I've been looking for it to show some Frens but cant find it..

Thanks in advance!

The vote for Speaker of the House has begun! Round 1: Jordan vs Jeffries (www.youtube.com) 🐸 JORDAN THE FROG 🐸
posted ago by LRAD ago by LRAD

Not a doomer post, just an observation.

Blade Runner is a favorite movie since childhood of mine. Turned on 2049 tonight and at about 31:29 into the movie, 10 days of darkness is mentioned.

Needless to say, my little lightbulb went off as that phrase has been a staple in Q references. I compared dates and Blade Runner 2049 released in theaters about 1 month before Q drop 97 mentioned the same phrase.

Was it foreshadowing or an inspiration garnered from the movie?

Again, playing Devil's Advocate here and curious what others think?


A few mins later a Jesus looking Jared Letto (ya we all know his real life cult like Epstein-ish island lifestyle) shows up in a kimono speaking biblically. A replicant (android) is delivered to him seemingly pregnant. He appears to be seeking a replicant's ability to birth but it fails so he kills her...

This is strange..

That's all.


Elon's pick of CEO has ruffled our feathers. Did his choice bring the limelight onto her while simultaneously keeping the extreme left weirdos on Twatter to show them the bullshit? Maybe..


Not trying to make a tread for specific financial advice as much as I'm am curious about what people are doing or considering doing with their current investments.

I for one am thinking about cashing out a 401k I have. I'm not currently contributing because I'm between careers as a result of moving my family out of the pits of hell (westtern WA Seattle area). As part of the move we faired very well taking advantage of the inflated housing market and are debt free so we can hold over while I find a new career.

Since the Friday banking fiasco, I have already lost 4k in my 401k! 3 friggin' days! Instead of watching my investment tank, I'd rather take the early withdrawal hit and hold cash and a fair amount of bullion.

I'm just a normal working man and really don't know much about investments. To me it seems right now it would be wiser to hold your assets in something tangible rather than watch my "money" on a computer screen rapidly disintegrate.


Starts around 23:17


I know this interview has already been stickied, but I found this bomb dropped by Renz very disturbing and I want people who didn't listen to be aware of this information.

Nearly all of us at least for the foreseeable future are done with any vaccine but there may be friends and family still on the fence and even though they don't want the jab, they are still getting or considering getting their "flu shot".

Hopefully, passing along this info will stop some people from getting it.

As for me, I was unable to convince my best friends to refrain from getting the jab. One literally started nursing school when the plandemic happened and she has been "boosting" ever since and just graduated nursing school.

I was very serious with her and her husband about their decision being their own, and I convinced them to not jab their kiddos. It worked, unfortunately the whole family just got their annual "flu shot" πŸ˜”. The whole damn family got sick as hell about a week later. Hopefully, it didn't contain the COVID mRNA bullshit but I won't be surprised if time goes by and we find out millions more were duped into it.



The two big theories on this announcement right now are:

POTUS announces his bid for Speaker...


POTUS draws attention to himself to force the Cabal to cast as False Flag just like he did with his presidency bid causing Ukraine to "accidentally" cast a missile west into Poland in an attempt to ignite WW3...


POTUS announces he can end the Russia/Ukraine conflict and broker peace between them with no more casualties or endless billions spent?

We know POTUS has a good relationship with Putin. If he can assure the people that he can establish resolution between the factions that satisfies Russia and simultaneously stops further action against Ukraine, everyone wins.

How does the MSM combat this notion without exposing their neverending war agenda?

Trump is the truth teller and peace keeper..

Edit: r/agedlikemilk πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜”

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