I know the video is useless for you guys, posting it anyway just cuz:
Here's a quick and dirty translation:
People greeting the general
off camera fucking propagandist: General!
big dick General: Nope, not talking to the press
off camera fucking propagandist: General, did the President got admitted to a hospital yesterday?
big dick General: PFFF, fake!! stop making shit up!
big dick General: Ok guys, the President is well, he's seeing a bunch of people, there's no problem, ok?, do not lose faith, that's all I can say to you right now
patriot lady(who gets emotional): We are waiting in the rain and all 😥
big dick General: I know ma'am 😔 Just.. you just have to wait a bit, ok? I can't say more
tldr: they are clarifying that even though it didn't prove fraud, it didn't exclude it either, it also points a bunch of fishy stuff they are urging the TSE to look into.
Interesting development to say the least
Full note translated:
"In order to avoid distortions in the content of the report sent yesterday (9.11) to the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), the Ministry of Defense clarifies that the accurate work of the team of military technicians in the inspection of the electronic voting system, although not pointed out, it also did not exclude the possibility of fraud or inconsistency in the electronic voting machines and in the 2022 electoral process. In addition, the report indicated important aspects that require clarification.
which are:
there was a possible security risk in the generation of programs from the electronic voting machines due to the occurrence of computers accessing the TSE network during the compilation of the source code;
the functionality tests of the polls (Integrity Test and Pilot Project with Biometrics), in the way they were carried out, were not enough to rule out the possibility of the influence of a possible malicious code capable of altering the functioning of the voting system; and
there were restrictions on the adequate access of technicians to the source code and software libraries developed by third parties, making it impossible to fully understand the execution of the code, which covers more than 17 million lines of programming.
As a result of these findings and other obstacles listed in the report, it is not possible to guarantee that the programs that were executed in the electronic voting machines are free from malicious insertions that alter their functioning.
Therefore, the Ministry of Defense urgently requested the TSE to carry out a technical investigation into what happened in the compilation of the source code and a thorough analysis of the codes that were actually executed in the electronic voting machines, creating, for these purposes, a specific commission of renowned technicians from society and technicians representing the inspection entities.
Finally, the Ministry of Defense reaffirms the permanent commitment of the Ministry and the Armed Forces to the Brazilian people, democracy, freedom, the defense of the Fatherland and the guarantee of Constitutional Powers, law and order."
Here's the link to the article:
Translation courtesy of Google :P, I was gong to translate it myself, but I'm lazy, and the results of the machine translation is pretty good.
edit: I should point out a kind of important fact about this, the report, from the beginning was not about auditing the recent electoral process, but to test the system itself for vulnerabilities, and this particular endeavor has proven inconclusive, here's a more serious summarizing of the report's conclusion:
- The system is complex and composed of many moving parts
- The tools provided and stipulations set by the TSE (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral, or Superior Electoral Court) made it difficult to make a complete assessment
- They made suggestions to be better able to test the system in the future
- They did found some vulnerabilities in what they call the "Compilation, digital signature and sealing of the electoral systems", which warrants better investigation
That's about it in my view.
An interesting point is that they specifically state the fact that the source code has over 17 million lines... reminds me a lot of the dominion machines, there's precisely 0 reasons for a system that's only supposed to tabulate votes having 17 million fucking lines of code....
----------------------------- End of edit, OP below ---------------------------------------------
Sorry to disappoint fellas.. our fantastic armed forces have done a great job at providing absolutely nothing, here's the skinny:
Yeah we tested the thing, but we couldn't really conclude anything because it's really hard, so here are some suggestions to make it not so hard for next time!!!
I know a lot of you were hoping the military here would bring the hammer down on the degenerates and so serve to show some idiots on your nation what's happening, not gonna happen.
I knew it wasn't gonna happen... but at the same time I didn't want to slash hopes, having hope is a good thing, until it's gone of course.
Here's a link if anyone's interested, you can put it through a translator or something if you feel like it https://www.jornaldacidadeonline.com.br/noticias/43697/urgente-finalmente-relatorio-das-forcas-armadas-e-revelado the entire report is there.
So yeah... that's that.
I didn't want to bring bad news, but there's no other way to put it.
For what's worth though, I do believe your midterms results weren't at all bad, I really feel you're in good shape, and I still have hope for the US, and as long as the US stands, civilization will not fall.
That gladdens me :)
"Last night, I was honored when Sidney Powell called me and asked me to serve as lead counsel for her in defending the frivolous defamation lawsuit filed against her by Dominion.
I quickly accepted. Get ready to rumble, Dominion. You made a mistake suing Sidney.
You are going to pay a heavy price.
Sidney and I will not be intimidated. We will not go quietly in the night.
Hey Dominion, I will see you and your employees and officers soon as truth is pursued and established.
I will see you across the table where you will be subjected to a thorough and sifting cross-examination under oath. I know how to deal with legal bullies like you.
Check my record."
BOOOOOOOOOOM, he's out for blood
In his latest video at 32:00 DJT has a 757, he calls it the Trump Force 1 (apparently he did so even before he became POTUS), and, correct me if I'm wrong, but ANY aircraft that is currently carrying the POTUS is designated AF1 right?
Who is the legitimate POTUS?
So, at any given point, he can be perfectly insulated/protected, on his own 757, which would be technically AF1, abroad.
Heck he could be in the Bahamas right now and we wouldn't even know it, he doesn't have all the MSM jackals following him around anymore.
Just an interesting thought I felt like sharing :)