Agreed. There are quite a few times the last year that would've been good
But you're setting up a false dichotomy. God doesn't do nothing, nor does he do everything. Why can't he do some things and let us do things too? There are times he intervenes (you can tell by my username when I think such an occasion was), but must he always?
Your quote just made me read 1 John 4. Recommend it to everyone!
An addendum: We are called to worship in spirit and in truth. Many churches emphasize one and neglect the other.
Binge the Bible. Read Unseen Realm or Supernatural by Michael Heiser (Same book; the former is the more academic version [citations etc] the latter is the more casual)
Yeah, he writes with the assumption that it will lead to a reckoning for Silicon Valley. But like you say, that assumption relies on legislatures/courts (including public opinion) to confront the problem.
In reality, these institutions continue to acquiesce and appease. Is "appeasement" not another conflict theory he should have seriously considered? He may have also assumed there was a limit to the cognitive dissonance that could be tolerated by the system..
Interesting, but doesn't look quite the same. Any other possibilities?