Kaddu 2 points ago +2 / -0

[Know biology] [Read hundreds of papers in many fields of science] [Browsed thousands of covid and vaxx papers] [Pure blood, won't take any vaxx ever]

mRNA lnps injected in blood stream through vaxx makes the genetic machinery of the body produce spike protein - the toxin of sarscov2. The risks are perpetual production of spikes in the body, the spike causing direct (heart and organ damage) and indirect damage (immunity loss)

McCullough talks of shedding. Very likely he is talking of shedding of spike proteins. If you receive spike proteins through kiss or other fluids, your body would respond to toxin the usual way. In short term, a minor issue that body immunity will easily deal with for most. Long term impact on immunity, we won't know for a decade.

Shedding is unlikely to shed mRNA LNPs as they are fragile (kept frozen in injections). So, very unlikely you will have permanent genetic damage by exchanging body fluids.

Having kids with vaxxed has permanent risks to preborn, and the born.