in Washington is either determined to be certified as 100% legitimate or certified as 100% illegal.

So what will Trump reveal on November 15th? DECLAS? It's up for debate but I imagine it will be very "spicy". Keep in mind that by the 15th, most, if not all counties should certify unless there is a runoff.

Finally, search for posts dated "Nov 11". You'll see what's coming :)


It's to protect investors from heavy losses when Twitter's value is obliterated by the heavy CIA/DoD fingerprints all over it. Elon Musk bought Twitter to shield the public from the financial fallout. Elon's goal is to expose Twitter and place a spotlight on the SEC.

Memes will need to be ready, frens. Twitter's algo defense has been neutered upon Elon's arrival. You're beginning to witness the free-flow of information (at an alarming rate).

There is no coincidence that this happened right before midterms. Now the world gets to see the Truth.

"We have to bypass the media in order to get straight to the people."

"We've gone AROUND THEM like no one in history has gone AROUND THEM."


Truth Social was created for this reason....

This cannot be stopped.


There is much more to this subject but I don't want to make an already long post, longer. The larger story of how this happened stretched from well before WW1 all the way through WW2. Going all the way back to Lenin, the Bolsheviks and up to Stalin & the Soviet Union.

--- INTRO ---

To introduce you, the Holodomor Holocaust was perpetuated by Stalin on the Ukranian people as a result of growing fear of a counter-revolution as the Soviet Union sought to indigenize Ukraine & expand their empire. The holocaust was initiated by an artificial grain famine that put millions without food who eventually died. Even the Ukrainian government were effectively dethroned during this time as Stalin initiated mass-scale political repressions through widespread intimidation, arrests, and imprisonment. Thousands of Ukrainian intellectuals, church leaders, and Ukrainian Communist Party functionaries who had supported pro-Ukrainian policies were executed by the Soviet regime.


By the end of the 1920s, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin consolidated his control over the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Feeling threatened by Ukraine's strengthening cultural autonomy, Stalin took measures to destroy the Ukrainian peasantry and the Ukrainian intellectual and cultural elites to prevent them from seeking independence for Ukraine.

At the same time, Stalin decreed the First Five Year Plan, which included the collectivization of agriculture, effectively ending the NEP. Collectivization gave the Soviet state direct control over Ukraine's rich agricultural resources and allowed the state to control the supply of grain for export. Grain exports would be used to fund the USSR's transformation into an industrial power.

The majority of rural Ukrainians were independent small-scale or subsistence farmers who opposed collectivism. They were forced to surrender their land, livestock and farming tools, and work on government collective farms (kolhosps) as laborers. Historians have recorded about 4,000 local rebellions against collectivization, taxation, terror, and violence by Soviet authorities in the early 1930s. The Soviet secret police (GPU) and the Red Army ruthlessly suppressed these protests. Tens of thousands of farmers were arrested for participating in anti-Soviet activities, shot, or deported to labor camps.

The wealthy and successful farmers who opposed collectivism were labeled "kulaks" by Soviet propaganda ("kulak" literally means "a fist"). They were declared enemies of the state, to be eliminated as a class. The elimination of the so-called "kulaks" was an integral part of collectivization. It served three purposes: as a warning to those who opposed collectivization, as a means to transfer confiscated land to the collective farms, and as a means to eliminate village leadership. Thus, the secret police and the militia brutally stripped "kulaks" not only of their lands but also their homes and personal belongings, systematically deporting them to the far regions of the USSR or executing them.


Fearing that opposition to Stalin's policies in Ukraine could intensify and possibly lead to Ukraine's secession from the Soviet Union, Stalin set unrealistically high grain procurement quotas on the farmers. Those quotas were accompanied by other Draconian measures intended to wipe out a significant part of the Ukrainian nation.

In August of 1932, the decree of "Five Stalks of Grain," stated that anyone, even a child, caught taking any produce from a collective field, could be shot or imprisoned for stealing "socialist property." At the beginning of 1933, about 54,645 people were tried and sentenced; of those, 2,000 were executed.

As famine escalated, growing numbers of farmers left their villages in search of food outside of Ukraine. Directives sent by Stalin and Molotov (Stalin's closest collaborator) in January of 1933 prevented them from leaving, effectively sealing the borders of Ukraine.

The Holodomor Holocaust started in 1932.

When did WW2 "start" & what happened leading up to it?

Here's the connection I'm making & I say this with unease. That maybe it wasn't entirely the the Jewish population we read in all the history books that were being persecuted at a mass scale, quite possibly it were Ukrainians (and in some cases, Russians). Jews were persecuted but I believe this is where history starts to diverge. At this time, thousands of Ukrainians were put on trial, thousands were executed, thousands of farmers were being deported on trains, overworked and millions of Ukrainians died as a result. Even some starving Ukrainians resorted to cannibalism in order to survive. Western institutions and the media at the time were not only covering up the truth about this Holocaust up but effectively weaponized it in order to gin up public support for a war against another country, dare I say Germany. At the time, Germany was a specific economic and military threat to western nations and it was not only a direct threat to the Soviet Union, but Britain as well. If you control the media & academia, you can literally distort history and spin it to your advantage.

No one seems to know about this. It's not that it didn't happen, it seems to of become a footnote to the pages of our history, or, actively suppressed for a reason. Wait until you read what a writer, who looked into this decades ago, had to say about the Western countries reaction to this (read below)-

Here is what a writer back in the 80's described the situation:

Writer Marco Carynyk:

"Most western intellectuals British, French, German, Canadian, American were pro-Soviet. Stalin said that he was engaged in a "great noble experiment for the benefit of all mankind". And they believed him. The primary responsibility for this lay, of course, with Stalin. He engaged- he began a deliberate campaign of misinforming the west of suppressing, concealing the facts about the famine as much as possible. This is not surprising, he had good reasons to do so in his own interest to suppress the facts.

What is surprising, however, is that institutions in the west, including reputable newspapers and major western governments went along with this and helped Stalin, in affect, to conceal the fact that millions of people had died or were dying. Now, when I say major institutions including newspapers, I have in mind specifically the New York Times, which went along with what Stalin was doing and whose reporter in Moscow, Walter Durant, he, mind you, deliberately misrepresented the facts, but even more strongly, I would say he knowingly lied.

Now, another example of this deliberate coverup is the British government. I've had the opportunity to study the archival records and it is clear that in the course of 1933, Whitehall, the British government in London, informed in great detail about what was going on in Ukraine. British embassy and consular officials in Moscow were sending back detailed dispatches week by week, day by day describing gasly things. It was no secret to people in London, to officials in London, that there was a famine going on and… 10 million people had died. The same Whitehall officials who have been receiving these reports about the famine situation and agreeing that they were true, now called this an “alleged famine”. This was the word they used, “alleged famine”, and said, ‘sorry, we cannot do anything because we have normal relations with the Soviet Union.”

Video: https://rumble.com/v1okdsg-holodomor-hidden-holocaust-1930s.html

Article: https://cla.umn.edu/chgs/holocaust-genocide-education/resource-guides/holodomor


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