On the 11th of January 2021 President Donald J Trump awarded Jim Jordan the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The highest civilian honor in the US of A if I'm not mistaken.
I find it absolutely impossible this would have happened, especially at this date, unless President Trump actually was sincere about the award. And I'm 100% certain Trump "caught them all". I suppose I could be wrong as many of Trump's allies turns on him eventually. Maybe some of them according to plan but as one of President Trump's last official actions this would be a very strange twist if Jim would actually be working against President Trump.
She's from Germany. Not sure moving there is such a good idea.
The guy in the other link is from Croatia. Better option I'd say.
Before this Corona shit I was looking for somewhere to retire. Thought Western Australia by the sea would be perfect. Now this. Mind blowing. Rural Oklahoma here I come. Most likely the last bastion to fall.
Initially Sweden's policy regarding Corona was driven by health authorities at odds with most of the rest of the world. Heard immunity indeed. However nursing homes and other forms of housing and care for elderly was not protected and our numbers of dead was higher than necessary.
Simplified. For most of 2020 we only had recommendations such as keep distance, wash your hands etc. Restrictions mostly for restaurants, cinemas and sporting events. Some places/situations required masks. However none of the restrictions was subject to any legal consequences if broken and as the month's passed by a majority just went on with life. Small business and restaurants suffers though.
In 2021 the politicians took more control and somewhat tougher restrictions got implemented. Especially Coronapass for a number of public events and even some restaurants (optional but restrictions on guests if no Coronapass) in the fall of 2021. The rethoric got a bit more in line with the rest of the world. As unvaxxed this meant that you in specific places got restricted. But no-one (at least as far as I know) in Sweden has been brought to court or faced legal consequences for non-compliance.
Kindergartens has been open thoroughout and school for 7-12 year old's as well. No mask requirements.
Travel within Sweden has been open with recommendations not many have care about.
It's still been 2 shitty years with a lot of fear among large portions of the population and animosity between many vaxxed and non-vaxxed. Still ongoing even though more and more info regarding the vax no longer is myths but pretty established facts. I suppose the vaxxed want official recognition for their good behaviour. But looking around the globe we have by comparison had it pretty reasonable.
2022 is election year and with Denmark, Finland and Norway dropping most or all restrictions it was only a matter of time.
I hope he's telling the world he's so happy he just got his Twitter account back and is about to post a tweet about the weather