Keepinon 2 points ago +4 / -2

I have been a follower of Q since the beginning but always Questioned the "trust the plan and eat popcorn scenario" I am just saying look at things square in the face, take the bull by the horns. I am all for freedom, just not sure we have not been played. OK. No one is to blame. I have supported Trump, while not always agreeing. The trouble with Q is that no one is allowed to Question.QQ!!!! OK

Freedom demands the Freedom of thought. Either Q and the community and Anons in these forums are the same or they are not. Think!! for yourselves. That is what Freedom is for

Keepinon 0 points ago +2 / -2

Great Comment. Thanks. Have you seen the video I posted below. A top virologist warns about the consequences this may have. Like you I have been following this closely and it is not good.

Keepinon 8 points ago +10 / -2

not true.

Here is a video of a top virologist on the dangers, not only to the individual but to society, of the completely untested RNA vaccines. This Scientist is pro vaccines and has worked for the Gates Foundation. I highly recommend you watch it.

Total Skeptics are now understanding what this is all about.


Keepinon 0 points ago +4 / -4

no they are not accurate. They are reported by health officials and the people injured, which amounts to about 1 percent of the actual cases.

ewwwww. I will have you banned if you don't agree with me. Scarrrryyyyy.

Keepinon 1 point ago +2 / -1

you misunderstood. "They" think the light bringer is the one true God. Opposite of the Christian view. Not what I think. Just pointing out that light to dark can have a completely opposite meaning depending on who is saying it.

deleted 0 points ago +1 / -1
Keepinon 3 points ago +4 / -1

that would be interesting if true but a quick search says otherwise

Vlad Tenev is ceo


Keepinon 0 points ago +1 / -1

You know don't divide patriots between Q believers or not. Does not matter. We all want the same thing.

If Q is what is says then Great. If Q was meant for bad then we will turn it into Good.

But if we let it divide us then .......

The greatest Lies are always surrounded by Truth.

Best to listen to different viewpoints and Question and always Stay Vigilant

Keepinon 0 points ago +1 / -1

I hope so too

Keepinon 0 points ago +1 / -1

speaking for myself I am still in the fight. We are tied in the Senate. My bet is Joe and the Globalist agenda will wake up and piss a lot of people off. There will be a lot of chaos going into 22 when we can pick up a lot of seats.

as it is, due to a couple good democrats they did not do away with the filibuster.

So some good news. The vote on impeachment for Trump is looking weaker and if they have had time to get some good evidence together then maybe it will be epic.

It ain't over

Keepinon 0 points ago +3 / -3

Up vote seekers are those that go on military sites or scour the internet for any little thing they can twist and turn to mean what they want.

I am here fighting for you guys. Go to patriots.win and see the quality posts there

pretty soon serious fighters will migrate there.

Because the substance is leaving this place.

My time is important to me, I am staying to fight for you all to go back to hard research and sauce.

I have been around since the beginning. Sorry if you don't like my communication style, I am trying to express it as best as I can.

As Patriots we need to stay together. Lets look at what we are really fighting and there is more in common than not.

If your friend was about to get hit by a car, would you call out and warm him.

That is what I am trying to do. But you are entitled to your opinion.

Keepinon -1 points ago +1 / -2

Not meant to be from me. Just that it brings up the possibility that not all family members agree on everything.

In other words he earned his new command and it has nothing to do with M. Flynn

What I am really protesting against is people just making stuff up to fit a narrative with no research, no sauce etc.

Sure it makes us feel better and that was ok to lick our wounds for awhile. But now it is becoming an addiction. If we are going to stay relevant then we need to get back in the fight.

While we are making up stupid stuff, the dems are trying to pack the supreme court and pas HR1. Real shit like that is the fight.

Keepinon -1 points ago +1 / -2

Just as an alternative thought. Would it make sense to disavow half of your base.

If he is not involved in Q then I really doubt he took time to study it. He was told they are my supporters and hate human trafficking and what is wrong with that.

Just a possibility.

Keepinon -1 points ago +1 / -2

No I don't think it will probably happen. so I don't think it is part of the plan.

If this was so easy then why isn't it done. It is not easy. 20 percent of the government and probably 80 percent of corps are somehow tied up with globalism.

How much of the swamp was Trump able to drain. Seems like we just kept getting new swamp creatures.

This is a war of information and ideals. If you want to really fight it then you need to stay based.

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. But don't twist every little thing to fit a pre fixed narrative.

Why is congress out. Not sure but maybe because they are working on Their battle plan. Pelosi may be old and senile but don't underestimate her evil

Keepinon -1 points ago +1 / -2

Maybe not if they are able to prove the presidency is not legitimate. Trouble is a lot of republicans in congress just want things to go back to normal. They don't understand what we are really up against. Things are a mess. Lets Hope Biden being in there will show everyone the truth. This is a perilous time. Dems are trying to pass bills while they have power that will destroy our country. I don't think bills like below are part of the plan. https://dcdirtylaundry.com/a-terrifying-new-bill-in-congress-would-eliminate-the-possibility-of-turning-america-around-in-2024-2028-or-ever-againa-terrifying-new-bill-in-congress-would-eliminate-the-possibility-of-turning-amer/

We are in a war. We lost a battle

"The big tech companies are scared to death of the populist movement in America. It doesn’t matter who leads it, Trump or some other figure, there’s nothing these elitists fear more than a popular movement of free people exercising their liberty."

“When Trump said, ‘They’re not after me, they’re after you’, there was some truth to that,” Wood said. “We see the oppression and censorship, and everybody seems to be a target now, to shut people up and keep the alternative narrative suppressed.”

And it won’t stop with the suppression of speech.

above from article

Keepinon -3 points ago +1 / -4

I really hope we can turn Lemons into Lemonade. I am fighting for Freedom, and Justice and Truth.

This is a perilous time. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

This pretty much sums it all up of what we are up against.

The Great Reset: The Rise Of the Techno-Fascist System Is Now ‘In Your Face’


Keepinon -1 points ago +5 / -6

Don't be so open minded that your brains fall out

Keepinon -1 points ago +1 / -2

Biden was sworn in. Now they have to legally impeach him. It is as simple as that.

There may have been things in the works to contest the presidency but it did not happen. Now Biden is the president. Fight from there. That is reality if/until it is legally taken from him.

The past is the past. We are Here Now. Play the ball from there

Keepinon -4 points ago +6 / -10

how is it holding the line. Articles of Impeachment will be filed against Biden. Trump is starting to run primaries against rhino republicans.

That is holding the line. Looking for Truth and sharing it is Holding the Line.

Jumping on every little thing and twisting it to fit a narrative is not holding the line

Keepinon 6 points ago +7 / -1

sauce for that comment. prove that to be true not just wanna be true

apparently he may not be on the same page as his brother

“Charlie Flynn is an officer of an incredibly high integrity,” he said. “Multiple combat tours. He has buried a lot of people. This guy has given a lot to this country. It is incredibly awkward for this officer every day for what is going on with him and his brother, but he puts his head down in, and he is locked in to serve the Constitution.”


Keepinon -19 points ago +13 / -32

Take off the Hopium colored glasses. You are going off a cliff like a bunch of lemmings.

Transition of Power is a time when our country is vulnerable. The phrase is more powerful and describes more succinctly the role of the Army at a time like this.

As long as Biden is in the white house and has been inaugurated and President, then he is President.

Get up off of the Hopium floor and get your thinking caps on and get back in the fight. This Hopium is now like sucking on a baby bottle.

Keepinon 0 points ago +1 / -1

He felt that the election was stolen so by staying he would have been seen as condoning and giving legitimacy to Biden being elected president.

It was a statement. Listen Trump always says "you have to play the ball where it lands".

Well the election was stolen. At this moment Biden is president and that is real.

If there is stuff going on below the surface then great but this is where the fight is right now. We can't grab and twist every little thing to fit a narrative.

Keepinon 0 points ago +1 / -1

didn't airforce 1 take Trump to Florida, so how could Biden fly. The real president took precedent over the president elect that was not sworn in yet. Generally a president stays for the inauguration of the next president.

Yes the MSM is totally corrupt and biased and a psyop. But remember occams razor. Look for a logical explanation first. That is all I am saying. Some of this stuff is really going off the deep end.

Biden is president during a very difficult time. Hopefully that will turn into a positive thing. In the meantime, Biden is president and there are real consequences.

Trump is already setting up challenges for the Rhinos in 2022, that is the real fight going on

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