Last night as I was lying in bed a thought suddenly came to me regarding the 2024 election. It was an idea I hadn't really considered but now seems rather obvious to me as a very real possibility. If this has already been discussed before then I apologize for arriving late to the party. Anyways let's begin.
Lately the idea I've seen that seems to be floating around in our circles is that there won't even be an election next year because something big is coming. Whether that be WW3, an EMP, a series of false flags, banking crisis, cyberattacks, or some combination of these. Up until last night I had been leaning towards that train of thinking myself. However, what if instead of some apocalyptic scenario that we've been wargaming out something surprising happens instead? What if we manage to arrive at November 5th and have our election day after all?
This isn't to say that there won't be attempts to prevent an election if the deep state feels that there's no other way to stop Trump but it's possible that, like many of their previous attempts, it simply won't be enough. Perhaps they'll be prevented by good actors or the people will see through the attempts as a thinly-veiled excuse to circumvent the election and the psy-op falls apart. Either way, for the sake of argument, let's assume that despite the looming madness of 2024 that we get to vote for our president in the end. Furthermore, let's say that in spite of their best efforts to rig the election for Biden (or whoever turns out to be their candidate of choice) that the cheating can't overcome the landslide in favor of Trump and they get blindsided again like in 2016.
Now, in this scenario what do you think the deepstate would decide to do? Would they just go quietly into the night and mutter "dagnabbit he got us again!" or would they instead go for a desperate hail-mary because they know if they don't at least try then they're going to be sent to prison or even be executed for their treason. I think you know the answer to that. We're dealing with cornered rabid animals after all. I think at that point they would seek to cling to power even if it appeared completely unhinged to the general public. In short: what if the corporate media and the democrats collude once again to try one final narrative?
Imagine after Trump's victory the MSM suddenly starts running headlines like "In order to save democracy we must override democracy!" and "Hitler was elected to power too" or something ridiculous along those lines. Completely insane to most of us but some of their more brainwashed followers could bite off on it. Then the democrats say that for the good of the country that they won't be leaving office.
What happens then? Constitutional crisis? Would a constitutional crisis not make for a great precipice moment in America? Is this not the sort of thing that might require the military to justifiably step in and forcibly remove the swamp from the government due to committing blatant treason in front of all to see? There would be no denying who the traitors are at that point, they will have finally exposed themselves before the entire country, normies included.
One of the things I find compelling about this theory is that it would be a way for us to reconcile the fact that "the power is in the peoples' hands" and also that the "military is the only way". Both are in fact true. WE need to vote and THEY need to fulfill their constitutional obligation to the people and to their rightful commander-in-chief at the appointed time.
For all those wondering why Trump would possibly wait 2 more years before officially returning rather than publicly announcing military occupation + arrests + unveiling devolution and returning to office now, would it make more sense for him to do that before our economy falls in on itself or after the fact? One of the things he said tonight that stood out to me was (and I'm very much paraphrasing here until someone finds the actual clip) was that many people are still asleep/unaware how bad things are/could get and that they'll find out in the next couple of years.
It's my belief that the only way that most people will wake up is if we enter a depression. The fact of the matter is that so many people really don't care all that much about the state of affairs until they themselves are directly impacted by something. This is why the #1 issue this cycle was the economy. Inflation topped most peoples' concerns. If you think the discontent is high now just wait until we enter great depression territory. How motivated do you think people will feel then?
The other thing to realize is that the nature of fiat currency dictates that this is an inevitability with or without whitehat intervention. The power of economics transcends human manipulation at a certain point. No Empire has ever managed to stay on top once their currency begins the ugly downward spiral of debasement. The Fed cannot stop what is coming. None of the central banks can. My bet is that this will happen within the next 2 years and that Trump won't be taking office until after this happens.
Buckle up, folks. Trump said things were going to get ugly between now and 2024. Hope you've hedged yourself financially. God bless you all.
Now I want to preface this by saying that I'm not some Ayatollah apologist, that I'm a fan of the Iranian government, or whatever else before someone misconstrues what I'm saying as such. However, what I am saying is that you all should be skeptical about these events before automatically jumping to conclusions about what's really going on. For a community that prides itself on being more critically thinking than the normies sometimes I see people here falling for obvious traps when really they should know better.
Let's go over a few things concerning these events. First of all, Yellen has been loud in giving her support to these protests: "Today’s action to sanction Iran’s Morality Police and senior Iranian security officials responsible for this oppression demonstrates the Biden-Harris Administration’s clear commitment to stand up for human rights, and the rights of women, in Iran and globally," she added..
Same with Blinken: Secretary of State Antony Blinken also announced the fresh sanctions against the morality police, saying, "The Iranian government needs to end its systemic persecution of women and allow peaceful protest. The United States will continue to voice our support for human rights in Iran and hold those who violate them to account." (From the same article).
So we have here two swamp rats representing our current government's stance on this uprising by placing sanctions on people within their government. This is before any facts about this woman's death have even been proven. So far it's only dubious reports alleging that the authorities brutally bashed her head in. Their government claims that she died of heart failure. Now I'm not saying that it's impossible or even improbable that the accusations could be true but I'm saying that we don't know and are relying on the reports of western media and NGOs. Is any of this starting to sound familiar? If it is, it's because this has been the basic modus operandi of western intelligence-manufactured regime change for decades.
Now consider for a moment the fact that Iran has been assisting Russia in Ukraine recently by sending them arms. Is it starting to make sense how this looks more like an engineered attempt at ousting a pro-Russian government in attempt to isolate Putin? Again, you don't have to like Iran's government or Russia's or China's or whomever else (God knows there's plenty of criticism to go around) but you do have to understand that they are effectively the only nations pushing back again the NWO in our geopolitical landscape. The CIA/MI6 is good at what they do. They know how to package revolutions to make it palatable to western audiences. As long as they can paint protestors as virtuous underdogs taking on big mean tyrannical governments they know Americans will eat it up and ask for seconds.
For a more in-depth look this guy does good coverage of geopolitics
Well, it seems like we're now reaching that part of the timeline where our predictions are unfortunately coming true. Many more stories are now coming out of vaccinated people "unexpectedly" dropping dead out of nowhere as I'm sure many of you are aware. As the rest of you most likely have people in your own lives whom may have been vaccinated (ofttimes against your pleas), I think it would behoove us to have a list of resources on hand to help guide them and avoid letting them become a statistic.
I have seen a few good recommendations here and there on this board, but unfortunately I no longer have the links on hand. I'm also sure that as new information comes to light we'll begin discovering newer and more effective treatments to protect against the vaccine's adverse effects. If you know of any, please share them here.
God bless everyone.
"But is the spirit of the people an infallible, a permanent reliance? Is it government? Is this the kind of protection we receive in return for the rights we give up? Besides, the spirit of the times may alter, will alter. Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless. A single zealot may commence persecutor, and better men be his victims. It can never be too often repeated, that the time for fixing every essential right on a legal basis is while our rulers are honest, and ourselves united. From the conclusion of this war we shall be going down hill. It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for support. They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded. They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and will never think of uniting to effect a due respect for their rights. The shackles, therefore, which shall not be knocked off at the conclusion of this war, will remain on us long, will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights shall revive or expire in a convulsion." -Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia
"My Dear Laurens, our countrymen have all the folly of the ass and all the passiveness of the sheep in their compositions. They are determined not to be free and they can neither be frightened, discouraged nor persuaded to change their resolution." -From Alexander Hamilton to Lieutenant Colonel John Laurens
Just a couple of quotes I found that resonated me during a time where I think we all are feeling some fatigue with sheep still blindly sleepwalking around. It's somehow comforting to know that this is a problem the founding fathers themselves had to contend with.
I'd like to take you on a brief detour for a moment from the current audit and scamdemic. Along with these two on-going events I believe that the GME saga is the most important current scenario currently playing out, and yet I rarely see it discussed here. Now to be fair, I understand why since it seems to be unrelated to Q. Or is it?
Now I'm going to say upfront that I have no concrete evidence Q has their hand in this, yet there are some things that raise my eyebrow. Firstly, the timing of everything. Granted, it could be a complete coincidence, yet the fact that the mother of all short squeezes (henceforth referred to as the MOASS) is happening now of all times what with everything else going on, is highly suspect imo.
An event that will unravel our rigged financial system, including the FED, which in some peoples' opinions (mine included) is the root of elite control in this country at the same time that the DNC's fraud is priming to be exposed is interesting to say the least. I'm talking people who are otherwise asleep to what's going on suddenly learning the extent of corruption in the economy and are becoming angry and seeking justice for 2008. Don't believe me? Go to reddit's superstonk subreddit and check out what people are saying. I mean we're talking reddit of all places here, the bastion of blue-pilled myopia. Who's to say this event won't lead normies to start down a rabbit-hole of research which will lead them to other verboten truths?
The other thing that I find peculiar about this whole story is the Q-like cryptic posts being left by Keith Gill (aka roaring kitty) and Ryan Cohen, the man seen as the savior of Gamestop. Here's one such example:
That was a picture posted by Roaring Kitty on twitter some weeks back that show the date that Gamestop's stock closed at $164 dollars. Again, very specific. We're talking levels of fore-sight with very particular details that could only be exposed by someone that seemingly has access to future events. Project looking glass perhaps? Now, does that mean Roaring Kitty has access to project looking glass? Doubtful, but there's definitely something here that warrants further research imo. These types of posts have gotten redditors, the most blue-pilled of human beings, to start questioning how much of what we see playing it out is some sort of simulation.
Another topic often discussed on reddit has been the blatant news media manipulation that nobody can deny any longer. Lots of pictures have been circulating on there about the extent that the media is going to in order to get people to stop paying attention to gamestop, which is severely backfiring in their face.
Here's some examples that have been shared there:
Etc, etc. Nobody doubts how the media is controlled there anymore. Again, this seems to be prime material to get many normies to start questioning the entire system. And this time there's a financial incentive to go against the narrative. A LARGE financial incentive.
Needless to say to anyone who's followed GME even only on a surface level, when the MOASS happens there's going to be a lot of newly-minted millionaires and billionaires who are outside the cabal's control. I mean, we're talking thousands of people who are going to be rich and without the system of blackmail to control them. People who will put the money to good use instead of financing subversive GMOs and buying up all of our resources for personal control. Sure, some of them will probably spend their money on some stupid things like yachts or whatever. But some of them will be patriots.
What might patriots be able to accomplish with 100's of millions or even billions of dollars at their disposal?