President: Donald J. Trump

Vice President: Devin Nunes

Secretary of State: Matt Gaetz

Secretary of Defense: Gen. Mike Flynn

Secretary of Homeland Security, Border Patrol, Immigration: Kari Lake

Secretary of Treasury: Ron Paul

Attorney General: John Kennedy (Congressman from Louisiana)

FBI Director: Bernie Kerick - to shut it down and create something new

CIA Director: Adm. Mike Rogers - to shut it down and create something new

Department of Education: Shut it down and return power to the States

Department of Health and Human Services: Shut it down and return power to the States



Coming to your town, too!

"Diversity" only benefits the parasites. It destroys the producers.


Although I do not agree with some of the underying things Dr. Lee Merrit says here (so-called "spike protein," for example), she states some VERY startling information.

Humans have ACE2 receptors, which upregulate certain things.

I would add that the "gain of function research" is to figure out how to create harmful bioweapons that target these receptors for the purpose of damaging or killing specific groups of people -- based on genetics.

These bioweapons are most effective against White Caucasians.

They are still effective, but slightly less so, against black Africans.

Less effective still against Asians.

But they may be completely ineffective against Ashkenazi jews.


Now, I still question even this, because ...

  • Why would Amish (i.e. White German or Dutch) and Finnish (also White) be excluded from the White genetic profile?
  • Why would African blacks be different from non-African blacks?

Still, it seems that if these bioweapons are targeting anything in the human body that is different between races -- and especially if Ashkenazi jews are not affected -- then it explains A LOT.

Most of today's "scientists" (so-called) and "researchers" (so-called) do NOT think for themselves. They do NOT investigate the truth of anything.

Instead, the are told by "experts" (so-called) that certain things are true, and they believe these people WITHOUT FURTHER INVESTIGATION.

They may be told lies, but believe them because they will not "fact check" their "experts."

We could have many people in laboratories doing "Ace2 research" when, in fact, they are actually figuring out how to genocide, but without realizing that is what they are really doing.

Only their boss or their boss' boss' boss knows the truth, and what the results of the research really mean.

This is probably why gain of function research has been offshored.

Just in time for Christmas ...

Will Santa or Scrooge be visiting your local stock brokerage account?

Looks like Scrooge is mighty strong, here at all-time highs.


The organization behind the lawsuit in Colorado that was to get Trump off the ballot is called CREW.

Who are they, and what are they all about?

Let's dig ...



One of their main tactics is lawfare -- trying to use the courts to do what they cannot do in honest elections:

They are trying to get Trump off the ballot in Michigan:

CREW filed an amicus brief with the Michigan Court of Claims asserting Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment ... challenging Donald Trump’s constitutional eligibility to serve as president and appear on Michigan’s ballot.


Next up will be members of Congress:

Sixteen members of Congress have spread, or at least entertained, a conspiracy theory that the January 6th insurrection was an “inside job” led by the FBI, according to an analysis by CREW.


No lawsuits, yet, but you can see where this gang wants to go: lawfare against anyone you don't like.

This action by CREW smells A LOT like something the ADL might do:

CREW is suing Customs and Border Protection for records on Border Patrol Agent Brandon Judd, who has touted the far-right “great replacement” conspiracy theory that Democrats are deliberately “replacing” white Americans with immigrants to skew the electorate. The theory is deeply rooted in white supremacist ideology and is linked to several racially-motivated mass murders carried out in the U.S.


Smells a lot like the ADL.

So, who runs CREW?

From a website called "CrewExposed" --

"Who's Who at CREW?"

The idea ... was conceived by Norman Eisen and Louis Mayberg, two lawyers who often donated to Democrat causes.

In 2014, Clinton machine fixer David Brock was elected chair of the CREW board. Brock runs several SuperPACs and 527 groups with close ties to Hillary Clinton. After the 2016 election cycle, Brock ceded control of the board to Norman Eisen, ostensibly to “ensure [CREW’s] public reputation for non-partisanship.” But a leaked memo published in the Washington Free Beacon detailed Brock’s continued influence over the organization and its role in his network of liberal attack organizations.

One Republican that often signs his name to CREW actions is Vice Chair Richard Painter. However, in August of 2016, he endorsed Hillary Clinton in a much-touted New York Times op-ed.

Norman Eisen is an attorney ... After serving as Deputy General Counsel to Barack Obama’s transition team in 2008, he was appointed special advisor to the president for ethics


From Wikipedia:

Norman Eisen ...

... was co-counsel for the House Judiciary Committee during the first impeachment and trial of President Donald Trump in 2020

Eisen's parents were immigrants to the United States of Jewish ancestry

Eisen worked as the assistant director of the Los Angeles office of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

[Surprise! Surprise!]

Louis Mayberg runs a foundation.

Trustees Louis and Manette Mayberg created the Mayberg Foundation as a grant making family foundation ... and are deeply involved in many issues and initiatives impacting how future generations will sustain Jewish values ... Their philanthropic passions include Jewish outreach and Jewish education.


From the CREW website:

Board of Directors --

Board Chair: Beth Nolan.


She was also Bill Clinton's final White House Counsel

Nolan served as a staff attorney under then Assistant Attorney General of the United States, Theodore Olsen.

NOTE: The name is spelled incorrectly on Wiki, as the link for "Ted Olsen" goes directly to the Wiki page for "Ted Olson." Ted Olson was the one who lied about the cell phones and box cutters on Flight 77, by claiming his wife (Barbara Olson) called from the plane.

[from Wikipedia]

When Nolan joined CREW:

Former Senator Claire McCaskill, Stand Up Republic co-founder Evan McMullin, and former White House Counsel Beth Nolan are joining the board of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.


Evan McMullin is the CIA operative who made a big deal about running against Trump in 2016 and tried to get into the Senate in 2022.

The CREW IRS tax form shows that the Bonner Group, Inc. is the company that raises funds for them.


The Bonner Group, Inc. is a leftist company that most likely gets money from Soros and similar, and then dishes it out to various NGO's to make it look "clean."

A list of Bonner Group organziations they obtain funds for includes Media Matters and CREW:


I saw somewhere that it was Republicans who did the Colorado lawsuit.

I think it was CREW, which are mostly libtards, and hard core deep state ones, at that.

Would not be surprised, though, if plenty of RINO's were on board, as well.


Graphine oxide has been found in the Covid vaxx.

A science paper published in MaterialsToday Chemistry reveals that cell phone signals can be used to release biological or chemical payloads from graphene oxide that’s introduced into the human body. The paper, published in September of 2022, is entitled, “Remotely controlled electro-responsive on-demand nanotherapy based on amine-modified graphene oxide for synergistic dual drug delivery.”

The study abstract reveals how a cell phone can emit signals to activate a low voltage current that interacts with Graphene Oxide (GO) molecules, causing efficient delivery of drug payloads

Because of its extremely high surface area and complex structure composition, graphene oxide turns out to be the perfect molecule for delivery of biological or drug payloads inside the body.

Importantly, the presence of a specific frequency of a low voltage current is all that’s necessary to cause graphene oxide to release its payload.

When did 5G roll out?

In telecommunications, 5G is the fifth-generation technology ... began deploying worldwide in 2019

(From Wikipedia)

Where was 5G first deployed?


Wuhan, China, to be exact.

Article from May 2019:

WUHAN, May 27 (Xinhua) -- Central China's Hubei Province has built more than 300 5G base stations and achieved full 5G signal coverage in its prefecture-level cities, local telecom sources said.


5G cell tower signals create micro currents inside the body

5G cell signal radiation results in measurable biological and chemical changes inside the human body.

5G relies primarily on the bandwidth of the millimeter wave, known to cause a painful burning sensation. It’s also been linked to eye and heart problems, suppressed immune function, genetic damage and fertility problems.

The FCC has been captured by the telecom industry, which in turn has perfected the disinformation strategies employed by the tobacco industry before it.

Persistent exposures to microwave frequencies like those from cellphones can cause mitochondrial dysfunction and nuclear DNA damage from free radicals produced from peroxynitrite.

BTW, mitochondrial dysfunction is what causes cancer, according to Thomas Seyfried, possibly the world's expert on the CAUSE of cancer.

Excessive exposures to cellphones and Wi-Fi networks have been linked to chronic diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias, anxiety, depression, autism, Alzheimer’s and infertility.

Radiofrequency microwave radiation causes voltage changes inside the body’s cells, altering calcium channels

Low-frequency microwave radiation opens your VGCCs, thereby allowing an abnormal influx of calcium ions into the cell, which in turn activates nitric oxide and superoxide which react nearly instantaneously to form peroxynitrite that then causes carbonate free radicals, which are one of the most damaging reactive nitrogen species known and thought to be a root cause for many of today’s chronic diseases.

In related news reported by Reuters, French regulators have issued a warning to Apple to stop selling iPhone 12 phones due to the presence of excessive radiation produced by the devices. Apple’s smartphone exceeds the allowable legal limit of radiation. This phone has been sold since 2020.

So ...

5G signals may be used to cause Graphene Oxide to release payloads inside the human body

Connecting the dots on all this, 5G signals can be used to generate low voltage inside the human body, causing Graphene Oxide molecules to release predetermined payloads inside the body.

In conclusion, we have shown here that NGO can be used as a dual drug delivery agent, and the release of drugs can be controlled by an external voltage.

What exactly is inside those graphene oxide payloads? The drug makers will not say.

Graphene Oxide can carry biological or chemical weapons as payloads

In the scientific paper quoted above, the payload was aspirin plus a common cancer drug. However, payloads can be almost anything of sufficiently small size, including both hydrophilic and hydrophobic molecules. From the study, “We have also demonstrated how hydrophilic (ASP) and hydrophobic drugs (DOX) can be delivered by using a single delivery platform.”

This means that potent chemical weapons — theoretically including nerve agents that are fatal at nanograms of exposure — could be loaded into graphene oxide molecules which are surreptitiously delivered into the body via aggressively propagandized medical interventions such as fake vaccines or covid swabs.

Is this why the nurses were instructed to REALLY DIG DEEP into the nose to get that swab? Couldn't a person just spit on something to collect a sample?

... but the real payload delivery won’t happen until a proper 5G signal is broadcast across the inoculated population, using the “release frequency” that generates the required voltage to unleash the payload.

In other words, a 5G broadcast signal at the appropriate frequency could instantly cause graphene oxide molecules to release the payloads into the bodies of those who were previously inoculated with those payloads. This would happen simultaneously, across the entire population that is within range of the broadcast frequencies which generate the necessary voltage in the body.

Is it possible that he fake Covid was the setup to the REAL threat coming next?


If the payload were a nerve agent, the real world effect would be the sudden dropping dead of large portions of populations across cities where 5G broadcast are able to saturate them. If payloads were virus-like nanoparticles, payload delivery could cause a large portion of the population to suddenly appear to be “infected” with a pandemic virus that is spreading at unimaginable speed.

Now, for some really nasty people and what they might be doing to the population:

“Black ink” printed on pharmaceutical capsules shown to be magnetic and may contain graphene oxide

The magnetic field isn’t created by the usual spin of electrons within the individual graphene layers, but instead arises from the collective swirling of electrons in all of the three-layers of the stacked graphene structure, researchers reported Oct. 12 in the journal Nature Physics.

Is graphene being used in the “ink” that’s printed on the side of prescription medications? We don’t know for certain, but the fact that this ink is clearly magnetic is alarming.

I would be willing to bet that THIS is the REAL "gain of function research." They want to TARGET specific populations or specific individuals. They do NOT want it to be harmful to themselves. Therefore, it cannot be a widespread delivery system. It must be much more specific.

Additionally, under certain exotic applications of graphic oxide (GO) materials, those whose bodies are activated by cell tower broadcast could themselves function as electromagnetic “repeaters” due to the ability of GO to function as transmitters.

This could theoretically be used to start a “chain reaction” of 5G cell tower signals being re-broadcast from one person to another. In theory, this could extend a “kill switch” signal broadcast far beyond the initial range of 5G cell towers themselves.

Thus, it is plausible — but not proven — that vaccines + 5G cell towers could be exploited as a depopulation weapon system to achieve near-simultaneous mass extermination of a large percentage of the human population, simply by activating GO payload release with a specific broadcast energy intensity and frequency.


Seems like we need to start talking about ELIMINATING all the 5G towers and frequencies, and going back to 4G.


In a space cadet “whoopsie” of cosmic proportions, an all-female astronaut team recently turned their historic spacewalk into a floating tool bag spectacle. Yes, in a true “Gravity” meets “I Love Lucy” moment, these NASA ladies managed to accidentally launch their very important toolkit straight into orbit.

The tool bag should remain in orbit around Earth for a few months, after which it’ll disintegrate in Earth’s atmosphere.



"Woody Harrelson's dad was involved in the assassination, and he confessed multiple times...He was a professional hit man. He had been recruited out of the military, worked for the CIA, and then worked for the Carlos Marcello mob and he died in maximum security prison for the murder of a federal judge. But he was a very, very interesting character, and he confessed at one time. But then he told Woody the story, which Woody told me."



5:45 -- Georgia county commissioner is drunk and goes apeshit (good look at how some "politicians" really are)

15:45 -- Clip of Rep. Higgins grilling Wray over ghost buses

17:15 -- Responds to viewer saying SOTH Johnson needs to be removed (Gaetz says give him a little time, and if he does not come through, he will suffer the same fate as McCarthy)

20:30 -- Problem with wokeness in the sky. People are being hired for air traffic control who are not competent, and are putting aircraft in danger. A pilot said, "They're trying to kill us." There are no more merit tests for air traffic controllers. It is all woke bullshit and push for "diversity" hires.

30:45 -- Beattie talks about how the system is made up of complex equipment and processes that the people operating them have to be able to do. But the current people are unable to perform the necessary functions to maintain the system, and the system is breaking down. This reminds me of a recent discussion involving Jordan Peterson, where he said the US military did a 100-year study on IQ. They determined that anyone with an IQ under 83 is not capable of carrying out needed funcitons, and in fact anything they do ends up being counterproductive. Soundes EXACTLY like what is going on now with diversity hires in aviation.



What is your red line for Speaker Johnson?

Gaetz: He has to release the J6 tapes.


Will you vote for the Continuing Resolution (CR) spending bill?

Gatez: No. It does not address the spending problem.



TV could show real discussions about real topics -- if [they] wanted to.



Something is off. Limp-wristed Lindsay says the US border is more important than Israel.

Tables turning?



Investors suddenly don't want to buy US Treasuries.

Probably due to massive inflation of the money supply and massive government debt.

If this continues, expect MUCH higher interest rates to come ...


AUG 28, 2023:

West Bank: Spike in Israeli Killings of Palestinian Children

The Israeli military and border police forces are killing Palestinian children with virtually no recourse for accountability.

Last year, 2022, was the deadliest year for Palestinian children in the West Bank in 15 years, and 2023 is on track to meet or exceed 2022 levels.

“Israeli forces are gunning down Palestinian children living under occupation with increasing frequency,” said Bill Van Esveld, associate children’s rights director at Human Rights Watch.


Always two sides (or more) to a story ...


First, you need some sort of justification. You want the world to back you when you go in to commit genocide. Also, moar free gibs from USA would be great.

Next, you want to stage an "attack on Israel," but you don't REALLY want an attack on Israel. So, you find some expendable people who you can claim were attacked on Israeli soil.

A "free love" hippy group that Israelis don't really care much about would be a good target to be expendable.

So, you arrange to have this free love hippy group move their festival to a location right next to Gaza.

Then, you have a hang glider guy with a video camera swoop down and either (a) really shoot at the hippies, or (b) pretend to shoot at the hippies.

Make sure you have phone cameras on the ground, too, to capture all the fear of people either (a) being attacked, or (b) thinking they are being attacked, or (c) faking they think they are being attacked.

Also, you make sure to have the famouse "Iron Dome" and IDF stand down so that the attack can happen.

"Israel's 9/11" ... ideed.

A page right out of the FF playbook.

Still waiting for proof of the babies decapitated and all the other inflated allegations ...


A couple of years ago or so, and on a different website, I ran across a thread of people responding to someone who claimed (indirectly) to be a member of the Rothschild family.

It was a Q & A session, with some interesting nuggets of info/ideas from the "Roth" person.

I thought of it as a LARP, and I found several answers that were not true (but then, what should I expect from a known criminal organized crime family?).

But in the mix, I also found some interesting insights on life in general, and some plausible explanations for what [they] had in store for the future.

This was pre-Covid, BTW.

Anyway, a couple of the posts referenced US law that related to the Federal Reserve System.

There were 3 federal statutes, which "Roth" claimed that if one could understand the statute and combine it with other knowledge about the finanical system, could make a person rich OVERNIGHT.

The 3 statutes are:

31 USC 5116

Buying and Selling Gold and Silver


31 USC 5117

Transferring Gold and Gold Certficates


12 USC 411

Issuance to Reserve Banks; Nature of Obligation; Redemption


Anyone wanna take a crack at it?


Hundreds of former agents of the notorious Israeli spying organization, Unit 8200, have attained positions of influence in many of the world’s biggest tech companies, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon.

The Israeli Defense Forces’ (IDF) Unit 8200 is infamous for surveilling the Palestinian population, amassing kompromat on individuals for the purposes of blackmail and extortion. Spying on the world’s rich and famous, Unit 8200 hit the headlines last year, after the Pegasus scandal broke. Former Unit 8200 officers designed and implemented software that spied on tens of thousands of politicians and likely aided in the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

According to employment website LinkedIn, there are currently at least 99 former Unit 8200 veterans currently working for Google. This number almost certainly underestimates the scale of the collaboration between the two organizations, however. For one, this does not count former Google employees. Nor does it include those without a public LinkedIn account, or those who do have an account, but have not disclosed their previous affiliations with the high-tech Israeli surveillance unit. This is likely to be a considerable number, as agents are expressly prohibited from ever revealing their affiliation to Unit 8200. Thus, the figure of 99 only represents the number of current (or extremely recent) Google employees who are brazenly flouting Israeli military law by including the organization in their profiles.


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