LiliesOfTheField 2 points ago +2 / -0

No No No ... this is another extension of the vex and remdesvir pHarmakeia concoctions -monoclonal antibody cells reservoired [grown] in animals. In the case of this dostarlimab it is grown in the ovaries of hamsters and meant to be taken by transfusion or injection [sound familiar?]. You cannot inject foreign animal cells/dna into your body to fix your health, it will just cause other problems as remdesvir and the shots have been shown to do. Most cancers are already "curable", one simply has to choose to look for the real info on what is causing the cancer and then information on certain plants and substances like baking soda [mined, not waste from manufacturing processes like A&H], ivermectin, acv, H2O2, quinine, etc etc and make those changes to a more raw plant-based consumption. So many want someone to just give them a pill or a shot and the corrupt part of the medical community feeds off that. Keep in mind also that the medical community does not generally tell people that many diseases/illnesses are a result of parasitic organisms, or complicated/made worse by parasitic burden. Viruses are man-made and also reservoired in animals to effect gain-of-function which is a common way to describe weaponising to live in and infect/damage humans.