posted ago by MAG768720 ago by MAG768720 +83 / -0

Although I do not agree with some of the underying things Dr. Lee Merrit says here (so-called "spike protein," for example), she states some VERY startling information.

Humans have ACE2 receptors, which upregulate certain things.

I would add that the "gain of function research" is to figure out how to create harmful bioweapons that target these receptors for the purpose of damaging or killing specific groups of people -- based on genetics.

These bioweapons are most effective against White Caucasians.

They are still effective, but slightly less so, against black Africans.

Less effective still against Asians.

But they may be completely ineffective against Ashkenazi jews.


Now, I still question even this, because ...

  • Why would Amish (i.e. White German or Dutch) and Finnish (also White) be excluded from the White genetic profile?
  • Why would African blacks be different from non-African blacks?

Still, it seems that if these bioweapons are targeting anything in the human body that is different between races -- and especially if Ashkenazi jews are not affected -- then it explains A LOT.

Most of today's "scientists" (so-called) and "researchers" (so-called) do NOT think for themselves. They do NOT investigate the truth of anything.

Instead, the are told by "experts" (so-called) that certain things are true, and they believe these people WITHOUT FURTHER INVESTIGATION.

They may be told lies, but believe them because they will not "fact check" their "experts."

We could have many people in laboratories doing "Ace2 research" when, in fact, they are actually figuring out how to genocide, but without realizing that is what they are really doing.

Only their boss or their boss' boss' boss knows the truth, and what the results of the research really mean.

This is probably why gain of function research has been offshored.