LordCunnart 4 points ago +4 / -0



January, WHO says stop using high PCR test cycles, gives false readings. Suddenly positive cases massively plummet.

For that reason, the tests can be manipulated to give as many false positives as one wants, Sweden has stopped using PCR tests, says they are pointless.


LordCunnart 1 point ago +1 / -0

For what this is worth, and on this instance only, as I'm not trying to defend or debate any side, just to try to be factually correct: The intent of that quote is wrong for the context he said it in. It is on video, watch all the video. He is saying, that history shows that as the health care in a country improves, people have fewer children as less children die, as they don't need as many children to try to still have some make it to adults.

So, through better health care (including the use of vaccines), population growth will be slowed.

It's a subtle but important difference.

Human population growth if left unchecked just lowers the standard of living for everyone, so it's not unreasonable to look to slow the growth.

A country needs a birth rate of about 2.3 kids per couple to keep growing. So if globally, people stuck to 2 or less kids, there would be a natural reduction.

Hence better health care naturally encourages that.

We see this already in Western nations, a birth rate below 2 she's their numbers already shrinking. Hence why immigration is used to grow the numbers and from countries who have bigger families. (And who, once settled in countries with higher standards and better health care, also start to have smaller families).

Western economies need continual growth in consumption, hence ever more numbers of people.

And therein is the issue, we can't have, under current Western economic models, continual economic growth and at the same time reduce (though slowed birth rates) overall numbers of people.

There doesn't need to be a sudden mass kill off, just a subtle change in the balance of births Vs deaths to see, over a few generations, a depopulation trend.

And so back to Gates saying vaccinations to cause depopulation, yes, he did, but not for the intent it's always misquoted as.

Watch the video, under 4 minutes, open mind to the intent. Will make sense.


LordCunnart 3 points ago +3 / -0

In Jan 2018, WRIT sold all it's shares of Skylab USA Inc to 180 different shareholders. And then there were further movements.

I'm no expert, but I don't think WRIT own Skylab anymore.


Skylab USA Inc doesn't look look like it is publicly trading shares