It's not a DS psyop. It was a Trump psyop for reelection so people thought he was taking the swamp down while he wasn't.
Supposed. Who is filming? Context.
Is that HotWheels the midget in a wheelchair?
Who? Hot wheels? That's like a midget commie.
My only guess would be that the swamp won.
Hahaha. That's actually funny as hell.
Well then let the suffering ensue. There are 70 million Americans that voted for that kid fucker and camel toe. If the plan entailed 4 years of suffering under a commie leader, and being tracked down because you supported Trump, after 4 years of media lies and ridicule, that's 8 or 9 years of bullshit we've had to endure. Nice plan.
I mean I get what you are saying, but the dude just had an election stolen right in the open, and it appears he didn't use the powers available to him to do jack shit about it.
He also didn't DECLAS documents other than maybe the Obamagate stuff which most people already know what went on and D's don't care.
He also didn't pardon Assange.
So, I get why people are like WTF. If elections can blatantly be stolen and we watch the thieves celebrate today, then no election matters now.
Good eye. That is odd. I have my grandfather's flag from when he passed away in a triangle frame and it's crisp. Those look like cheap silky type flags or something.
Agreed. Was a fun community to be a part of and read research and such.
Dude has a lanyard on with a police card in it and his name badge says HUNT.
Well where is it?
I'm sure he had a plan, and it worked, so....
There's no way. That second one in on the left is even taller than the others.
That's weird. And they aren't spaced out evenly which really pisses me off cause it triggers my OCD.
What a worthless organization. Rank and file my ass. Where are the whistleblowers if they aren't corrupt?
Fucking Biff. :-(.
I just watch The Walking Dead finale the other day.
You're welcome here gay Patriot. We all love our country and President Trump here.
We all just love our country very passionately.
I'd spit right on her tits.
Stay safe, Patriot.
I hope regardless what happens, you get back in action Patriot.
Just a different angle. You can find pics of Trump sitting there with ni wallpaper.