A typical cold or even the flu are viruses so Ivermectin should wipe them out as well, correct?
Have been taking Ivermectin, one dose per week for the past month, now have a runny nose, scratchy throat, slight cough, slight headache ... also have been taking, C, D3, Zinc, Q, B1, daily.
Wonder if cranking up Ivermectin to daily for a week would knock out what I expect might be a normal cold. Really don't want to get EO rubbed up against my brain blood barrier and from what we've seen, the tests aren't valid anyway.
He doesn't watch the news due to all the misinformation (good). Realizes that things are weird and going to get weirder from the global supply chain perspective (good). Wife is a nurse, dermatology I think. But ...
He took 2 shots, had slight reactions to both, will wear a mask whenever asked and feels it's his social obligation to vax, mask up and lock down whenever told. His nurse wife says 80% of the Covid patients in her hospital are non-vaxed. Of course, I don't believe that and since she's not working in that area, she'd only know what they tell her like the rest of us.
Due to the ultra liberal HR idiots and the fact that I work for a Nordic socialist company that is a pathetic, weak copy of the deep state, I'll likely get fired for not vaxxing soon. Definitely one of the hills I'm prepared to die on. Screw these assholes.
Thanks to our Awesome Mods for coming up with this flair, you all rock!
Hey Frens, looking for that photo of the Taliban in the AFG president's office that showed a red baseball hat (assumed to be a MAGA hat) on the bookshelf behind them. I thought I saved it but haven't been able to locate it. Thanks in advance.
Interested in everyone's thoughts.
My company HR is saying that since the company isn't a medical provider, HIPPA doesn't apply so they can demand to know my vaccine status. I don't think that's correct is it?
As the final signature was scrawled on to the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson said "so it is done, Nothing Can Stop What is Coming".
Shit post but a reminder of what still needs to be done.
Just thought of an analogy which might help someone.
The large gate is listening to MSM and not doing your own research
The small gate is working to discover the truth and not blindly listening to what they tell you.
Recently took the mandatory annual Competition Law training for the clown show of a global org I work for. It always struck me as odd that they harp on Cartels in these training programs but mum is always the word when it came to OPEC, which is a cartel by its own definition. It finally dawned on my thick skull that since all the currencies are tied to petrol currency, that's the elephant in the room no one can discuss openly.
Another piece to the corrupt puzzle is put in place, at least as far as my own perception and beliefs go.
"The cause of America is, in a great measure, the cause of all mankind. Many circumstances have, and will arise, which are not local, but universal, and through which the principles of all lovers of mankind are affected, and the event of which, their affections are interested. The laying of a country desolate with fire and sword, declaring war against the natural rights of all mankind, and extirpating the defenders thereof from the face of the earth, is the concern of every man to whom nature hath given the power of feeling; of which class, regardless of party censure, is the author."
Philadelphia, February 14, 1776
I don't have twit so I'm not sure but it seems Ted hasn't been flaming anyone lately.
Thought just occurred to me which might have been mentioned before but it just percolated up for me, I'm slow, lol.
For optics Trump can't be the one arresting people for election fraud and treason, it has to be the military. The military must appear neutral. This woke B.S. and other nonsense they are doing gives the impression that they are working for the current admin, right? If they outwardly refuses any of that, it would indicate they are still honoring Trump as POTUS. Trump isn't the one uncovering all the election fraud either.
With this military wokeness and when the public arrests go down, the left won't be able to say that the military was working for Trump the entire time.
Live in SE Wisconsin (hey, at least it's not Illinois) and Fleet Farm has always been 30% or so unmasked and the unmasked number has steadily been increasing. The grocery stores have been almost 100% masked, today I ran in for a quick item and almost 40% were unmasked.