I’m going to pick Adam Schiff. There are many others probably more worthy, but I really loathe the guy.
*error in title: hopefully more like 1000, 100 was a typo. But…even 100 would be nice right about now…!
3 years ago I had a basal cell carcinoma removed from the left side of my face. It was traumatic. About 6 months ago I noticed an identical, scaly little growth on the right side. Same position and everything. I haven’t gotten it checked out because I really don’t want another hole in my face. Not in denial, just more like avoidance of reality.
Last week I took the horse paste prophylactically. No side effects, no worms that I could see.
Tonight, though, I noticed that the scaly spot on my right cheek is completely gone. Is it even possible that the ivermectin could have reversed the skin cancer? And so quickly (6 days)? I don’t know what to think here. Has anyone had a similar experience?