It's fun watching the far left fight each over Israel and Palestine. Many of them went mask off. Their support for Hamas is a indicator that they would support or commit the very same acts of murder against political opponents-such as Trump supporters for example. While one the other hand their opposition to and calls for invention, whether it's on behalf of Palestine or Israel, exposes their hypocrisy-given these are same people who screeching "support Ukraine".


The recent FBI raid on the Utah man, who was murdered, serves as an example of what not to do when resisting tyranny. Before I go any further, I condemn the Utah man's intentions-assuming he was serious-it would backfire on the MAGA movement regardless of if he succeeded or not. It would be akin to the IRA assassinating Margret Thacter before Bloody Sunday and other acts of oppression by the Brits-if it wasn't for Bloody Sunday, more people would view the IRA as terrorists.

Of course there's a lack of evidence that the FBI was justified in their actions, chances are this is another of the FBI murdering a wheelchair-bond innocent man who wasn't much of a threat.

The recent raid also serves as a reminder of why OPSEC is important to resisting a tyrannical government. Just ask yourselves: ever notice that these FBI raids always target individuals who telegraph their intentions and plans on social media or in other words bad OPSEC? Had the Utah man-again assuming he was serious-kept his mouth shut and simply didn't post his intentions on the web, he could've carried out his plans, which again I condemn. Of course the fact that these "successful" FBI raids on "alt right extremists" always being people with bad OPSEC, won't stop the left using those anecdotes, as "proof" that resistance against a tyrannical government is futile and mocking militias and MAGA patriots for preparing for it.

The Utah man in the FBI, should serve as an example of how NOT to resist a tyrannical government. One of the biggest threats to resistance, isn't the Military or the FBI-it's bad OPSEC. If and when the day to resist tyranny ever comes, the militias and other patriots resisting must use and practice good OPSEC: that means no social media posts about plans or intentions and no cell phones present.

This isn't a call for action and like I said I don't condone terrorism, but again if you're serious about resisting a tyrannical US government, and want to win, as well as defeat the Left in the 2nd civil war, which will most likely be a guerrilla war-since the MAGA insurgency would be fighting an army that lost to rice farmers and goat herders-just remember "loose lips sink ships".

Plus, currently the Left is underestimating the Right: they think all the militia guy are fat rednecks with no OPSEC and incapable of shooting, let alone winning a battle against antifa or the US military. This puts the right at a huge advantage, but only if good OPSEC is used. Blow away the Left's stereotypical exceptions of the Right, by being more competent, smarter, and use better than OPSEC. And it can it start by not telegraphing plans and intentions, via social media.

I know I know, Patriot Front is a agent provocateur group made by the Feds. I'm not denying that.

Still with cases like the data breach of Parler and Epik, alt tech really need to implement better security measures against threats like data leaks, but also like hacking, malware attacks, and DDoS. Right now there's a huge need for better security for alt tech sites and a big incentive for right wing hacktivism-though that's a different topic, for a different post, on a different day.

Until alt tech platforms can find a trustworthy business that can provide it services to defend against things like data breaches or implement something with on their own devices. We need to take the matter of protecting ourselves in our own hands and use the best information security practices.

Never under any circumstance use your real name and other personal information when you use alt tech sites.

Always use encryption technologies and VPNs. There's a community devoted to internet privacy topics on the win site.

Never use Google. If want their results at least use startpage instead.

Avoid using sites like Facebook as much as you can. If you have to at least use "facebook container"-I think that's what it's called-which is a program that blocks spying

Always change passwords whenever possible, especially if there's been a data breach.

Hopefully, sooner or later, alt tech platforms like BitChute, Gab, or the site we're on right now will find a service that can provide security, or maybe there will be a alt tech service dedicated to cyber-security, you never know.

One more thing, always keep an eye on threats and dangers, whether it be far left terrorism in the real world or far left hackivists in cyberspace. One of the best ways to protect yourself is to stay ahead.

This post is primarily a response to some leftards who suffer from the dunning kruger effect regarding counter insurgency and guerrilla warfare, more specifically the losers at r/ParlerWatch

Disclaimer: do not harass or threaten any of the people mentioned in that reddit page. Also this is not a call for violence.

These wanna be GI joes and Rambos seem to not understand why the US has lost every time it fought against guerrillas/insurgents. Some of them are Veterans who, based on their anecdotal experience, unironically believe the US won in Afghanistan and Vietnam, while others are simply repeating counter insurgency propaganda to own the cons. Here's reasons why they're wrong about the US military winning in a 2nd Civil War/Boogaloo/American Troubles.

  1. The US military tends to kill civilians than the insurgents: This is something a lot of libtards-I know outdated term-don't take into consideration when discussing about how the 2nd civil war would go down. This is proven by their "but Da GoBerMeNt GoT NuKeS" counter argument to the "resist tyranny" argument.

  2. Because of the civilian casualties the US would end up creating more insurgents: It is a known fact that the Taliban gains hundreds of fighters whenever the US kills a few civilians. Oathkeepers and conservative militia groups most likely would benefit from the US government killing civilians during "domestic counter terrorism operations", for example, a drone strike killing a mom driving her kids to soccer in a minivan-gaining 10 fighters for every one civilian killed by the US military-as well as turning hearts and minds against the US government and the left.

  3. The US government would portrayed as the "bad guy" in the 2nd civil war: Regardless if the US military is fighting a white supremacist or progun insurgent group, they would get condemned domestically and internationally, due to the civilian casualties caused by the US army, during their operations against "far right terrorism". Take Israel for example, the world craps on them for even suggesting they crush Hamas. In a boogaloo conflict, the US government will be in the same position as the Israeli: losing PR battles to the "terrorist" group they're fighting.

  4. The US has a lot of enemies that would love to intervene in a 2nd civil war: China would love to arm militia groups with FN-6 launchers, just to make the US too busy to stop them from annexing Taiwan, while Russia would arm them with RPGs out of revenge for arming the Afghan Mujahideen. The best part for them is the US can't declare war against them for that. Take Libya arming the IRA for example.

  5. The US is too morally handicapped: The US is expected and pressured to follow the Geneva conventions in any conflict, even if it's a domestic conflict involving so called "far right terrorists", plus since this is a conflict on US soil, that means that the US army would likely have stricter rules of engagement to avoid civilian casualties. I'm sure nobody would want to fight for a government that accidentally drone striked their wife and kids. Even if the democrat-run US government had the guts to violate the Geneva conventions and commit war crimes in the name of "defending democracy" it would backfire, causing a massive PR nightmare and the previously radicalization of the American public toward the Qanon/pro-Trump guerrilla fighters. Point is it's impossible for the US military to defeat an insurgency without violating Geneva, committing war crimes, and God forbid, genocide.

6.The left has a bad habit of underestimating: Of course these leftards are likely going to lose, they think we're all fat obese rednecks all because of anecdotes they saw on r/BeholdTheMasterRace-I mean there was a scientific article that found that conservatives are hotter and Vice complaining about Gymbros being right wing, but if denying science helps the left cope well. Even fat rednecks can still wage a guerrilla campaign against the US army but using a certain famous weapon used in the Afghan and Iraq war can you guess what that is? Ir Underestimating the enemy is one of the biggest reasons why the US army got it's ass kicked by rice farmers and recently goat farmers. I wouldn't be surprised that will be the same reason why the US army got it's ass kicked by corn farmer in their own country.

Bottom line is the US military would not defeat the oathkeepers, 3percenters, or any right wing militia for the same reasons why the British army couldn't beat the IRA and the IDF couldn't beat Hamas. The only things the US government will accomplish by sending the US army after militias is killing civilians, turning the public against them, and starting another unwinnable forever war. 500 bucks says this article will age like fine wine.