LeatherApronAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

My main was banned @catsfive I would like it back on. No reason to ban an account with as much post & comment karma as mine had.

I’m not the only one either, people are getting a bit concerned with GA being hijacked. We see posts warning of bans like this & yet obvious astroturfed posts make it to front page without ever being removed.

My account was one of the Top 20 contributors at one point until i could t post daily due to work. Waiting for a new account to have handshake removed so my posts aren’t shadowbanned .

LeatherApronAnon 11 points ago +11 / -0

You KNOW thats where they are headed with this, 1000%.

LeatherApronAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here you go, it’s Chass btw. He has a new channel so he doesn’t post to this one much any more. But it has a ton from years past including word for word your post: https://youtu.be/l6af2tYCXqk

Also, when this was posted to 4chan, the same week the US military announced hundreds of millions to be spent for underground warfare training & equipment.

LeatherApronAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was solely by a GA Mod who is relatively new. I will also say here now that one of the mods on GA is a Obama, HRC, Biden supporting Trans supporter from Canada who voted for Trudeau twice.

LeatherApronAnon 4 points ago +4 / -0

My main that was banned has multiple long posts detailing Subud & the timeline proving he had to be the father. How Ann was in Indonesia for a time then left, came back, got pregnant, left again to Africa for a time while she was pregnant to try & create the lie of his birth. Obama's grandmother worked for the Hawaii Social Security office stopping the processes post-death of someone's identity to ensure its no stolen. Yesterday, John Wayne's(?) daughter comes out with the proof it was stolen.

Whats even more crazy, is Loretta Fuddy was also in Indonesia at same time as Dunham at the Subud Cult complex. I have a post of the original uploaded go-pro footage of the plane crash & aftermath of her murder in the water by frogman.

Unfortunately, some new douchebag GA mod banned my main account last week.

LeatherApronAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Get that lizard nonsense outta here. Unless we’re using that as a term for the question then I’m ok with it but that would require more foreknowledge of the “plan” to which I’ll never be privy.

Alas, it’s probably someone who hates Hillary like we do and helped write the speech, duh!

LeatherApronAnon 3 points ago +3 / -0

I see you've chanced upon Chaz's YT channel. :)

Midnight Broadcast is another 4chan bread gem.

LeatherApronAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

It doesn't really matter what they call it, as long as they hold the reigns over nearly all media, head of state and military worldwide, they'll just reinvent a new phrase for the following generations that are made subject to this shit & repeat the lie until people believe it.

Unfortunately, we are at an impasse where tptb hold full control over the false dichotomies of the zeitgeist.