Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I took that to mean not all designers were doing it with genocide in mind. The lack of accountability or liability together with maximization of profit pretty much guarantees poor quality control over least-cost country facilities, meaning all kinds of toxins, contamination, bad products where stuff just precipitates out and only the adjuvants get into the blood. For our family, the burden of proof is stratospherically high at this point.

Litecola2 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's okay to force the conversation. Let anyone come at him accusing of bias and show 'evidence' to the contrary. They'd still be proving the correlation, highlighting the insane discrepancy between outcomes in vax vs non-vax families. This is why they won't engage- they know that any conclusion based on facts is bad for their side, and therefore we must force the conversations.

Also from a biochemical perspective, it's not bs- the immune system attacks from youth make the developing brain and body much more susceptible to everything than intact, strong systems are. It's like comparing a person who lives in a polluted city, starts smoking and gets lung cancer, with a person in the country who smokes a pipe all their lives and never even coughs. The cumulative system attacks add up, and the sharp tipping point proves that- would fully healthy kids be as susceptible to the perverted programming? We will see in a few years, as the plandemic kids who didn't get full vax schedules as babies grow up.

Litecola2 11 points ago +11 / -0

Did they, though? Court cases on phone agreements and some software agreements have ruled they are too long and complex for an average person to get through on a reasonable amount of time and that they are written in legalese that the average person won't fully comprehend.

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Food deprivation is a standard mk ultra/monarch tactic on their subjects, according to several survivors. I'm guessing Hogg, who really doesn't look like his parents IMO, is a favorite party favor.

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to researchers in Europe and the other of a facility that uses graphene oxide in the fabrication of computer processor, graphene oxide poisoning has documented effects on the senses of smell and taste. N-acetylcholine (NAC) supplements or food high in it will help the body boost glutathione levels, which clears toxins like GOx. Please consider looking into following up your therapy with some increased NAC intake. We are exposed to GOx in many ways, amazingly, and the injected got concentrated doses. I do not know whether they leak the stuff, but it's in our food and environment as well.

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are ridiculously good; though all the ones we've tried seemed very strong flavored (merlot, cab-sauv and one other I can't recall atm), although with lots of layers. Hopefully your vintner can hook you up with the right balance for your gift.

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's sneaky, creepy, and entirely plausible. I got hooked on chicharrones (pork rinds) made fresh, with meat still on them, at this local Mexican butcher shop. Got my parents hooked on cheese crisps and we started buying blocks of cheese and making our own blends.

Recipe! Melt the cheese on medium-high, and just as it's starting to crisp in the pan, break an egg into it. You can leave it easy or hard; I scramble mine with seasoning (everything bagel!) and sometimes add-ins, depending on garden availability and leftovers. Just before the cheese is at your preferred hardness, litter the heat to finish the egg and add-ins. Before it's hard, you can fold up the sides of the cheese crisp like a bowl (if you hold the walls up they will harden that way), or over the egg like a crepe. Looks really nice on a plate and tastes fantastic.

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

We've been experimenting with all sorts of things here, zone 7... What growing zone are you? (Assuming USA)

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

This isn't the only cooking video out there, tons of people are making them now. Maybe you could try your hand at it, the things you describe sound great! Plain fruit might need a bit of dressing up, though, like fancy cuts, to make them more photogenic.

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

They totally do change; I got my parents to try things they'd eschewed for years because they didn't like them. They find they now loved them! Also they found that since things they'd always liked a lot didn't taste good to them anymore. They could not say the flavors had changed, but the amount they liked them did. We use that as well example to the kids, so that they'll try stuff and then try stuff again a year or two later, because taste buds change. Olives and avocado got added to the kids menu recently...

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Understanding that you proved citizenship and didn't have to fight every line item, but did they ever provide backup for their valuation?

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow, I had seen clips from this presentation but not the whole thing! Battle for Disclosure, it has a watermark from Edge of Wonder for a minute or so at the beginning, but I could not find this in either Sather's nor the EoW channels in Rumble. Of course they've been wiped from YT. Worth finding (in English, although the German narrator's voice is pleasant).

Litecola2 3 points ago +3 / -0

More reason to make sure that the crazy bad guys are neutralized first, so they don't blow a crater into the planet. They don't care about normie death, that's painfully obvious.

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I could do without the camel side story but if that helps convince TPTB to think he's harmless and leave him alone, fine. I do point to his government schooling founded by the Rockefellers episode so people can see why it's working exactly as designed, very good for red pilling.

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looks like: "give us a list of all the research going on now, all the projected laundering programs and all the people involved."

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Following to track and/or in case I come across it. Also just in case, are you 100% certain it was Sather?

Litecola2 6 points ago +6 / -0

President Trump's use of the past tense when talking about Hilary is quite interesting. Yes, he does say afterward that she's going on about the election today, but he said she was nasty, doing nasty things. Not any suggestion that she still is. Interesting.

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

We've had issues as well, been continuing to go to virtual masses but only Catholic, Greek Orthodox. Our 'membership' lapsed yet we don't want our kids to have paperwork issues when they're ready for confirmation, marriage... Looking around now for options, painfully aware that they want you to be tracked at one location (through weekly donations in person of course) for a couple of years for them to do anything with you, while freaking Madonna bought herself a cathedral wedding and Biden and pelosi still haven't been excommunicated... Ugh.

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't like taking a phrase by itself out of the greater context, but Peter also writes, how can you manage the church family if you cannot manage your own. And the apostles were married. Jesus never said His cousin's hermetic lifestyle was the one for everyone. Many examples of why celibacy isn't mandated by God. Now Christianity of any sort isn't a man made religion, just a human administration, and if course Jesus knew man is imperfect. Yet He still started His church with Peter and we must follow His intention even if it means cleanup and constant guard, which we dropped long ago. It's on us.

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

We can add soul-saving, to be brotherly, because truly Jesus doesn't want to lose any soul, but we can pray that danger is removed or nullified too.

Litecola2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Because the bad guys still have to deal with each other. Since they've made sure regular folks don't understand the language of fiat, petrodollar, the entire international stock exchange, etc , the elites can still communicate among themselves with only a few of the normal population noticing or understanding. The important comms in this area are the ones that MSM will not cover, for example bank seizures, major debt position changes...

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure that ignorance is going to work as a defense for something like continuing to take orders from people or things you know are wrong, like getting chipped, for instance, or paying bad guys like Bezos or the whole Disney enterprise. Is there a 'good way' to use a ouija board, serious question. Start to think whatever you want, just start to think!

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Us as well, which is going to become a thing as we've not kept up with registration and the young uns may have trouble later without Ze Paperwork... Looking at Old Catholic, who apparently perform sacraments that are accepted by Roman Catholic, but allow married priests, and Greek Orthodox, who are very much dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

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