They updated their data because they are an aggregate of data and hadn't updated it since August from their sources... you can look at the data that they were sourcing from and see there were updates in that time that show the increase in voter roles was not just added to fit a narrative.
And let's REALLY think about that... You suspect that some deep state entity has the culpability to create the greatest voter fraud ever. While states with Voter ID can't find a single case. While forgetting to doctor the registration roles?
I went to check out that link you provided, because I like to actually do research. But it appears to be down?
Also if you could provide a link to the manual you are talking about as well that would be great.
And my final point.
Do you even know what Benford's Law is? If not I'll explain it for you and why the fuck it isn't proof of voter fraud in the slightest.
It really seems to me that for someone who calls out someone for not doing their own research... You really quote a lot of easily debunked memes.
Also, I'm using their words not mine. All elections have a few cases of election fraud.
There was no voter fraud that would have changed the outcome of this election.
And can you actually point me to an individual being charged with voter fraud for Biden this year? Because I can only find cases in 2020 for Trump voters.
Can you point me to a case of over 100% voter participation? Because I'm assuming you mean the post that went viral talking about the World Population Review data.
Well that data was polled from 2 different sources. Particularly the voter registration numbers hadn't been updated since August. After they updated that data suddenly all of the numbers returned back to normal ranges.
Yes a higher turnout on average. But the highest state was MN at 80%. And MN is always the state with the highest voter turnout.
No, I've actually looked into the cases and evidence pretty thoroughly. I'm actually doubting you have done any research if you truly believe in widespread voter fraud.
Do you do your own research, or wait till Q tells you what to believe?
Or perhaps you know more about the law than the Trump appointed judges that threw out the cases? Or Trump's attorney general? Nah they are all RINOs now I forgot.
One thing ya'll are good at is gaslighting.
If it wasn't affecting the country so much I'd just laugh at you idiots.
Must be shitty to live in a delusional bubble of hatred.
Good luck to you and your mental health.
Ok in 6 to 9 days time I hope to see you all come to terms with that.
For some reason I fully expect in that time however ya'll will have latched on to some other cryptic message and find some meaning that resonates with you in it and forget all about the other times Q was completely wrong (oh I mean everytime)
After all, gotta trust in the plan. Even though we don't know what the plan ever is. Or who Q is. But TRUST THE PLAN! Oh and MSM lies to you, never trust them.
And when none of this happens... what will your excuse be?
Honest question because do you intend to move the goal posts forever, or will you ever accept that just maybe you were led along?
ok snowflake.
I'm not the one that is delusional and still clinging to debunked and thrown out evidence. While at the same time having an aneurysm calling someone on the internet a retard.
That said... you do appear to be lacking in some cognitive facilities.
How am I shilling by simply fucking calling you out on your bullshit. You have yet to provide me wiith ANY of the evidence I've requested because it doesn't fucking exist.
The one link you provided doesn't exist. The manuals you talk about I can't find ANYTHING ON.
You read headlines and take them as fact and call me the fucking retard.
For a group of people who insist on doing their own research. Ya'll do very little of it.