JustOutofCuriosity 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a picture of Jean Michael at a church, and now I see him through Brigitte. The existence of Jean M. Wich they have admitted is the piece that shatters the narrative. Where is him now? Are there pictures? Did he travel, get married, etc?

JustOutofCuriosity 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nah, that's just how Jewish marriages are. Their women don't even try.

JustOutofCuriosity 6 points ago +6 / -0

I agree, the hand gesture, the strong look she gave to whatever audience was there. Some other thing, not once she touched her hair or rearranged herself when seated.

JustOutofCuriosity 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a performance artist, both are, since there's a veiled 'female robot' on the left corner. If you look at the eye movement and blinking, and the fingers movement, you can see it's a person with SFX make-up.

What we saw was a deliberate attempt at butt touching, following with the hand backing off not to the original exact place, and a smirk. The smirk itself is a complex emotional reaction, you need to know a moral norm and decide to break it, but doing it in a way that can be socially within the boundaries of cultural norms. Our models are not there yet since all we got is based on predicting language patterns, not coordinating a physical response and navigating subtleties like that.

I call this fake and gay.

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