Liberal_Educator -5 points ago +4 / -9

First off, full disclosure; I am a liberal. I freely admit that. At least, I always have been. But I don’t know anymore if what I’m doing is morally right or not. So I’ll just fill you in. I am a professor at a major university, and my wife teaches K-12. I also work with the FBI on the east coast from time to time, it is the nature of my degree. I will not identify myself any farther than that.

But I feel I must tell you, the comments made recently about “deprogramming” Trump supporters and “re-educating” them (see Katie Couric, PBS Council, Eugene Robinson, etc) could not have been more truthful. We educators have been programming the next generation of Americans for decades. It isn’t obvious, but we teach in a manner that pushes our agenda and at the same time make the children believe that it was a conclusion they came to by themselves. I myself have willingly pushed this agenda, and as educators, we all received our packets weeks ago, outlining the next steps once Biden was sworn in; new pedagogical methodologies and talking points to obliterate all that Trump has done, and to paint the Right as ‘Terrorists’. For example, Biden pulling the 1776 report was just the first steps. So what you hear from the MSM isn’t supposed to be talked about, especially out in the open. Thousands and thousands of students I’ve indoctrinated; thousands my wife has molded into good little liberals, every university, public school, government office, elected official, police department heads, and military officials are in on it. If you don’t think so, explain how this happened when 2/3 of state governments are Republican controlled, and Trump appointed literally HUNDREDS of judges, cabinet members, and LOYALISTS throughout the government over the last 4 years. And still lost.

We all knew Biden would be elected since early in 2019; LET ME REPEAT THAT. We KNEW Biden would be elected. And I’ll tell you something else that has come down the federal (read: FBI, CIA) pipeline; Biden will win again in 2024. There is literally nothing that can stop that from happening, and if you think there is, you haven’t been paying attention since November’s election.

I have always been a willing participant, but lately, IDK if what I’m doing is right or not. I really believe it’s for everyone's best interest that we all go along with the agenda, but after people died on the 6th and you guys got blamed for it, I just don’t know anymore… and now Biden is signing EOs left and right, undoing everything over the last four years.

That’s all I have to say, take it or leave it. It is what it is, and nothing can change it now. I just wanted to clear my conscience before it all either falls apart, or leads to a better life as I was told. You be the judge.