I was a little late to the party but have a few other additional times on the post I put up.
Edit: I'm copying the text since this post is getting more traction.
Hello All, Since GeorgeNews has been getting some attention here lately I went and listened/watched their live chat. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Anyways, George had a few interesting drops in the chat that are a potential source of hopium. These were taken during the 31Jan21-01Feb21 stream and the times in the screen shot are Mountain Standard Time. I believe EST is the time to use since that is the time zone the steam/chat is scheduled in. These were the drops that piqued my interest the most. There were others that were for general information.
Drops in chat:
- https://i.maga.host/rEbjhKr.png
- https://i.maga.host/Zy1eAhw.png
- https://i.maga.host/XMJn96V.png
- https://i.maga.host/Hp7WdYW.png
- https://i.maga.host/ITB9SRL.png
- https://i.maga.host/h8l5sIB.png
- https://i.maga.host/hpvsxtE.png
- https://i.maga.host/XWEZxV6.png
An odd thing I had noticed regarding the location pins on telegram was that the GeorgeNews would repeat the pin location in a very short amount of time. These location pins also timeout and disappear after a few minutes. Drop #1 confirms there is more to these than just the location. Every once in a while GeorgeNews will also re-pin a telegram with Save America gear...another potential time and date source???
Location pins I currently have (again date and time listed are Mountain Standard Time)
If you are wondering how legit GeorgeNews is, u/PaineThomas has a good explanation from today's earlier thread.
I'm fairly new to the Q movement. I only seriously looked into Q a month ago. I have not delved into these GeorgeNews date and times extensively. I'll leave that up to the rest of you autists.
MODS: This might deserve a daily sticky to keep track of location pins date/times. ?♂️>
These videos in this guide helped me get up to speed quickly:
If you want to listen to a "red-pilled" astologer, check out Lada Duncheva "AstroLada" on youtube. Her yearly videos are pretty interesting and she just came out with the video for 2022.