I'm in a big company (until they enforce the injection mandates soon)... over the last week or so, MS Teams, Google business services and other business services have had issues that prevent users from connecting normally or at all. These have been apparently concentrated around particular cities/regions each time - meaning, not software update issues but physical location issues.
Software updates, especially "security" updates have been painful for quite a while now, but recently problems have come from the third-party suppliers many industries rely on. Today for example, it seems there is a Chicago Google services issue. Oh and Office 365 is now having trouble, again. Yesterday Zoom was slow or timing out. The day before it was something else external preventing a large region of users from even logging in. Something similar to this happened last week. All big corps are going more cloud, esp with amazon. What Could Go Wrong (WCGW)?
While fakebook is very public-facing and attention-getting, I'm not seeing industry people talking about the many outages in a very short time window. Are you all seeing any of this, pedes? Theories? (Adjusts foil hat) Because I'm hoping without evidence that there are white hats in there taking snapshots, fixing things (like restoring Trump's account lol) and tagging CCP agents...

I recall that the fellow said he stopped counting around 31 because it was too just much. He noticed clear date-region cluster patterns, East Coast then West Coast then mid-country, etc.
Was having a discussion with builders and someone with a connection to timber industry noted that timber was NOT short nor selling at high prices. Only MILLED LUMBER is short and costly. I tried to pull up what I thought I'd saved, but either I missed or it's gone?

There are a LOT of empty positions in districts and precincts- GO GET THEM. We should already know that organizing ourselves on social media is more damaging than useful. We need to get together IN PERSON with fellow MAGA, and be ready in the GOP to exploit the infrastructure, funds and organization to clean out RINOs, compromised and corrupted, fix policies and laws that allowed them to creep in, strengthen every level of the republic against communist encroachment, FROM THE NEIGHBORHOOD LEVEL ON UP. I did it, I'm in and making contact with Magalorians left and right, prepping strategies to red pill voter-regret and get-along moderates alike. It takes one person to break the ice and start the avalanche, BE THAT PERSON. And show your kids how to be that person, too.