Things have been wierd since May 2022. People have been reporting 50%-95% loss in sales. This could lead to Great Depression 2.0 if we don't fix it. There is a way to fix it.

Of course, all this is because the Gov has been trying to bankrupt Humanity to justify the Great Reset. They planned on doing this because they expected to naturally bankrupt the World eventually. The "Babylonian Money Magic" debt slavery system eventually would bankrupt the World and they knew it. They wanted to shift blame on the covid lockdowns which were illegal btw.

Babylonian Money Magic is 3 fold. Your money is stolen by:

  1. Bankers printing money and lending it for high interest.

  2. Bankers monopolizing land and raising rent prices.

  3. Taxation.

All of the economy is tied into a piece of paper called the dollar. In truth, this paper is not needed because all the economy requires is a product, a service and workers. For example, a farmer milks a cow. The farmer is the worker. The milking is the service and the milk is the product. Without money, all these things can still be done but the farmer is unwilling to do it unless he gets money however, if there is little money in the economy, the whole economy slows down since People can pay or get paid.

What if we take money out of the formula to some extent? What motivates the Farmer to milk the cow? Well, the farmer wants stuff too. He may want a new table for his kitchen or shampoo for his bathroom. There's probably tons of items that he wants. So how do we get trade rolling without money? Simple. Barter for Goods and Services.

Bartering for goods is pretty easy. There are many common items People can barter for all the time. Marijuana is very popular and can be bartered for like cash. A $100 bag of weed can be used as $100. Then the person who takes the weed can trade it off to another person if he doesn't smoke weed. I'm just using an example here. Food is very popular to trade as well but it is usually perishable. Non-perishable food is good for barter. Expensive stuff like cars or houses can be bartered for real gold. Online purchases should be the only place cash is spent via a debit card. Save all your money for those kinds of purchases. Barter for goods and services in real life. You can wash dishes at a restaurant for a plate of food. The possibilities are endless.

This way the economy keeps rolling. Believe me, we don't want to live through Great Depression 2.0. It would be a total nightmare. It's better to learn to Barter.

Another quick tip is to only shop at Ma and Pa stores. Give them all the business and boycott major Corporations.


I'm telling you up front that some shills will attack this post as "fake and gay" because they don't want People knowing this stuff but anyone can find out with enough research. They tried hard to conceal it all but it's impossible to hide forever because, as the Bible promised "No stone shall be left unturned."

Apocalypse means Revelation. We are in this era of revelation. This info comes from a decade of research. I can't give one single source on anything. It's literally information from all over the place put together like a massive jigsaw puzzle.

  1. The current Deep State is the remnants of the "Lucifer Rebellion" which happened around 200,000 BC in the local universe. The rebellion spread to a few dozen planets that were still pretty underdeveloped such as Earth. Now it's down to even a smaller area with Earth being a major stronghold.

  2. The Deep State are part of a Satanic Cult and many of them are aliens in disguise. They have technology from 100 years in the future that they use to cloak their appearance. They walk among us in public undetected other than the occasional glitch when they are revealed. This happens sometimes on TV because most of the Hollywood actors and Politicians are literally aliens in disguise. These aliens mostly consists of insectoids, reptilians and greys. They have been abducting Humans and creating Human/Hybrid aliens with them for the past 50 years or so. The hybrids then act as spies and are placed in our population. These aliens have lost touch with their soul (due to their Satanic religion) and are almost like mechanical A/I robots. They just work nonstop to expand their power. They can regain touch with their soul through hard work over long stretches of time. When someone says "he sold his soul", it means he has distanced himself greatly from his own soul. The ultimate goal is to actually go the deepest levels of the soul so when People create more distance, they are actually going backward. The fastest way to distance oneself from their own soul is to conduct evil knowingly and regularly. This also leads to full blown insanity.

  3. The reason many Deep State have black eyes is because there is a reptilian parasite called vrill that crawls into their left eye and hijacks their mind. Now the parasite is in control which turns the subject into a full blown psychopath. Macron was recently seen with the black eye.

  4. There are many dimensions at play at once. Primitive humans can only see in 3D but there are aliens in 4D that we will eventually see once we evolve our ability to see into 4D which is supposed to happen this very generation.

  5. The Black Sun is a higher dimension version of the Sun that can be seen when People enter a portal that travels the universe like a freeway with suns being the exit points. This portal transfers all physical objects into geometric shapes and pushes them through.

  6. All of the universe is made of electromagnetic energy with 99% of all things being mostly empty space. Atoms form into cells and each cell performs their function flawlessly.

  7. Going back to the soul, it is the portal to God and Jesus described going within as a portal to the "Kingdom of heaven within". Outer things cannot save People. They are there for different reasons but going within deep through the mind and soul is the ultimate goal. The pineal gland is kind of like a physical representative of some of this stuff which is why the deep state puts fluoride into our water to block it. The heart is also another major center. Basically the deeper one goes within themselves, the closer they get to God which transforms their outer world in a positive way. The further People get from God, the worst it gets. If the World itself goes too far from God, it becomes hell as you can see now. This part of it is very complex and the World is on the brink of figuring it all out.

  8. The #1 enslavement tool of the Deep State is Babylonian Money Magic. They simply monopolize money and rent it out. Then they monopolize land and rent it out. Then they tax People to death. The best way around all this stuff, for now, is to barter for goods and services along with using money to expand your purchase power. Forget crypto. It's a major trap to totally enslave People. Avoid any brain chips too.

  9. The "mind control" aspect is happening through radio and tv media mostly. Try to avoid these 2 as much as possible. They already put the world in 90% mind control mode but it's breaking free. They call it "Black Magic" which means they are using cell phone towers to send out certain mind altering frequencies plus hypnotism plus suggestion to transform People's lives. How do you think they convinced so many People to don a mask or become a tranny?

  10. The biggest weapon humans have is Unity and when enough human Unite, we generate a mysterious power that makes us ultra powerful. This is why the deep state is so heavily focused on divide and conquer. If we become too powerful, they lose control.

  11. Technically humanity is slipping out of the deep state's grip which is why things are going so haywire. A parallel society is growing while the old world is dying. This is good because, if we can bypass the NWO, the new World will be very free and wonderful compared to what we have ever seen.

  12. Last thing to note is that the heart of Earth's deep state is the Black Nobility. They are the European Royal families who aren't even human basically. They run it from Rome and expand through Europe. Vatican and Italian Mafias are all part of their system. They answer to their superiors who live underground. One way to recognize them is through their blood type which is RH-.

  13. Saturn is one of their main bases. The outer ring of Saturn and the South Pole Hexagon is some kind of device that shoots mind altering frequency waves to Earth. It bounces off the metal moon which is an artificial construct that has ancient computers inside of it. These things are meant to lock humanity in 3D but no matter what, our minds eventually break through to 4D.

  14. Last tip. Life is actually happening in the mind. Physical reality is actually a byproduct of beliefs manifested into physical form. This is again too complex to explain here but it's something they don't want you to know because the less you know about how reality works, the easier they control you.

  15. The commies have remixed the Bible so many times. It is best to listen to your heart and determine what sounds authentic in it. The most heavily revised books are the Book Of Genesis and the Book Of Revelation. The originals are at the Vatican Library and are very secretive but I found small things such as in the Book Of Revelation, it says Jesus arrives after the NWO. This was written by the Deep State to trick Christians into accepting the NWO with the thought that, by doing so, they speed up the return of Jesus. Jesus actually returns when we learn that the only way to make the World work is to alter our minds to line up with Jesus' teachings of Love, Forgiveness, Faith and Unity. If Jesus dropped it, fixed everything and left, humanity would simply screw it all up again until we learn that this is the only way to make the world work. Our time now is to experiment with many alternative techniques to see that none of them work. This makes us wiser and leads us closer to final victory. Once all else fails, humanity tries the last option which is Jesus' message and wins. The Commies know all this btw. They use this knowledge to mislead us into the wrong directions.

Don't be overwhelmed by any of this. All signs point to a future where humans break free. Most likely this will happen as the deep state loses all their support. Without support, they have no power. Military and Police are ditching them faster than ever before. Without enforcers, they have nothing. We will need Natural Law Police in the future though but there are ways for local neighborhoods to control their own Police especially by paying them because whoever pays the Police can fire them if they are disobedient and so locals should pay Police through crowdfunding of some sort.


Dear Agent Smith,

Whether you realize it or not, the top of your chain of command are the 13 Illuminati families who worship the devil, murder and rape kids. They are behind all the destruction of the world and by working for them, you are helping them.

They keep their hands clean because they don't want the bad karma to fall upon their head. They prefer it fall upon yours. They believe in Karma as it is provable on their level of research and they know that all that they do will eventually boomerang on them 1 for 1. This is why they have you doing all the dirty work in exchange for a paycheck which you can get easily from another job.

They made false promises to your leaders about being some kind of a God with his own slaves but once they are done using them, they will end them and laugh at how stupid those "useful idiots" were to sell their souls for nothing.

Selling your soul means devolving your soul or making it poorer. The poorer it gets, the more hellish your life becomes. Is this what you want?

You have a chance now to be a hero by helping us and redeeming yourself or at least join the many other Gov workers who simply quit and abandoned their evil leadership. Go find another job and I assure you, most other jobs are less stressful and you can still make the same amount of money or more.

All this hard work you did for them was for nothing. The promises they made to you are all lies. Once they are done using their useful idiots, they will merely X them. Your soul will go on but it will be devolved and more primitive. You will have to re-evolve it all over again which you can start doing now by helping we the People who are the ones who truly want Peace and Justice Worldwide.

Choose wisely, Sincerely, We The People


I saw this years ago. I think it was said at an Illluminati meetings. General explanation at end.


THE SECRET COVENANT An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive.

Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur. We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute. We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy.

Death will come to he who speaks. We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening.

We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.

The poisons will be absorbed trough their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information. The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear.

We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.

They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help.

We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things. When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future.

When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison. We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they many never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all. Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say.

If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives. We will use fear as our weapon. We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides. We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan.

They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil. Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way. We will make them kill each other when it suits us. We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion. We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how.

We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves. We will foment animosity between them through our factions. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best. We will make them rip each other's hearts apart and kill their own children.

We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend. The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers. They will be busy killing each other. They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit. We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us.

We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths. We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished. We will continue to make them live in fear and anger though images and sounds. We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this. The tools will be provided by their labor.

We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors. We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know! They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal. Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal. We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them.

We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt. When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media.

We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor. When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that. They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons. We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us. The recruits will be called "initiates" and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms. Members of these groups will think they are one with us never knowing the truth. They must never learn this truth for they will turn against us.

For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel the stars. They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment. This they will never know.

The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until its too late. Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves. When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them. This reality will be their prison.

They will live in self-delusion. When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin. Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established from time immemorial. But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW.

If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter. This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans. This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came. This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist.

It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself.


The ones who wrote this aren’t even human. They are interdimensional extraterrestrials who run the deep state. They keep their bloodline as pure as possible to be forever separated from humans although they have hybrids. They are the evil followers of Lucifer aka the fallen angels.

They believe in the Trinity God and hate God and hate Jesus. They love money and power only. They are selfish and only care about themselves. Satanism is an evil religion and following evil causes insanity so they have gone insane.

There is a veil that the human mind hasn’t been able to see but our mind is almost evolved enough to see it and then they cannot hide anymore. Deep State tried to slow this evolution down with various poisoned but they can’t stop it entirely.

The Oneness part is hard to explain but let’s say life is a perfect machine/person with the universe being intentionally imperfect so it can grow back into perfection and pick up important experiences from it. Part of the journey involves a battle between good and evil. When we connect to the Kingdom Of Heaven Within, our soul reattaches to greater life and feeds from it. Goodness comes from greater life and so this goodness now works through us and can fix real life problems here on Earth. It feels like waking up so as we awaken, we see the evil and jump to fix it. The deep state are in the same boat as us but they are using technology to create a barrier between greater life and their tiny body/soul which prevents goodness from entering it. This is how they become so evil. The problem is they will reap what they sow and so they know their era of riches and power will one day end by our hands. The only thing stopping us from getting there is a disconnection between our soul and greater life which they manipulated us into long ago to weaken and enslave us. All people improve when reconnected, even the most evil because it’s like a screw. A screw alone is nothing but a screw in a car is great because a car is so useful. Our tiny soul is like a screw but it is not just a screw. It is a part of greater life or specifically the “body of Christ”. This stuff goes deep. They know once the reconnection is made through repentance (returning to Source), we will become so empowered that we can save the world as a People with God’s power. And since we are all just parts of the greater whole, there is no such thing as inequality. Is the nose better than the ear? No. They just hold different purposes. And so why should anyone bow down to anyone if we are technically equal. And although we are equal, we all have different needs so being equal doesn’t mean we all need the same resources. What we do need is the ability to self-perpetuate ourselves meaning the ability to climb the ladder of success in a fair environment. Then everyone pulls themselves up as they wish.

This understanding then debunks the lies about Kings being greater than us. The King and homeless person become equal and so the deep state loses a lot of power since nobody bows down to them anymore.


Believe it or not but this is gist of some of the spiritual secrets they have hid from humanity. They admit our united effort would decimate them and they know unity is power is they push divide and conquer as much as possible.


Deep State believes in karma aka “reap what you sow”. They know secretly screwing over the people would destroy them via bad karma so they just tell people what they are going to do to lessen bad karma.

Here’s the trick.

Deep State often threatens to hurt people if they don’t obey them. This is usually enough for people to comply and by complying, they agree to be screwed over but if they don’t comply, deep state simply threatens again and again. If you don’t obey them regardless of all the threats (ie threat letters from lawyers), then they will have to act out on their threat or fold. Usually they fold because if they act out and attack you for no good reason, then they are directly violating your free will by attacking you for not obeying them and this kind of attack destroys them through bad karma.

For example, let’s say the deep state said you have to get get your kids vaxxed or else they will hurt you. Don’t vax them. Let them keep threatening. If they end up hurting you, they get BTFO naturally.

The deep state believe in God. They just hate God. They have enough proof of God in their hidden files and they can prove karma exists. Karma is just a an indicator if ones own actions are positive or negative. It’s a teaching tool. Hurting someone for not committing evil is something that produces a LOT of bad karma which eats them up.

Your job is to fearlessly take the threats and if they want to make a move, so be it. If you can remain fearless and hold faith that good has the upper hand, you will win. If you fold out of fear, you lose.

One deep state member admitted that they have been reducing bad karma by manipulating people to volunteer to do stuff they don’t want to do but all the little bit of bad karma has become like a flammable gas that is now surrounding them and it’s extremely combustible at this point. This means they know that, even though they reduced bad karma, they made so much of it, that it’s about to BTFO their entire operation.

I’ll give a quick example. They rigged many convenient stores to sell mostly unhealthy food but they did but a small bit of healthy food to not violate free will. You have to dig for it but this reduces bad karma by not making the store entirely bad food. Then when you pick up the donut and eat it, you did so on your own free will.

The bottom line is that, when you are wanting to do good over evil, choose good even when the deep state threatens you. Hold strong no matter what the threats are. You will usually make it out without anything happening to you but if you fold, the deep state wins and you usually lose something like money or freedom.

All this is related to the way God programmed the universe experience and is represented by the Biblical verse “reap what you sow”.

Now it’s much easier to defy the Commies because you know how to use the rules of the game to beat the game.


Awakening means understand Commie Tricks. Here are a few I researched deeply over the past decade and here's what I learned:

  1. Punishment doesn't work. The main reason it exists is to draw out money and slave labor from Civilians mostly in the form of fines. Punishment makes things worst because it is a 2nd punishment. The 1st punishment are Natural Consequences (aka Karma) which Naturally punish someone. The Biblical "reap what you sow" verse is real and the Government knows it. This is why they announce what they are doing to lessen bad Karma. Yes, sometimes a person who murders or rapes must be jailed for some time but most people in jail are drug dealers and users. Putting them in jail actually makes them worst and ruins their lives. A lot of them lose their jobs, ect... I'm not saying that selling crack is good but the solution to the crack epidemic is not jail. There are very clear cut solutions to dropping crime by 99% within 2 years which is for another post and jail is not it. Fines are not it either because those fines actual line the pockets of politicians and their hidden masters making them more powerful. Punishment only deters when there is a watchful eye over the subject but once that watchful eye is gone, the bad behavior resumes. The bad behavior is a substitute for the good version of that behavior (ie making money selling drugs versus making an honest buck). The key to ending bad behavior is showing the person how to get what he wants using good behavior. In the end, punishment is a MASSIVE money making scam that brings in ridiculous amounts of cash to the Deep State. This also weakens the Middle Class who lose the money.

  2. The legal system is mind control. Some pedos you never met write millions of laws that you are expected to follow or be punsihed with fines or jail which means you essentially become the deep state's slave. Natural Law is Natural (don't kill, steal, destroy, assualt, rape, ect..) and doesn't need written law to back it up. Everyone knows it's wrong. The bottom line is written lie gives mind control access to the People and makes the deep state tons of money. The legal system is written in legalese which is lawyer language in order to confuse the People and force them into hiring lawywers who often work against their own clients for money that is split between the other lawyers and the Judge. Millions of laws and crime hasn't gone down one bit which means people cannot legislate morality. The damage done by written law is much more than what would be without written law. Natural Law always exists and so do Human Rights even without written law.

  3. The Deep State tried to control all forms of positive influence by infiltrating Churches, Governments and News Media. Don't trust anyone with a giant reach especially no politician or major CEO head.

  4. The Communists desperately want to convert People into their New Age religions that link to Egypt and Babylon. They already have false prophets out on social media who say many nice things but then finish off with New Age commentary (ie they talk often of Godess Worship, ISIS, tarot cards, ect..). Btw, they hate Christianity because it is too close to the truth and they hate the truth because Satanism, a religion of lies and deception, cannot exist in the same world as Christianity (a religion that values truth and honesty).

  5. A false "Blue Beam" holographic simulation might hit soon with some aliens or a fake Jesus saving the world. Many will fall for the deception but it's actually the Deep State using technological trickery to fool the masses.

  6. The deep state remixed the Bible many times especially the Book Of Revelations. After some digging, I concluded the 2nd coming happens with at least 50% of the world practice love, forgiveness, unity and faith as Jesus advised. Jesus knew it would take many years before we tried his method of Life philosophy but once we do, and we see it works, we will adopt it forever. The Deep State knew this so they moved the meaning of salvation from this philosophy to Jesus' death being a sacrifice for salvation. Jesus, in fact, chose to die to prove that death isn't real and to leave the world before he was worshiped which he didn't want.

  7. The poison in the food/water/air plus cell phone towers work together to oppress the mind which has evolved so far that we are on the brink of a Spiritual breakthrough which is like an upgrade. When the upgrade happens, the deep state will no longer be able to control us. They came up with a counter on this by creating a virtual world where people can upload their mind to a virtual world (meta?) and if they do, they are again enslaved by the deep state. This virtual world conpsiracy is called "The Great Transition".

  8. The deep state does everything to convince people that their is an external savior but they don't want people to know that they are their own savior both on the worldwide level and on the invidividual level and all it takes is listening to your heart with absolute trust instead of listening to outside communications. Communications from the outside should be weighed on the heart to see if they are true or false.

  9. There are shills on every board pretending to be Patriots that argue against truth tellers because they are afraid of the truth being spread out.

  10. The Rothschild family manipulated people to worship money instead of God which means people are doing services for money instead of doing services for the love of their fellow brethren. This has led to the deterioration of the health care and other industries. The Biblical Mammon represents the money God. This doesn't mean money is bad but worshiping it is extremely dangerous.

  11. Family is the cornerstone of society which is they the Communists seek to destroy it.

  12. Fascists and Communists are 2 sides of the same coin. They pretent to be enemies and even sometimes kill each other, but they are controlled by the same hidden masters.

There's tons of Commie tricks but this is a good base to start opening the mind with if you didn't already know this stuff. We have to keep expanding the truth because truth geniunily sets us free. Even when the truth is ugly, our knowledge of it begins to heal it and improve the situation.

Just wanted to share this stuff because if I don't, the Commies will keep tricking unsuspecting Patriots.

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